EWW: The Prank

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Gumball: Hey, Dad, can you pass the sugar?
Richard: Giggles Sure, Gumball. Gives him the vessel Here's the sugar. Laughs softly
Gumball pours the sugar onto his cereal, takes a bite, and then vomits it on Darwin
Did...did he put what he thought was sugar on his cereal? Who does that? I mean I get putting it on stuff like Weetabix, but cornflakes? +1

Also, they weren't even the slightest bit suspicious of their father laughing as he gave the sugar to them +1

Darwin: It probably just needs more sugar. Pours more
'Huh, this made my cereal taste disgusting. Let's add more of it!' +1

Nicole: Appears from the kitchen That wasn't very nice. You two should know better.
: What?! You didn't tell him off for pranking us.
: You know it's too late for your father. I want you two to apologize by the time I get back. Leaves the house
Apologize? Apologize for what!? They didn't do anything wrong! Their Dad pranked them and they harmlessly pranked him back to get even, which was a totally fair and completely reasonable response. It's not their fault their Dad can't take a prank back. Nicole asking them to apologize for it is completely unreasonable, especially when she let their father totally off the hook. And her "It's already too late for your father" excuse is just complete bullshit. If one of them gets in trouble for pranking, they all should. You can't play favorites or have double standards. +50

Richard: Shows two new pairs of shoes, one red, and one green Why don't you try on these lovely new shoes?
Gumball: Feeling suspicious of Richard This is a prank, isn't it?
Awww, come on, he's trying his hardest here. Couldn't you have just played along to make him feel better?

You know what, here you go Richard, I'll take some sins off just for you. -5

Richard: Pauses the tape Thirty minutes?! That's two subs, a muffin, and a tub of ice cream. Oh! And I better get a sausage for the last nineteen seconds. Leaves the room
Gumball and Darwin change the tape
Richard: Comes back to the room Mental note: next time, take food for the journey back as well. Puts the headphones back on and presses the play button
Hahahahahahaha, the stomach capacity of this man will never cease to amaze me -5

Gumball On tape: Step five: Realize you've just been pranked. Richard frowns Step six: Try and fit down the chimney, head first. Richard smiles
Gumball and Darwin are still snickering while Richard is struggling to get down through the chimney
Okay, usually I wouldn't sin Richard's stupidity, but seriously!? Even after being directly told he was being pranked he still does the next step? That's stupid, even for him. +1

Gumball and Darwin grin mischievously; scene changes to them pushing Richard out into a river on an inflatable lifeboat
How did Gumball and Darwin manage to carry their father all the way there? He must weigh a ton. +1

Also, they thought this was a good idea. +1

Darwin: How do we know when we've taken this too far?
Gumball: I think we'll know when we get there.
They somehow that believe that what they just put their father through didn't cross the line. Not only did it cross the line, it did laps past it. +1

Gumball: Hey dad! So... things got a little carried away there. What with you know, you going out to sea, and... getting tranquilized and.. everything... So it was a lot of fun but I think it's about time to call it a day. Okay?
Huh, Gumball actually realized he was in the wrong and willingly apologized for once. That's not something we see very often. Good on him. -1

Darwin: This doesn't feel like a happy ending.
Richard cuts Gumball and Darwin out from the family photo
Okay, I know he's just pranking them but doing this in front of them was just cruel +1

Darwin: Notices Gumball panicking Gumball! What's wrong with you? You're hyperventilating!
He's being chased by your father gone insane. It is perfectly reasonable for him to be hyperventilating right now. +1

Darwin: Stop panicking Gumball, just calm down. Get Slaps a Slaps grip Slaps, snap Slaps out Slaps of Slaps it! Slaps
Gumball: Cut it out! You're making it worse!
Darwin: Oh, sorry. There, there, buddy, Strokes Gumball there, there. Is that better?
Gumball: Much better. Now hold me and tell me that everything is going to be okay.
Darwin: holds Gumball Everything is gonna be okay, buddy.
Gumball: How about a little kiss? puckers lips
Darwin kisses Gumball on the cheek
Gumball: Relieved Hah.
Wow for a cartoon, ignoring the slapping part, this was actually a really good depiction of a panic attack. Much more realistic and better done than most shows or even movies these days. cough Velma cough -5

Buuuut also a liiiitle homoerotic. Which on its own isn't a problem, but between two brothers? Yikes. +1

Gumball: Realizes that Richard has spotted them And that's it for tonight's news at five. Here's Garbin with the weather.
Darwin: It would be very hot here with temperatures soaring to twenty degrees celsius, below zero on the Northern front of the warm drift with isolating regions of the cold snaps! Beat And there will be a beautiful rainbow.
Richard: Hmm. I wonder what else is on TV. Uses the remote to change the channel
Gumball: As an actor How could you?!
Darwin: As an actor It's not what it looks like! Please, don't leave me!
Gumball: As an actor Nooo! It can never be the same again!
Richard changes the channel again
Darwin: As an documentarian And here, captured on film for the first time, we see the chicken crab.
Gumball: Acts as a chicken crab, squawking like a chicken and clicking like a crab
Richard changes the channel one more time
Gumball: Rapping A music video, a music video
Darwin: Rapping Yeah, we are in a music video!
Gumball: Rapping This is what you call a music video.
Darwin: Rapping Oh, baby, we're singing, I am in a Richard holds up an unplugged TV cord, seeing them music videooooo...
Gumball: Run.
Hahahahaha, this whole TV scene was great! -1

Also, Richard actually unplugged the TV? He's going all in for this prank! -1

Gumball: Look! The air vent, it's the only way. Squeezes into the vent It's no use. Holds up Tomato Ketchup bottle as Richard charges towards them Stand back! I'm warning you. You leave me no choice! squeezes bottle, but the ketchup splats onto Gumball and Darwin's faces instead Ahh...
Richard: Laugh] You should see your faces, you really thought I was going to catch you! Laughs
Darwin: What? You mean that the whole thing was a prank?
Richard: Yeah, and you totally bought it! Laughs
Wow, Richard tricking them into performing their original prank on him back onto themselves was actually genius! Also very satisfying karma! -5

Gumball: And the bursting through walls and stuff?Richard: I'll be honest with ya', I broke five ribs,
How could he possibly know exactly how many ribs he broke? +1

Richard: I'll be honest with ya', I broke five ribs, but it was all worth it, just to see your faces.
Gumball: Good job, Dad, you totally got us, we're sorry we pranked you.The two of them hug him
Awwwwwww -5

Nicole and Anais come back and are shocked by the destruction the boys made
Nicole: Who...did...this?!
She only just arrived home now? It was at least one day as we saw Richard in the chimney at night, and it must have been at least one or two more for him to finally get back from sea, so where did Nicole and Anais go where they were gone for two-three whole days? On a camping trip or something? +1

Total Sins: 34

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Laziest (71)

Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Mystery (5)

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