EWW: The Allergy

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Gumball: [Film slows down] First, distract target. [Film returns to normal] Look, behind you, your butt
[Darwin looks behind him]
The very first fucking sentence of this entire episode is a butt joke. Already off to a flying start here guys... +20

Also, Darwin falls for this +1

Gumball: [Film slows down] First, distract target. [Film returns to normal] Look, behind you, your butt! [Film slows down] Then disorientate. [Gumball hits Darwin with a pillow] [Gumball evades Darwin's pillow attack] Adopt a 90 degree evasion. Uppercut, and disarm him. [Darwin became disoriented while Gumball takes his pillow] Discombobulate. Wait, I have no idea what that means. Just double knock him on the head real hard. [Gumball hits Darwin in the head with two pillows] Employ rabbit block, and strike. [Gumball blocks Darwin's attack with two fingers and strikes] Enemy disarmed, confused—ready for the coup de grace. [Gumball attacks as Darwin falls down] Deliver final quip: Time to hit the sack, literally. [Film rewinds to the beginning of the fight] A formidable plan. Commence attack.
Anais: Hi-ya! [Anais suddenly attacks Gumball from the rear][Gumball, Darwin, and Anais laugh. Nicole enters the room]
Aww, I love this entire scene. A great nod to the Sherlock Holmes movie! Also really nice to see Anais letting go and having some childish fun with her brothers for once! -10

Nicole: [Film slows down] Okay, plan of attack. Kick children through the window, grab the two boys, twirl three times to generate speed, release it at exact 78 degree angle, throw the boys through the window directly into the school bus. Preserve reputation for punctuality, deliver clever mom quip. [Film returns to normal. Nicole prepares to grab Gumball and Darwin to launch them to the bus, but finds them gone] What? where are they?[Nicole looks out the window, showing Gumball and Darwin instantly outside, quickly getting on the school bus, which then leaves]
Anais: I think you lost them at "Throw them through the window
Hahahahahahaha -1

Though why did Anais not get on the bus too? Now she's gonna have to walk to school or have Nicole drive her there and potentially be late +1

Anais: I think you lost them at "Throw them through the window." [Nicole becomes disappointed at this] Alright, what was your quip?
Nicole: [Inhales] You just got bus-ted.
Anais: Meh, would've been better if you'd said: "You just got schooled."
Nicole: [Inhales] You just got—
Anais: It's too late now. [Nicole becomes disappointed again]
Awww, I thought your quip was great Nicole! -1

[Bell rings][Darwin sneezes two times]
Gumball: Dude, what is that? You've been doing it all morning.
Gumball apparently doesn't know what sneezing is +1

Darwin: [Sneezes] Sneezing. Can't you tell?
Gumball: Not really. You sound like the world's angriest baby. What's wrong with you?
Okay, so he does know, but couldn't tell that obvious sneezing was in fact sneezing.

Not sure which is dumber to be honest. +1

Darwin: No dude, I think I'm allergic to something.
Gumball: Don't worry my friend! Whatever it is, we will find. And we will not rest until we find you a cure! And you will be rid of this terrible affliction! I promise.
[Outside, Gumball and Darwin are sitting on a bench while Gumball is playing a digital game]
Hahahahaha, classic procrastinating Gumball...which we'll see a lot more of in a few episodes times actually. -1

Teri: So the symptoms are a weird, empty sensation in my stomach; the feeling of light-headedness; and unusual amount of saliva in my mouth when I think of food. I checked on the internet, and apparently it might be something called the G-Virus, which can only be cured by cutting off the infected part or the removal of the brain.
Teri apparently doesn't know what hunger is +1

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