EWW: The Painting

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Nigel Brown: So, Mr. and Mrs. Watterson. I called you in today to discuss concerns regarding your daughter Anais. Judging by this alarming painting... Camera points to Nicole in the painting You madam are suffering from work-related stress. Camera switches to Richard in the painting You sir, are not a good role model. Camera pans to Gumball and Darwin in the painting And these two children are clearly lacking in discipline. Camera pans out to show the entire painting
Principal Brown somehow misses the giant writing saying "I LOVE MY FAMILY" and Anais being happy in the drawing, causing this entire episode to happen +1

Also, this is very clearly a drawing, not a painting. +1

Anais: Principal Brown, if I may interrupt-
Nigel Brown: strokes Anais' head Oh don't worry sweetie, it's not your fault... It's your fault! points accusingly at Richard, who's fast asleep
Adult refuses to listen to a child because they are a child cliché +1

Nicole: Sweetie, I had no idea we were such a terrible family.
She says this even though, again, the drawing not only says that Anais loves her family, but also shows her to be happy. Plus, she also hasn't shown any signs of being unhappy or upset at home. +1

Nigel Brown: Anyway, for the good of your family... raises a poster I've drawn up a recovery schedule to get you back on track-
Gumball and Darwin burst through the poster
I'll make it short. You madam need to stop working and relax. Your husband needs to stop relaxing and work. As for you, Gumball and Darwin...
The boys both gasp as they think they're in trouble
You'll be spending the day with Mr. Small, the school counselor, to channel your energy in a less destructive way.
Is...is the Principal even allowed to make them do this whole plan? It seems beyond the scope of his job and authority to get involved to this degree with someone's family life, especially just over a student possibly being unhappy due to a drawing they made. +1

Also, instead of simply asking Anais if any of this was true, he decided to call an entire meeting with the whole family and come up with an entire recovery plan over nothing more than an assumption, which he then refuses to even actually confirm first. I mean, doesn't he think he might be jumping the gun just a little bit? +25

Nicole: Well Principal, we'd be happy to try anything if you think it's going to help Anais.
Anais: frustrated Can I just say something?
Nicole: cuts Anais' speech short and pinches her cheek You don't need to sweetie! We're all going to get better. Right boys?
Even though her daughter is clearly frustrated and wants to tell her something she interrupts her and refuses to hear her out. +1

Gumball and Darwin: Uh-huh.
Nicole: louder and angrier, directed at the still snoozing Richard I said, "Right boys?!"
Richard: wakes up Yes! Of course, honey. whispers to Gumball What did I just agree to?
Gumball: whispers back You gotta get a job.
Richard: obviously not happy
Hahahahahahaha -1

Mister Small​​​: Welcome to my five-step program for undisciplined children.
Undisciplined? They're young kids with a ton of energy and curiosity, what do you expect? +1

Gumball: Okay. takes a deep breath Peewww!
Mister Small​​​: Oh, you can do better than that!
Gumball: takes another deep breath Eeeeheeeeawww
Gumball's lips sputter and droop, he shakes his head back to normal
Awwwww, not only is this adorable, but it shows us just how genuinely happy Gumball really is. -5

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