EWW: The Colossus

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Mrs. Jötunheim: I'm Hector's mom.
Gumball and Darwin inspect her, puzzledly
Mrs. Jötunheim: What?!
Gumball: Nothing, It's just Hector's so...
Stretches his arms to show that Hector is big
Gumball: And you're so...
Pushes his hand closer together to show that Hector's mom is small
Gumball: And you're-you're a bit...
Makes a facial expression, imitating Hector's mom
Gumball: Actually, you're more like...
Imitates Mrs. Jötunheim almost perfectly
Why...did he mime all of that out instead of just saying Hector is big and she's small? +1

Gumball: Just accept our friend request Spits It's just, if we have more friends online... Spits it makes us feel better about not having any in real life! Spits
What does he mean they have no friends in real life? They have tons of friends! Carrie, Penny, Bobert, Leslie, Banana Joe, Tobias...kind of, Idaho...need I go on? +1

All the spitballs they spat at Hector fall onto them
How could they have spat that much paper at him? That must be multiple stacks of paper all spat one ball at a time. That would've taken hours if not days. +1

Gumball: Hmm... Hector's diary. Reads diary entry "I must not laugh, I must not get overexcited, I must not shout, I must not sneeze"? This sounds like a How-To Guide for ruining your life!
How does Mrs. Jötunheim expect Hector to not sneeze? If you've ever tried to hold back a sneeze, which let's face it who hasn't, you know that's its damn right impossible. +1

Gumball: Hector! I've been thinking! It's not your fault you're boring!
Hector is loudly chewing his sandwich
Gumball: Uh, you've got a bit of turkey sandwich just there. Points to his chin
Hector: Huh?
Gumball screams as he and Darwin jump away from a giant turkey that falls to the ground
Gumball: Look, it's your mom's fault you're boring.
Darwin: She's just strict, man.
Gumball: You go tell her to give you some real comics, some real movies and a real. Life. HAMST-
Darwin quickly covers Gumball's mouth and slowly shakes his head at him
Hector: But she does those things because that's what's best for me.
Gumball: Best for you?! Best for you?!  Walks closer to Hector Is it best you don't laugh?! Is it best you don't cry?! Is it best you don't sneeze?! Slams his fist on Hector's foot Is there a heart in that chest of yours, Hector?! 'Cause if there is, Slams both fists on Hector's foot let it beat, man! Let it beat!
Awwww, it's nice to see Gumball actually standing up for one of his friends for once...even if it is for a somewhat selfish reason. -1

Mrs Jötunheim throws the music box to Gumball

How did she think this was a good idea? There was almost no chance Gumball was ever gonna catch that. +1

Gumball falls off the broom and begins to plummet toward the ground
Why is he scared? He's fallen to the ground from this height twice before and was somehow perfectly fine afterward. +1

Gumball loses his grip and falls off the broom, and rolls on the asphalt, eventually grinding to a halt right next to the music box.
Speaking of, he's somehow perfectly fine after this. +1

Darwin: Hey Gumball, we're too heavy! You're gonna have to jump!
Gumball: Jump? What the- Glances at Hector and is shocked Can't you just get a little bit higher?
Darwin: Why?
Gumball points to Darwin that Hector's butt is all that they can reach
This show made a butt joke. Yet again. Come on writers you're above this. +20

Gumballs climbs up to Hector's ear and takes out the music box
Where...where was he keeping that?  +1

Mrs. Jötunheim: Whistle the tune in his ear!
Gumball: Okay! Approaches Hector's ear and starts whistling
How does he still remember this tune? He only heard it once and that was a day or two ago. +1

Gumball: Hector, uh... I'm sorry for calling you boring.
Hector: I'm not sure all this excitement suits me, or anyone else. I think I'll just go back to being boring.
Gumball: You're not boring, dude. You're nuts. 
Awwwwww -1

Darwin: What shall we do? If we say yes, he'll get excited and trash the town. If we say no, he'll get sad and trash the town.
Gumball: Don't worry, I know exactly what to do.
Gumball takes out a hammer and smashes it into the computer screen
He decides to smash the computer screen instead of just, y'know, closing the website or turning the computer off. +1

Total Sins: 28

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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