EWW: The Kiss

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Nicole: Now, kids, while we're gone, I want you to do what you Granny Jojo tells you.
Considering how she later acts in The Authority, is she sure telling them to do everything she says is a good idea? +1

Nicole: Richard, those go in the trunk.
Richard: Huh? What does it look like I'm doing?
Nicole: That's the gas tank!Gumball, Darwin and Anais laugh
Nicole: Stop laughing at your father, he tries very hard
They're kids, what do you expect? +1

Gumball: Mom, I've been talking it over with Darwin, and I think I'm old enough not to have Granny Jojo kiss me on the cheek anymore.~
Nicole: Why don't you want your Granny Jojo to kiss you on the cheek?
Gumball: I'm just not into the whole kissing on the cheek thing.
Nicole: But she's your Granny Jojo.
Gumball: So? Can't we just...shake hands?
Nicole: She's your grandmother and you are going to let her kiss you on the cheek! 
Gumball actually opens up to his Mom and expresses that he isn't comfortable with granny Jojo kissing him anymore, and suggests a perfectly reasonable alternate, but she still forces him to go through with it anyway, completely disregarding his feelings and discomfort. Aka, Niccole is a terrible mother right now. +25

Darwin: I like getting kissed of the cheek. It makes me feel special!
Anais: He's right, Gumball, it's not the end of the world
Darwin and Anais are pretty inconsiderate here too. They wave away his discomfort as 'Oh it's not a big deal stop being a baby' without even considering that there might be a lot more to it than that. He could have very real, very valid reasons for being so uncomfortable with it and they didn't even hesitate to simply wave it off as him overreacting, +10

Nicole: Hurry, Richard, she'll be here any minute!
Richard: I know, I know!
I get Nicole not wanting to be around Granny Jojo, but Richard? She's his mother who, in later episodes, he seems to have no problem spending time with. +1

Darwin: Granny Jojo!
Granny Jojo: Hello, walking fish. kisses Darwin on the cheek Where's the blue one?
Granny Jojo knowing Anais' name but not even bothering to try and remember Gumball and Darwin's makes it pretty obvious who her favorite grandkid is... +1

Anais: Come on, Gumball, just get it over with.
Gumball: Well, it's easy for you--
Again Anais just completely downplays and disregards Gumball's discomfort +5

Gumball: Well, it's easy for you-- gets kissed on the lips
Gumball gasps and his pupils shatter

So...if Darwin's story in The Skull about Gumball kissing Sussie wasn't true, then that would technically make this Gumball's first kiss....

...either way he did not have a good first kiss experience. +1

Granny Jojo: Hurry up with those bags, Anais;
Granny Jojo pronounces Anais as "An-eye-is" +1

Darwin: Anais?
Anais: Struggling with the suitcase Kinda busy here!
She gets the suitcase up the driveway and up to the bottom of the stairs pretty quickly, but then struggles the entire rest of the day and night getting it up said stairs and down a hallway. +1

Also, are those whiskers? Since when did she have whiskers? And why are they not always visible like Richard's? +1

Darwin: Something's wrong with Gumball.
Gumball: In a high-pitched voice She-she... she kissed me! She kissed me!
Anais: She kisses all of us, get over it!
He got kissed on the lips. You saw it. Don't act like a kiss on the cheek is the same as a kiss on the lips. Especially when it's from a grandparent. +1

Darwin: You okay, buddy?
Anais: Aah, look out!Bag falls and hits Gumball, showering him with Granny Jojo's garments. Gumball removes her dentures from his mouth, looks at them, and screams
Granny Jojo: Anais, you be careful with Granny Jojo's bag!
Anais: Yes, Granny Jojo. Darwin, you get me in trouble, take care of Gumball.
What? She lost grip of the suitcase and let it fall down the stairs, how was that at all Darwin's fault? +1

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