EWW: The Storm

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Gumball: Are you crying?
Carmen: Yes!
Gumball: But, you don't have tears.
CarmenFaces away I tend to retain water.
GumballRubs his arms Look, I'm really sorry. I don't know why I said all that stuff.
Awwww, it's pretty rare to see Gumball apologize like this. Once again goes to show he really does care about his friends. -1

Darwin: Because you're a gutless coward, who has to ruin other people's lives because he's too much of a chicken to ask Penny out?
Gumball actually decides to apologize for something he did for once and Darwin decides to butt in with an unnecessarily snarky remark and ruin the whole thing. Well done Darwin. +5

Carmen: Awww, he's not doing anything!Scene cuts back to Carmen and Gumball
Carmen: Kiss me.
Gumball's eyes enlarge
Carmen: Come on, I'm not that bad!
Ahhahahahahaha -1

Gumball: Look, I always thought the first girl I would kiss would be Penny. 
He says this but earlier on this season in The Skull it's heavily implied he accidentally kissed Sussie before. +1

Gumball: Gumball Watterson might be a lot of things, but he is not a cheap, corruptible bimbo!
Fun fact, in U.S airings of this episode 'bimbo' is censored and replaced with 'coward'...

...which is what the U.S is for censoring such a thing. +1

Carmen: He didn't do anything!
Gumball: Pulls out Carmen's thorn What did you think he was gonna do?
Carmen: Something dramatic like punch your face in and drag me away screaming, but he just left me like he didn't even care! Sobs
If she really knew Alan even slightly she would know that he was never ever going to do something like that. Gumball could have literally murdered Carmen and her entire family and Alan would have probably just thanked him for for giving him the chance to fall in love all over again. +10

Anton throws bread at Gumball
Gumball: What the— Hey!
Anton: Shame on you, you dirty ol' girlfriend thief!
IdahoThrows his chips at Gumball Couple splitter!
BobertThrows a bolt nut at Gumball Catalyst of social discontent!
Banana JoeThrows his own peel at Gumball Homewrecker!
Names! Names! Names!
GumballThrows Banana Joe's peel back at him Hey, stop calling me names! I thought you wanted them to split up anyway! You hated them!
Jamie: Yeah? Well, now we hate you.
Why though? Like Gumball said, they all wanted this. Besides he didn't even actually kiss her, he just got his face knocked into her side. Plus this entire thing was her idea in the first place. +20

GumballKnocks the door Alan, is that you buddy?
Awwwww, he actually called Alan buddy! That's a first...and probably last. Nice to see again that he even cares about Alan, even if it reeeaaally doesn't seem like it. -5

Gumball: I want you to knock me out in the playground in front of everybody.
Alan​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Surprised What? Why?
Gumball: Because that's what Carmen wanted, man. She wanted you to show some passion and you just bailed like a wet lettuce! So man up, get out there and just pop me!
Alan​​​​​​​​​​​​​​: Sighs There's no point, if I'm not able to make her happy, I refuse to stop her finding happiness
Excuse me, what? What does he mean he can't make Carmen happy? Gumball literally just told him exactly how to do so. +10

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