EWW: The Fan

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SYNOPSIS: Sarah, the new kid in school, is Gumbal and Darwin's number one, crazy obsessive, fan.
I've never done this before, but the synopsis says Sarah is a new kid at school. Why are they again acting as if Sarah is a new student? First they did in The Sweaters and now again in the episode. She's been around since the beginning of Season 2. She is far from being new at school. +5

Sarah: Hey guys! I just want to—
Darwin: Sorry, we don't have time right now!
Sarah appears again
Sarah: Hey, guys!
Darwin: Sorry, no time.
Sarah appears once again
Sarah: Hey guys. Appears again Hey guys!
Gumball: What the?
Sarah: Appears Hey guys!
Okay, how the fuck is she doing this? Unless she has the ability to teleport this is straight-up impossible +1

Sarah: Hey guys! Gumball tosses her away, and she appears on the sidewalk again Hi guys! The first Sarah crashes into another Sarah
Both Sarahs: Hey guys!
Between this and The Sweaters...does she not understand English? How clear does he have to make it for her to understand that THEY DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW. +5

Sarah: Oh, hi guys.
Gumball and Darwin: Frustrated Uh, what?!
Sarah: I just wanted to say... it's ICE to see yoou! An unseen crowd is heard laughing
She went to all that effort...for a terrible, cringy ice pun...?

 ...I never realized how much I disliked Sarah until doing this series. +50

The Rainbow Factory explodes in the distance
Gumball and Darwin are sitting on the school hallway floor, crying
Gumball: The whole Rainbow Factory, destroyed! And we could have saved it!
So, the place Nicole works at was destroyed? Firstly, how is she and everyone else who worked there still alive? +1

Secondly, this means she'll be unemployed and have to get a new job now right?


No? It's just magically fixed next episode and never mentioned again? Ok. +10

Also, the writers had a chance to give Nicole a new job she actually enjoyed following this but...nah fuck her. Just let he slave away miserably at her old job for the rest of time. +5

Darwin: Yeah, but we could have not caused it too.
How exactly did they cause the rainbow factory to explode if we saw them running to said factory to stop it?  Are they saying they went to the factory, did something to set up the explosion, went all the way home again then ran all the way back in an attempt to stop it? How does that make any sense? +1

Sarah: Hey guys!~
Gumball and Darwin sigh
Sarah: Well, I guess the moral of this story is, "All's well that ends well!" laughs
Oh my god. She's so fucking annoying. A new hatred for Sarah has officially been woken within me. +50

Also, who was she looking at? She looked directly at us even though she doesn't know this is a TV Series. Which means she just randomly looked at nothingness as if there were a camera there or something

...which makes complete sense for her. +1

Sarah reveals an audio recorder, and stops the audience laughter noise. Then Gumball pulls it from Sarah, and throws it away

Sarah: Ah! To Gumball and Darwin Don't you hate it when people eat noisily cause I do. I'm so like you in that way. Hey! We should totally go on an adventure where we like tell people off for their bad habits but learn that everyone should be themselves, and then we hug! Sarah holds her hands up, signifying a hug, then gets up and walks to Tina Hey! Me and my BFFs, Gumball and Darwin think that maybe you should stop mouth breathing. It's not very dignifying and it's making the cafeteria moist. But we forgive you, because it's important for you to be you. Does the hugging gesture towards Gumball and Darwin again
she acts as if this is how Gumball and Darwin's adventures normally go but...this isn't even remotely close to any regular episode of the show. For a superfan, she doesn't seem to actually know what she's talking about +1

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