EWW: The Debt

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Gumball: I'm waiting right here for Mom to drive me to "Elmore Senior Talent Show." Looks at pamphlet Mr. Robinson's headlining.
And so begins to Gumball and Darwin's borderline creepy obsession with Mr Robinson for no explainable reason +1

Speaking of, why is only Gumball this excited to go to the show? Darwin is just as obsessed with Mr. Robinson as he is. +1

Darwin: And you're not invited. points at pamphlet, it reads: STRICTLY NO GUMBALL
How cruel do you have to be to ban a specific child you don't like from your show. Especially one who is your neighbor and adores you. +1

Gaylord: exhales relaxed Tonight's the night, Margaret. This town is finally going to see the real Gaylord Robinson.
How cruel do your parents have to be to name you Gaylord? They might as well have painted a giant target on his chest at school whilst he held up a giant "PICK ON ME!" sign. No wonder he's so grumpy and bitter in his old age. +1

The Robinsons' car passes by and then goes in reverse, Darwin and Anais get on the sidewalk
Gumball: screams in fear, as the car goes slowly in reverse to park Save yourselves! It's too late for me!
Darwin: Just get over on the sidewalk, dude.
Gumball: Please remember me, guys, so I'll always be alive in your heart. cries
Sigh Look, I get Season 1 Gumball wasn't as smart as his Season 2 onwards self, but he's still smart enough to simply move onto a curb to avoid getting hit by a car. And since this is only one of many times the show portrays Gumball as much less intelligent than he really is, I'm gonna introduce this...

...Writers make Gumball and/or Darwin uncharacteristically stupid cliché +1

Gumball: Woo! gets in a praying position Oh, dear Universe above me, thank you for the gift of Mr. Robinson. I swear on my life, I will repay this debt. falls back to Earth
Okay, ignoring the fact he shouldn't have been flung anywhere near that high, how is he talking right now? He's in space, he should be suffocating. he also somehow survives the fall back too, a fall which shouldn't have happened as he was in orbit so he should have started orbiting Earth as he got pulled rather than immediately plummeting back down again. +5

Gumball: referring to the sign What's this hazardous object doing in the middle of the floor? takes the sign and carries it away Mr. Robinson can trip over it. There. Safely out of the way.
Gaylord: slips on a puddle right there where the sign stood Whah, no!
Mr Robinson somehow conveniently happened to mimick the exact pose on the sign. The chances of him managing to end up pulling the exact same pose are astronomically low. +1

Also, Gumball is smart enough to know what a wet floor sign is. Aka, writers make Gumball and/or Darwin uncharacteristically stupid cliché

Gumball: runs towards Mr. Robinson Mr. Robinson, you're choking! does him the Heimlich Maneuver
Gaylord: Gumball! What the...?
Mr. Robinson's heart falls out from his mouth
Dude did the Heimlich maneuver on him so hard it somehow ejected Mr Robinson's heart. +1

Also, Mr Robinson somehow didn't immediately die after this. +1

Gumball: happily So, I saved your life, right?
Gaylord: angrily NO, you darn near ended it! Now leave me alone!~
Why didn't he just say yes here? All Gumball wanted to do was save his life and if he had simply said yes now, Gumball would have been satisfied and left him alone. +1

Gumball: NO! I refuse to let you go! opens the tanning machine He looks so peaceful... grabs a defibrillator CLEAR! zaps Mr. Robinson
Where the hell did he get those from? +1

Gumball: Welcome home, Mr. Robinson! I booby-trapped your front door!
Gaylord: Why?
Gumball: To protect you from intruders. All you have to do is ring the doorbell, like so...
Gaylord: Wait, why would an intruder ring the-?
Gumball rings, a big red ball crashes the front door and hits Mr. Robinson
Gaylord: Ohh...
Gumball: Are you okay?
He just got hit hard by a bowling bowl. What do you think? +1

Gumball: exhales I'll never repay my debt to Mr. Robinson... I failed you, Universe! cries
D arwin and Anais lean out of the fence
Anais: with tear Poor Gumball.
Awwww, it's nice to see Anais actually showing she cares about Gumball for once, to the point where she's actually tearing up at seeing him so upset. For a lot of the series, especially Season 1, it often seems like she just finds him annoying and stupid, and doesn't really care about him that much, so these rare moments where she shows she really does care are really nice to see, and I honestly we'd gotten more of them. -5

Darwin throws a brick at Gumball
Gumball: Ah! breaks in pain
Anais: I said throw near him, not at him!
Gumball: Ow! Oh, it's so painful. Oh man, that hurts. Ow, I'll try to walk it off! back cracks Ow! Bad idea! Ahh! Owww.
Hahahahahaha -1

Anais: Okay, Darwin, here's the plan with a graphic explanation We drop heavy sand bags near Mr. Robinson. Gumball will notice and push him out of the way, just in time to save his life. finishes the explanation Got it?
She believes Gumball would actually pay attention enough to notice something like that +1

Gaylord: I wanna be free... his voice goes higher, lights shatter, the building's glass shatters, the Robinsons' car window cracks, Mrs. Robinson is sent in a small driving frenzy, which ends with her crashing into a lightpole, breaking it, and having an air bag hit her face.
Okay, I know glass can actually be broken with someone's voice, but absolutely not to this scale. +1

Gumball: in slow motion NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!The camera changes constantly between Mr. Robinson, Gumball and the lamp
Rapid dramatic camera cuts cliché +1

he lamp finally unplugs but Gumball pushes Mr. Robinson out of the way saving him
Gaylord: realizes what's just happened Oh, my gosh! You really did... save my life.
Eh...I doubt that would have killed him. Seriously injure maybe, but kill? Highly doubt it. +1

Gumball literally just potentially saved this dude's life and not only does he care more that his performance was 'ruined' but the entire rest of the series he isn't any nicer, more welcoming or more lenient to Gumball in any way. I get he's a grumpy, angry old senior citizen but you'd think after the kid literally possibly saved his life he would cut Gumball at least a LITTLE slack. +5

Gaylord: Thank you, everybody!
The platform where Darwin and Anais are standing starts going down, crushing Mr. Robinson
aaaaaaand he should be dead +1

Total Sins: 22

Most Sinned episode so far: The Third (59)
Least sinned episode so far: The Debt (22)

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