EWW: The Recipe

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Coach Russo: Okay. So, Anton has had a heavy meal. But oh no, he decided to go for a swim. Fortunately, his friend Gumball respects the water. He learned how to rescue his friend.
Anton: Hah! Jumps in the pool
Coach thought having Anton, the piece of toast, being the one to jump into a pool to be saved was a good idea +1

Gumball: Ugh! Wipes his hand and jumps in pool
Gumball takes Anton by the arms, but pulls them off
Gumball: Underwater Oh man! Goes up What am I supposed to do?!
Okay, so in The Responsible Gumball is shown to be able to swim. In The Club they change their mind and show that he can't swim. And now they've changed their minds again and are showing that he can.



Gumball: Aah! He cries out in sorrow. The other students start crying for Anton, while Coach continues telling instructions. In the water, one of Anton's shoes floats
Awwwww, Gumball being this upset over someone he barely ever interacts with dying really shows just how much he cares about every single one of his friends, even his very loose ones like Anton and Idaho -5

In the school bus (the next day), Anton is shown reading a book. Gumball (and Darwin) looks at him, incredulously
Gumball: How is this possible? Am I the only one around here amazed that he's still alive?!
Normally I'd say 'Gumball would be good at CinemaSins' here, but for one very good reason we'll get to later on I'm not going to. But what I can sin is that this is apparently the first time ever that Anton has died in front of his classmates and reappeared totally fine the next day. Surely this must be an almost daily or weekly occurrence right? Unless they're quite literally blind, there's no possible way this is the first time they're ever noticing this +5

Darwin: Shrugs
Gumball: You know when you're born, right? Well, he did that, but in reverse.
Darwin: Ew! Who would want to go back to the cabbage patch with all that dirt and slugs and stuff?
sigh Haven't had to do this one in a while...

...writers make Gumball and/or Darwin uncharacteristically stupid cliché +1

Darwin: Maybe we should just ask him.
Gumball: Uh, maybe you should've said that before we iced him fifty times in a row. Let's go to his house. I need to find out how this works.
It took them killing Anton fifty fucking times to consider another method? You'd have thought after the first few deaths/resurrections that they'd realize he was coming back to life outside of school and thus investigate that more. But...nope. +1

He takes Gumball's Eyes, and uses them as binoculars. Gumball grows new eyes. Anton's Parents twist the knobs until the first knob is diagonal, toast a slice of bread, and a new Anton pops out of the toaster
And this is why I didn't sin Gumball earlier for being good at CInemaSins. For once, and for the only time ever so far, the writers actually gave us a logical and reasonable explanation for how a character survived/came back to life after something that should have absolutely killed them.  And it only took a few seconds too. -20

Though, the new Anton recognizing bis parents and greeting them means he kept the old Anton's memories...but how? He's an entirely new Anton made from scratch, surely he should be a blank slate, right? +5 

Also it's a shame they still haven't explained away any other characters inexplicably surviving stuff like Alan surviving being popped constantly. Especially when it'd only take a single throwaway line +5

Darwin: Does that mean I have to wear a mustache and we should, you know...kiss?
Gumball: No. And for the record, I would be the one wearing the mustache.
Kenneth says otherwise +1

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