EWW: The Game

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Darwin: Dodge or Dare. It's calling us.
Gumball pulls Darwin away, grabs the game and throws it into the garbage bag
Gumball: No! We swore we'd never play that game again
So, why exactly is Dodj or Daar suddenly evil and cursed now? Every other time we've ever seen it there was absolutely nothing wrong with it, but now it's apparently cursed, with no explanation as to why. +5

Gumball: You don't know what you're doing!
Richard: Yeah, 'cause you didn't write any instructions.
He says this but we see in Nicole's flashback in The Car that he's played this game with them before, and thus should know how the game works. +1

Anais: And what you did write was spelled wrong. Dodj or Daar? Sounds like an alien choosing a baby name.
Come on, cut them some slack, they were obviously really young when they made it, and unfortunately, not everyone is as smart as you are at that age. +1

Richard: Let's just pack it away.
Gumball: No, you can't stop! Once you start Dodge or Dare, Ominously it has to be finished!
Why...? The only move that's been made is Richard rolling the dice. If they had just not gone any further and put the game away, then thrown it away or destroyed it, nothing bad would have happened and they wouldn't have had to go through everything they did this episode. For once Richard had the smart idea here but they completely blew it off. +5

Richard: Runs to Doughnut Sheriff Officer, please, I need to report a theft.
Donut Cop: Yes, finally! What did the thief look like?
Richard: Well, he was wearing a monocle.
Doughnut Sheriff writes it down and sees Richard wearing a monocle
Donut Cop: Okay... uh, anything else?
Richard: Yes. He had a big furry mustache!
Doughnut Sheriff writes it down again, then he sees Richard wearing a big furry mustache
Donut Cop: Okay... any other distinguishing features?
Richard: Yes, he was dressed as a yodeler!
Doughnut Sheriff continues to stare at him
Richard: Aren't you gonna write that down?
Donut Cop: Just testing something.
Doughnut Sheriff blinks for a split second, and Richard immediately is dressed in a suit of a yodeler
How on earth is Richard able to change clothes this fast? +1

Nicole: Laugh Four-twenty Grove Street. Oh, and could you add some turkey gizzards?
Larry: As well as the ice cream, pig's foot, and oysters?
Nicole: Yes, it's an old family recipe invented by my grandfather... Laughing Old Joe Windypants!
He somehow doesn't hear her laughing over the phone. +1

Larry: Okay, four-twenty Grove Street, here we go.
Larry drives away on his bike, arrives back at Fervidus Pizza and knocks on the door
Larry: Pizza guy!
Larry takes off his delivery cap and puts on his worker cap
Larry: As seller What are you talking about? I sell pizzas, why would I buy one?
Larry: As delivery guy Well, someone's gotta pay for this.
Larry: As seller I'm not paying for something I didn't order!
Larry: As delivery guy What am I supposed to do with this now?
Larry: As seller Give it to me! I'll show ya!
Larry motions throwing the pizza to himself and smacks it on his own face
Firstly, how did he not realize the delivery address was where he already was? +1

Secondly, why did he act this whole thing out as if he were two different people? Seems like a huge waste of time and +1

Anais: I'm now wearing everything... in the house!
Technically she isn't. Nicole, Richard, Gumball, and Darwin are all wearing clothes and she isn't wearing them. +1

Nicole: So, that's six spaces, putting you ahead of Gumball, Darwin, Dad, and... me. Although of course, technically, this card says every "thing" in the house.
Anais: I am wearing everything! Even Dad's fat camp girdle!
Nicole: Everything, Anais, not just clothes. The couch is a thing, are you wearing that?
Anais: What?! But--
Nicole: Tut-tut-tut! No arguing, young lady. You need to learn to be a good loser. Moves Anais' piece back six spaces
Not only is Nicole a hypocrite here, but she's also being a pedantic jerk to a four-year-old. Shame on her. +1

Also, Gumball and Darwin, the creators of the game, could have stepped up here and helped their sister out by clarifying what they obviously meant by that card, but they just sit there and let her get moved back. Aka, Gumball and Darwin are a jerk to their sister +1

 Nicole: Now take your Dodge. Takes one card from the Dodge deck The floor is now red hot lava.
Suddenly, the bottom of Anais' extra layers of clothes gets very hot, and Anais leaps out of the clothes onto the couch, squealing. Anais tries to rub off the heat of her scorching red feet
How are Anais' feet not severely burned after that? They were just in the equivalent of lava, they should be incredibly badly burned, but  not only are they somehow how completely fine but her socks are also completely undamaged. +1

Darwin slaps Gumball
Hahahahaha, brilliant reversal of the usual "YOU'RE OVERREACTING!" slap. -1

Darwin: Screams You're right, I'll take a Dodge! Picks up a Dodge card  Your left arm must do what the player to your right's arm does, and vice versa.
Anais: What does that mean?
Anais is more than smart enough to know what this means +1

Gumball: Dare. Take a Dodge. Aww, man. Picks up a card] CSD.
He took his Dodge from the same pile he got the Dare from. +1

Anais: What's CSD?
Anais is also smart enough to know what this means. What's with the writers making her stupid in this episode? +2

Gumball: And so, in conclusion, if Earth's temperature were to rise by just one degree, average sea levels would rise, leading to a Singing massive tragedy!
The class laughs
Mister Small​​​: Well, I didn't realize you thought global warming was such a laughing matter. Three hours detention
Three hours detention!? For singing!? That's ridiculously harsh! +1

Mister Small: Now, who would like to volunteer for my outdoor meditation retreat instead of having a summer vacation?
Darwin: Raising his left arm What the? Darwin pulls his arm down. At the home shed, Richard's left hand is pulled down too, as he tries to reach for the chainsaw
Richard: Come... on...
Mister Small​​​: Very good, Darwin. And who wants to take the vow of silence, as well?
Darwin still tries to pull his arm down
Darwin: Come... on...
Mister Small​​​: You won't regret it. And finally, we also need a volunteer for the eco-protest this weekend where we chain ourselves to a doomed tree for forty-eight hours.
Darwin's arm is still raised
Mister Small​​​: Are you sure, Darwin? I'm not gonna lie to you, buddy. Laughing We're gonna get maced.
I don't really see why this one is that much of a problem. He can just go to Mister Small after class and tell him he changed his mind about all of them. Boom, problem solved. +1

Everyone comes back home, where Anais is sitting on the couch in the living room massaging her socks
Wait, she's still just been sitting there the entire rest of the day they played the game, the whole night and the whole of this day too? How has she gotten food, water or gone to the toilet? +1

Gumball: Okay. We need maximum rolls every turn, which means no Dodges. No matter how bad the Dares are. Agreed? Rolls the dice and draws a Daar card Dodge.
Anais: What happened to taking every Dare?
Gumball: Do you really want to see me clean myself with my tongue?
Nicole, Richard, and Anais: Ew!~
I mean that's only really gross depending on where he cleans. He could just lick his arm a few times and say he cleaned it. No need to clean his entire body like that. +1

Gumball: Dramatic music will play until the end of the game.
Dramatic music begins to play
Hahahahaha, okay that was genius. -1

Darwin: Raises arms DODGE DODGE DOOODGE!
Darwin's left arm suddenly stops copying Richard's, and vice versa, for no apparent reason. +1

Nicole: Here we go! Rolls dice Five! Oh, no, Dodge bomb again! Draws Dodge card No one is allowed to breathe until the game is over!\
Head of Doubt: Or are they?
Everyone suffocates
Anais suddenly unfreezes here for no apparent reason +1

Total Sins: 26

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1, 490, 894)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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