EWW: The Meddler

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Gumball gets unfairly abused/punished/humiliated for an entire episode cliché +1

Gumball: Hey, Mom, Dad, guess what? I got a B plus in home-ec today! Miss Simian said my soufflé was divine. Blocks the TV screen
Awwww, seeing Gumball so excited about doing well in school is so adorable! -5

Though Ms Simian...calling something Gumball made divine? Impossible. +1

Nicole sighs and walks up the stairs; scene changes to Gumball's bedroom, Nicole appears behind the door
The door is wide open despite us literally just hearing Gumball slam it shut. +1

Nicole enters the room and sits next to the upset Gumball who proceeds to move away until he falls off the bed
Awww, poor guy was so excited to tell his parents about his day, and now look him. Curled up all upset and hurt. And in trying to 'help' his Mom only makes it 10x worse. Poor guy doesn't deserve all this hurt that comes his way in these episodes. It's just so unfair! +10

Gumball: So, uh, Penny, wanna hang out after school? I'll show you my cartwheel.
Oh wow, Gumball actually tried to make the first move here for once. A shame Penny wasn't available at the time otherwise things could have ended up going a lot faster with the two. -1

Gumball: Giggling Okay, no problem. I love you Penny.
Penny: Walks back What?!
The way she says this sounds as if she's surprised, but she knows full well that Gumball has a crush on her. This should not have been a surprise in the slightest. +1

Also, Gumball/Penny make their love for the other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere cliché +1

Nicole: Gets out of the locker and dusts herself Well you said you wanted more attention, so I followed you to school.
She should know full well this isn't remotely what he meant by that. +1

Gumball: Embarrassed Aw Mom, if you're seriously going to follow us around all day, do you really need to hold my hand?
Nicole: Yes.
Why though? They're grown-ass kids, they don't need their Mom holding their hand like they're toddlers. All this does is humiliate them in front of everyone at school, and Nicole should know this  +5

Nicole: And it's not all day, it's all week. I took the night shift.
Nicole works in accounting, right? What accounting job has night shifts? +1

Runs away and bumps into Principal Brown, who was drinking coffee, and his face gets splashed with hot coffee
Nigel Brown: Ah, it burns! Grabs a can of paint and splashes it on his face My eyes! What was that?!
Gumball: Uh, I don't know!? Paint?
Nigel Brown: Grabs chlorine and does the same; the hair on his face falls out AH! My hair! What was that?!
Gumball: Uh, uh chlorine from the pool?
Nigel Brown:Grabs fertilizer and does the same; his hair grows back DAAH! What was that?!
Gumball: Uh, fertilizer?
Nigel Brown: Ah, uh. Regains composure Oh, I guess it's alright then. But that's still two hours of detention, for potentially damaging my beautiful face!
Nicole: Really, Principal Brown. You need to be firmer than that!
Gumball: Huh?
Nigel Brown: Oh okay. Four hours detention!
Nicole signals Principal Brown to increase the detention time
Nigel Brown: Eight hours?
Nicole approves with a thumbs up and a wink
Nigel Brown: Hm, good. See you in detention, Watterson.
Why would she go out of her way to get Gumball such a harsh punishment like this? She could very clearly see him running into Principal Brown was an accident and that he didn't mean it. Between this and the holding hands, is she trying to get Gumball to hate her? Cause if so she's doing an extremely good job at it +10

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