EWW: The Promise

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Gumball: H-hey! Carrie! Waves Carrie! Carrie!
Carrie sees Gumball, but does not answer. Gumball keeps saying Carrie's name several times, but is not heard over the music. Carrie attempts to avoid him by turning away, but Gumball follows her head
Gumball: Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie!! Carrie!!
Carrie: I can do this forever. I don't have bones.
Gumball: Growls
Seems kinda uncharacteristic of Carrie to attempt to completely ignore her best friend like this +1

Also, Gumball says Carrie's name way more than three or even five times here and yet she doesn't get summoned for some reason. Aka, writers can't decide on the rules of ghosts cliché +1

Gumball approaches Leslie, who is sitting in a seat next to a plaque. His stomach is noticeably bulging, and he acts tired
Gumball: I've got such a craving for anchovies, and peanut butter! Oh, uh--Clears throat and gestures to a plaque, which has a sign with a pregnant woman on it Hurry up, please. I'm sitting for two.
They expected this to work. +1

Also why is there even a sign for pregnant women on a school bus? +1

Darwin: Is it because we left you at that gas station on the way to Daisyland on your birthday, but because we were almost there we decided to just pick you up on the way home?
Gumball: Is it because we forgot about you on that camping trip, and you had to sleep under a tent of your own skin and eat a bit of yourself to survive? And you waited for three days in the woods, but then decided to walk home, and got lost? And winter came, and you tried to light that fire with that lighter fluid we said we left you. But it wasn't lighter fluid, it was shampoo? And you got frostbite, and that's kinda why you have no feet?
God damn he just kept going and going and making it worse and worse. And with what Darwin said too, how is this guy still friends with them? +5

Darwin: Whispers Don't worry. We'll work it out.
Banana Joe cheers up at this, and smiles
Awwwwwww -1

Gumball: Dude. There's a new Zelmore coming out.Darwin quickly zips to Gumball's side. They look at each other, and scream with joy
Gumball and Darwin: Yay-hey-hey!
They dance, and laugh maniacally
Gumball: This is gonna be so good!
Gumball runs up his bedside table, and repeatedly falls down
Darwin: Dude! Good so much game, can't words say!
Gumball: Taps keyboard with butt A-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Darwin: Licks computer monitor Pants
Gumball: Dude! The game! Pants The game, dude! Pants
Gumball and Darwin hug
Gumball: Crying The game!
Gumball and Darwin hold hands
Darwin: When it comes out, you and me, buddy, we're gonna buy this game and play it till we're purple.
Gumball: Let's check if there's any more info.
They quickly move to the computer, and Gumball loads the screen
Gumball: There's nothing.
Darwin: Quietly Hit refresh.
Gumball: Refreshes Still nothing.
Darwin: Quietly Hit it again.
Gumball: Refreshes Still nothing.
Darwin: Quietly Hit it again.
Gumball: Refreshes Still nothing.
Darwin: Quietly Hit it again.
Bruh this is legit the most accurate depiction of a gamer's reaction to a new game announcement ever. -10

Buuuuuuut....they did another butt joke. And they were doing so, so well. We hadn't had one since The Virus. That's a 12-episode streak down the drain. +50

Gumball's back is crushed by an invisible weight
Gumball: Aah! What is that?!
Darwin: That's the weight of guilt. Echoing Give in to the nice side. Help those unfortunate, and make the guilt go away, my friend.
Gumball: Back continues cracking Ow! Make it stop! Ow!
Darwin: Surrender to your kindness, Gumball. It's nice to be nice.
Gumball: Gets up, but still struggling Grunts
Darwin: Gasps
Gumball: Your guilt is strong, my friend. But it is no match for the power of my selfishness.
Hahahahahaha! Honestly, Darwin should have seen this coming. -1

Banana Joe: Hey! What do you call a fish with no eyes? A "fsh"!
Laughs, then sighs If a banana makes a joke and no one's around to hear it, does that banana even exist?
The camera zooms into Banana Joe's sad face while Mozart's requiem mass in d minor - Lacrimosa plays
Awww poor Joe -1

Darwin: Hey Joe.
Banana Joe: Gives soda
Darwin: Um, I know you're angry at us. I just want to find out why.
Banana Joe: Well. I've been thinking a lot recently about our friendship. But I just feel that maybe I- Sees Darwin sneaking away] Are you shuffling away from me!?
Darwin: Nooo. I feel like it's you who's moving away from us.
Banana Joe: Well, it's true that recently I've felt a little... Sees Darwin slowly sidling away
Banana Joe: Could you at least finish your soda, and pretend you care for a second? 
What happened to wanting to help Joe? +1

Darwin uses the toilet paper as rope, and he tries to jump out the window. But the toilet paper is too fragile and short, and Darwin falls down. He later wakes up from being unconscious
Gumball: Darwin? Darwin? Buddy?
Darwin is in extreme pain
Gumball: Are you okay? That was quite a fall. Lucky you landed on these.
Darwin gets up on his feet, and his back cracks~
Darwin: Ah! My back! What are they?
Gumball: Pulls out cloth BRICKS! Because I knew you'd bail on me. All of this for your bro-nana.
I get Gumball is mad, but making Darwin land on bricks is a pretty cruel. I mean, he could have gotten seriously hurt. +5

Also, where on earth did Gumball get a pile of bricks from? +1

Darwin: I don't like it when people don't like me, okay? And I promised Bajayay that I'd help him out!
Gumball: What the- Drops Darwin Bajayjay!? You've got nicknames now? You're better friends with him than me. Why don't I have a nickname?
Darwin: But Gumball is a nickname.
Woah, what!? You can't just casually drop the huge ass lore shattering reveal of Gumball not actually being Gumball's real name, move on like absolutely nothing happened and then make us wait until next season to find out what his real name actually is! That's just evil! +25

Darwin: Friendship is more important than some game!
Gumball: It's not about the game! Sad Don't you get it? It's about us. I just wanted to spend some time together. I guess you don't feel the same.
They spend literally every day together. If this is all he wanted they could have done this another day instead. +1

Darwin: Grabs Gumball's face Don't you dare doubt my love! You're the most precious thing in my life.
Gumball: As precious as a diamond dipped in gold Sniffle sprinkled with emeralds Sniffle and all wrapped in a big platinum bow?
Darwin: No dude. More.
They hug, and exhale

Gumball: Come on, big buddy. Let's go, and see Joe.
Darwin: Maybe it can wait till tomorrow.
Both of them suddenly change minds for no reason. +1

Gumball: Alright dude. One ring for "yes," and two rings for "no." Does it hurt?
Banana Joe: Ring
Darwin: Do the bandages itch?
Banana Joe: Ring
Gumball: Are you still mad at us?
A bump in the bus causes Joe to accidentally ring twice
Gumball and Darwin: Aww! We're BFFs again!
Gumball and Darwin hug him. At first, Banana Joe resists. Then he just sighs. Episode ends
After all of that we never even find out why Joe was mad with them in the first place. +1

Total Sins: 64
Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1, 490, 894)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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