EWW: The Laziest

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Nicole: So, remember, you've got to vacuum the living room, sort out the fridge, and don't forget to take out the trash
She actually expects him to do even one of those things, let alone all of them +1

Richard: Smiles How about you little bank robbers take your loot Scene changes to the trash bag to the safe house? Camera changes to the wastebasket Huh?Gumball and Darwin take the bag out but when they are nearly at the bin they realised that they have been tricked
Gumball: We are just taking out the trash, aren't we?
It took them that long to realize this. +1

Richard: Laughs I'll tell you what. If you can find anyone lazier than me in this town, I'll do your chores for a whole day. And if you lose... quickly you'll do mine for the rest of your life! How's that sound?
Gumball and Darwin: Hesitate for a moment Hmm... sounds pretty fair.
The two of them are more than smart enough tor realize this is a terrible bet. Aka, writers make Gumball and/or Darwin uncharacteristically stupid cliché +1

Gumball: Eh, me too, buddy! What's going on? His heart starts beating strongly
Inside Gumball's body, we can see sugar cubes tickling his heart
Sugar Cubes: Singing Everywhere you look and everywhere you go Sugar, sugar, sugar from your head to your toe. When you've eaten lots of sugar and you've had too much Watch out, everybody, it's a sugar rush. Watch out, everybody, it's a sugar rush.
Gumball's Heart: In a low voice It tickles!
Cartoon tickle torture +1

Gumball: He speaks rapidly, specifically twice as fast Excuse me? We need to find someone to beat our dad in a lazy-off. Is there anyone you can think of that can beat him in a lazy-off?Donald: What did he say?
Marvin: He's just saying he needs to find a guy to beat his pop in a lazy-off.
How did he understand that? +1

Larry: Desperate No! No! No! Noooo! Notices that the customer is still there Oh, uh, sorry, ma'am. That's thirty-nine cents.
The customer opens her purse, Gumball and Darwin come out of it
Gumball and Darwin: Please do it, Larry!
Larry: Leave me alone!!The client loses all her "hair"
Food N' Stuff Boss: Shouting at customers, Needlemeyer? Gonna have to let you go.
Larry is thrown out of the shop, Gumball and Darwin are there
Gumball: Now that you don't have a job anymore, will you come do our lazy-off?
But... he does have a job. Many. He just lost one of the many, many jobs he does in Elmore. +1

Larry: Sighs Finally lost them. Turns on the radio
Broadcaster: This one goes out to Larry Needlemeyer from Gumball and Darwin.
Gumball and Darwin: Singing Please do it, Larry, please do it, Lar--
How did they manage to get the radio broadcaster to let two random kids sing live on air? +1

Also, how did they even know Larry would be listening to that specific station at that specific time? +1

Larry: Hi, honey. Sits There's... something I've been meaning to ask you. Opens a ring box
Karen: Yes, Laurence?
Larry: Would you...
Gumball and Darwin: Please do it, Larry! Please do it, Larry! They hold signs, saying "PLEASE LARRY"
Larry: Get OUT OF MY LIFE!!! He throws a cup, a bottle of ketchup, a bottle of mustard, a plate of spaghetti, a soda can, and a chair at Karen in anger
Karen: I can take a hint, Laurence. Runs away, crying
Even though he was holding a ring box and obviously about to propose to him she believes this random outburst was directed at her +1

Gumball: So, now that you've lost everything, will you come do our lazy-off?
Larry makes an awkward sound
Gumball and Darwin: Yea, Larry! High-five! We're back in the game! Let's go!
They for some reason take this to mean yes +1

Richard: Lazy Larry, huh? Why, that's a name I haven't heard since the summer of eighty-three --Gumball: Yelling Aw, nobody cares about the summer of eighty-three!
I do! What happened in the Summer of '83? Don't leave us hanging like this! +1

Gumball: He's not coming.
Richard: So you forfeit?
Surely Larry refusing to answer the phone or even come proves that he's lazier than Richard and thus he should win, right? +1

Darwin: I'm hungry.
Richard: Me too. I think I'll have a slice of pizza.
Gumball: But if you move, you lose.
Richard: Who said anything about moving? Blows on the notepad, causing a pen to roll and drop, pushing the skateboard to hit a chair, and the chair leans the edge of the pizza box, catapulting the pizza slice onto Richard's face and Richard sucks the pizza slice into his mouth. Richard chuckles while Gumball and Darwin watched in amazement
How was Richard of all people able to set something like this up? +1

Gumball: Don't worry, buddy. watch this. Blows on the notepad, causing a paper to fly off and land somewhere, causing a chain of unknown events. Gumball opens his mouth, hoping food would fall in. A toaster then hits Darwin and knocks him out of the couch
Darwin: Aaaah!
Gumball: Sorry, buddy!
Richard: Laughing Looks like it's just you and me.
What? But he got knocked off the couch, he didn't willingly move by himself. Surely that shouldn't count! +1

Richard: Ugh! Hears the car pulling up outside and smiles deviously Well, son, Gets up from the couch] seems like the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. You're pretty lazy, my boy. Walks away with the remote attached between his butt cheeks and push the remote between his butt cheeks to change the channel
This is the third butt/fart/poop joke in the series and it only gets much, much, much worse from here which is why am I'm gonna do this...

The show made a butt/fart/poop joke cliché +20

Gumball: What? You mean... we won?
Richard: Yep!
Gumball and Darwin: We won!
How did Darwin suddenly reappear there? He just ran upstairs a minute ago. +1

Nicole: Gumball Watterson! The colorful background disappears You should be ashamed of yourselves! Fooling around as your poor father slaves away!
Richard: Vacuuming, looking tired and talks in a lighter voice]
When will it ever end?
Gumball: But, Mom --
Nicole: No! I don't want to hear another word. Get off the sofa. Gumball and Darwin get off the sofa and walk away Get on with the chores and give your dad a rest.
Richard: Holds his back in pain and talks in a lighter voice Ohhh, my back!
Nicole: You've done enough today, my little fluffy soldier. Holds Richards cheeks I don't want you to move another muscle.
Richard: Ohhh, thank you, honey.
and now in complete contrast to last episode Richard is a complete asshole to his children, tricking their mother into making them do his chores for him. This is totally undeserved and just straight up cruel. +25

Also, Nicole believed for a second that Richard actually did any work what so ever. She's known Richard for over 20 years, she should know him and work are about as far opposite from each other as the North and South Poles. +10

Plus, even though she did believe it, surely this wouldn't have worked anyway? Once Nicole checked the fridge she would see it wasn't organized and see that he hadn't actually done what she'd asked. +1

Total Sins: 71

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Laziest (71)

Least Sinned Episode So far: The Spoon (24)

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