EWW: The Curse

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Nicole: Anais, for the last time, we just can't afford it.
Anais: Teary-eyed But why?
Anais is more than intelligent and mature enough to understand why they can't afford tickets to Daisyland +1

Gumball: Today's gonna be a wonderful day, because I got in the shower first! La la la la la la la la la la— The shower stops, Gumball takes a look Huh?
Gumball pushes the tiling, causing a clunk, he then looks right at the shower head, which then shoots out a water jet
Gumball: Aaah!
Gumball slips on the soap bar in the shower, rips the shower curtain off, falls out of the tub, and lands in the toilet. The bar of soap then flies off and pushes the toilet's handle, causing Gumball to get flushed down
sigh Yet another episode revolving around Gumball getting unfairly abused/punished. Why does it always have to be Gumball? Why not Darwin, or hell even Anais for once. Season 1 severely lacked involvement from Anais and this would have been a easy way to get her another major role. +10

Also, Gumball gets unfairly abused/punished/taken advantage of for an entire episode cliché +1

Darwin and Anais: Hey, wait for us!
Anais: Wait for us!
Gumball: Hops on one leg with his pants Rocky! Ugh, ugh, ugh... Pulls up pants Wait for me—
Gumball jumps up, but gets his finger stuck in bus door
Rocky absolutely should have heard him hear. The door was open when he called out as he was only slightly behind Darwin and Anais. Plus, even if he didn't, Darwin and Anais should have realised he hadn't followed them on, Or someone would have looked out of the window and seen him. +1

His finger should be broken now, yet it's completely fine when he later takes it out +1

The scene then cuts to the outside of the school. The bus passes by, still dragging Gumball
Okay, firstly, he shouldn't be alive, let alone conscious after being dragged all the way to school. +1

Gumball: Well, it seems like it's just not my day, but that's ok, because it's nothing a good song won't fix! Singing When life hands you lemons, you gotta make some lemonaaaade... 
Aww, I love that he's still able to stay positive despite literally everything going wrong around him. -1

Gumball: Breathes in, about to sing louder, but is stepped on by Hector
Gumball also survives this somehow. Are we sure his bad luck has run out, cause it sure doesn't seem like it. +1

Nigel Brown: Watterson! This school has a dress code. These rags are obscene! Get to the Lost and Found, they'll provide you with something more suitable.
Gumball: But Principal Brown—
Nigel Brown: Uhp!
Gumball sighs
Rocky: There you go, much better.
Gumball: Wearing only a pair of green swim trunks]You've gotta be kidding me.
In what possible way is this more suitable than his ripped clothes? He's essentially walking around in his underwear +1

Also, couldn't they have just called home and asked Richard to bring him a clean pair of clothes instead? Doing so would have been a much more logical option, and would have been far less humiliating for Gumball. +1

Gumball walks in; Banana Joe and Idaho laugh at him
Banana Joe: Where did you get your clothes, the Lost and Found?! Hahaha!Gumball: Well, actually, yes, I did.
Banana Joe: Ohh, where did you get your clothes, the circus?! Haha!
Gumball: Dude, we kinda just went over this already. Lost and Found.
Banana Joe: Where did you get your clothes, the swim shop and the hat shop?! Hahaha!
Seems kinda uncharacteristic of Banana Joe and idaho to tease and mock someone like this, Sure, Banana Joe teases his classmates sometimes but never maliciously like this. And Idaho is always shown to be pretty kind and understanding and open-minded. +1

Gumball: Enraged NNRRGH! Principal Brown opens the door WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR BRAIN FROM, THE DOLLAR STORE?! Sees Principal Brown and is shocked
Banana Joe and Idaho walk away; Gumball smiles nervously at Principal Brown
Nigel Brown: Seven hours detention, for hurting my feelings.
Gumball: WHAT?! But—
Nigel Brown: Hands over a pink sheet I'll see you after school.
Why did he assume Gumball was talking to him? It was pretty obvious he wasn't. +1

Also, seven hours of detention!? That's insanely overkill! +1

Principal Brown reenters the room. Gumball starts crying soon afterward
Awwww, the poor guy doesn't deserve all of this. He always gets pushed around and made fun of. It's not fair! +5

Principal Brown reenters the room. Gumball starts crying soon afterward~
Darwin: Uh, Gumball, are you okay?
Gumball: Everything's great, Darwin, Sniffs everything's just peachy.
Darwin: Oh, okay!~
Darwin is not this stupid, he can tell if his own brother is upset. Aka Aka, writers make Gumball and/or Darwin uncharacteristically stupid cliché +1

Darwin: Hmm, then what you need is a good luck charm.
Anais: Guys, there are no such things as lucky charms, curses, or tickets falling from the sky, there must be a scientific explanation for what's happening to Gumball, like there is for everything!
Aww come on, do you have to be a party pooper? Just let them have their fun trying to solve this. +1
Gumball: I can already feel my luck changing. [A football is thrown near him, he picks it up] Hey look! A lucky foo— He gets kicked by a player, and hits a goalpost, which then falls on him
Surely the player would have seen him and Darwin there, right? +1

Also, this is the third time today Gumball should have died. Feels like his luck is just non-existent rather than either good or bad at the moment. +1

Anais: Ok, opening an umbrella indoors, breaking a mirror, and walking under a ladder are all considered to bring extremely bad luck. Ha, nonsense, and to prove it, you're going to perform all three tasks at the same time!
Why him?  He's already having a lot of bad luck so not only would adding even more be really unfair to him, but it wouldn't really give good results. It'd make more sense for Anais to do it and see if she suddenly becomes unlucky. +1

A storm cloud appears over Gumball and thundershocks him, turning him into a pile of ashes, and dissappears
Ignoring the cartoonish turning into ash, that's four times now.Is he unlucky or not because this episode is sure doing a good job of making him seem both lucky and unlucky at the same time. +1

Gumball sits down, smiling 
Why is he suddenly back in his regular clothes now? +1

Nigel Brown: Looks in Sorry, I forgot to slam the door in anger! Slams the door
The slam makes the ceiling light fall down, hitting the pencil holder, which makes the pencils shoot out, Gumball ducks, and the pencils hit the class photo, in a circle around Gumball's head, Gumball whimpers in fear. A pencil falls down, hitting the button on a control, which makes the fan next to Gumball's seat start blowing, knocking the books on the windowsill, hitting a globe, causing it to fall over, hitting a vase, which then pours water onto an electrical socket, the electrical socket short circuits, and causes a burst of smoke, knocking the broken pieces of the socket plate to hit the radiator, filling the room with steam
God damn this is some final destination type shit. Pretty cool. -1

The room explodes, Gumball falls into a janitor's cart, which is then bursted forward
Five times now. Five. +1

Gumball screams, and ducks, going under the truck
No way would that mop bucket be able to fit under that truck. +1

Hospital, the ticket blows into the window, and the Wattersons watch, until the fan cuts it into little pieces
Hahahahaha -1
Total Sins: 31

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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