EWW: The Limit

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Anais: Mom, instead of milk, can we have chocolate milk?
Nicole: No.
Darwin: Instead of eggs, can we have chocolate eggs?
Nicole: No.
Gumball: Instead of bread, can we have chocolate bread?
Nicole: No
She's refusing to get them any chocolate yet has marshmallows and rainbow cake in her trolley, which are equally unhealthy. +1

Also,  why don't they just go and buy some candy themselves with their pocket money and then go and eat it in the car or something? +1

Gumball: Screams and cries while lying down and bangs on the floor] I WANT THAT CHOCOLATE!
Nicole sighs, and just as Darwin and Anais copy Gumball, Richard starts screaming
Okay, I get Gumball,  Richard and maybe even Darwin doing something like this, but Anais? Sure, she's only four but she's more way mature than the three of them combined. it seems extremely unlikely for her to ever do something like this, as well as all the other childish things she does throughout this episode. +20

Darwin: You know what we should do? We should make full-sized paper models of ourselves, set the car on fire, and push it off a cliff to teach Mom a lesson.

Gumball On microphone Customer announcement! As support for our campaign, Huggy Bites are offering a life-time supply of jelly beans for the first to mega-hug the blue lady in aisle three
How did Gumball manage to get access to the store's microphone like this? Surely someone would have stopped him. +1

Anais: What would it take, to make all this, go away?
Richard: Eighty-twenty. And throw in some Huggy Bites as well for tricking me and those poor customers.
Hahahahahahaha -1

Nicole turns back and gives a powerful and deadly death stare to Richard that somehow blows all of the items off of the shelves. Richard stares in disbelief as his chest goes limp
and this is why you never mess with Nicole Watterson! -1

Nicole: Sighs Oh yeah... After the day I had, that's just what I needed to... A broken bone sound Gasps I can't move! What did you do? Can you undo what you just did?
Hexagon lady: A...Actually, I...I need to go speak to my manager, 'cause I normally work on the deli counter and I... I gotta go.
It's not clear is she's making up an excuse or if this is true, but If she really does work on the deli counter then why was she ever allowed to practice chiropractic on someone? Nicole is now prime for a lawsuit. +1

Richard: Oh come on! It's not that difficult! You open the bag Opens the chocolate bar, you eat the candy Munches on the chocolate bar, you put the bag back where it was, and no one will ever know. 
He threw away the bag when he opened the chocolate only to suddenly have it again +1

Nicole: Let me get this straight. I asked you to finally step up as a father and set a good example for your children, and the way you interpreted that was to take them shoplifting?
Why was she still walking around with makeup on her face rather than going to the bathroom to wash it off? +1

Nicole: That's it. I think you've all done it. You've finally pushed me over... Laughs
Darwin: Over what?
NicoleHer eyes turn yellow The limit!The rest of her family look confused
Richard: Does that mean we can get a candy bar?
Nicole's hands sprout razor-sharp claws. She moves reaches towards Richard but manages to restrain herself, breathing heavily, and instead punches the nearby electric regulating box. Electricity crackles as the supermarket loses electric power
Nicole: You need to... Her eyes glow yellow Demonic Voice run..now!
and thus one of the coolest ideas in the entire series is revealed...aaand only ever used once, never appearing or being mentioned again after this episode. There were so many awesome things they could have done with the limit! How powerful is the Limit? What powers does it have? Does Gumball have a limit and the same anger powers too? How does Nicole even have these angers powers in the first place? All of this potential and absolutely nothing was done with it. Luckily some of us stepped up to the plate instead... +30

Nicole continues searching for Richard. She then sees him, and begins charging straight for him. Richard screams as she approaches, but Nicole hits the TV that he was broadcasting himself on instead. Richard stops screaming and continues to run
Why was Richard screaming if he was inn a different isle and couldn't see Nicole charging? +1

Nicole then stares through the wrapping, melting it out of the way as she slowly approaches her cowering family.
Why are the kids cowering? They know she isn't after them. +1

Guard 2: Peeks out from behind the shelf Speaks nervously Is she gone?
Anais: Depends. Do you have what you promised?G
uard 2 hands out candy bars to the kids
Not gonna lie, little disappointed the kids got their way in the end. Means them saying they learned their lesson and apologizing meant nothing and was nothing more than a lie to appease their mother. +1

Total Sins: 67

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1, 490, 894)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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