EWW: The Extras

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Gumball and Darwin eat in silence
Gumball: So, what's going on today?
Darwin: Nothing much, really.
So for once we're seeing one of the boring days that normally we wouldn't be shown cause nothing of interest happened. Question is, why? We've never seen them before but for some reason now we are, for this time and this time only. DId...The Void just feel bad about the extras and decide to give them a little time to shine or something? +1

Green Bear: Singing Finally! Is it my turn? Is it my time to leap from the background, and shine! Dances I've been quiet for way too long. I can say whatever I want to now. There is nothing to stop you from listening.
I mean...I pretty easily can actually. I can just turn off the episode. Or keep your paused eternally, like I do right now whilst I write this sin. Wait, you meant Gumball and Darwin? Well they can literally just get up and walk away if they want. Or preferably run +1

Green Bear: Hey there! I'm talking to you! I've been behind you all along! But this is my chance Hugs Gumball and Darwin to stand in the spotlight and shine.
Okay, did he have to outright grab and hug Gumball and Darwin? Like, ever heard of a personal bubble dude? +1

 Green Bear: Grabs Gumball by collar Just notice me!
Aaaand...now you're shaking a child violently whilst screaming in their face. Is it any wonder people ignore you? +10

All the extras: You have ignored us, for way too long.
Awww, Hot Dog Guy is amongst the extras here. Don't worry bud, you're gonna get a promotion soon enough. Not a pleasant one, but still better than being a background extra I guess -1

All the extras: Surround Gumball and Darwin This is our time. It's your turn to stand behind. Don't make a fuss! This one's about us! Just notice uuuusssss!
AWWWWWW, Gumball protectively hugging Darwin is adorable! -5

Flashback to the events of "The Sweaters," back at Richwood High
Darwin: This is boring, bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-boring, bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-bo-boring.​..
One of the cardboard-like human spectators goes to his friend amongst the crowd
Human 1: Hey, dude, I got your popcorn.
As much as I don't really like this episode, going back and adding in new story/scenes to it that we never saw before it such an awesome idea! I wish we'd seen more of this throughout the show! -10

Hamburger Cop: So what's wrong with me, doctor?
Bandage Doctor: Well, your cholesterol is way too high. I recommend you become a veggie burger.
How is he supposed to change what kind of burger he is? I mean, that's not exactly a choice, is it? +1

Ed, the Black Pentagon, and the Black Rectangle walk to the bus stop. Ed sees the bus stop sign, and makes a sing-song intonation noise equivalent to him saying "hi" to it. The bus stop does not respond. This angers Ed, and he rages at it until he hits the sign. The triangle's family recognize it as a bus stop sign, and not a shape person.
Black Rectangle: Ed, it's a bus stop. laughs
Wait, they can speak English too>? WHy not do that all the time then? Considering they're in an English speaking country doing so would definetely makes their lives a whole lot easier +1

Steve: Laughs All right, I know you know. So, what do you think?
George: Screaming YOUR HAIR IS HORRIBLE!
Steve: Oh come on, give me a break. Hank, what do you think?
Hank continues staring silently
Steve: Mad You guys are real jerks, you know that?
Steve would be good at CinemaSins. Like, c'mon they could have at least pretended to like it! +1

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