EWW: The Boombox

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At the playground. Principal Brown approaches Miss Simian.
Lucy Simian: Oh Nigel!
Nigel Brown: Oh, hello Miss Simian! Here's that cup of pig sweat you asked for.
Lucy Simian: Sips Mmm! My favorite!
Nigel Brown: Now I've been meaning to talk to you about how very ugly you are.
Lucy Simian: Oh really? Giggles
Nigel Brown: I used to think that you were just regular ugly. But now that I'm up this close, I see that you're full on mega-gross. Makes me want to kiss you.
They kiss
Nigel Brown: Mmm. You taste like garbage quiche.
Lucy Simian: strokes hair I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. I was distracted by your rancid breath.
Principal Brown leaves
Lucy Simian: So long, sucker!
It turns out Gumball and Darwin, seated on a bench, are voicing over Principal Brown and Miss Simian respectively
Gumball: As Principal Brown Chimpanzee you later!
They laugh
Gumball: Points to Leslie jumping ropes with Penny and Carmen Oh! Let's do those guys!Darwin: Voice-over He was an ordinary guy who was never good at anything until he found out he could... jump! Mr. Small walks toward the jump-roping students.
Gumball: Gumball voices over Mr. Small I've already lost your brother to jumping. I am not gonna lose you!
Gumball Laughs While Darwin Resumes narrating
Darwin: Boom! He had all the talent, but none of the discipline.
Gumball: Voices over Leslie I'm just the kid from lower east Elmore. I don't know nothin' about jumpin'.
Darwin: Voices over Carmen Then don't jump, kid, just push the world away.
Leslie trips over the jump rope
Gumball keeps laughing
Awwww, it's super cute seeing Gumball and Darwin hanging out and having fun together like this. Despite the two being incredibly close we rarely ever actually see the playful, fun side of their relationship. In fact, the only other instance I can think of is The One, so seeing it here is really nice. -20

Darwin: Jump! Coming soon to a playground near you. Rated PG-13.
Gumball laughs
Leslie​​​​: Would you guys quit it? You're throwing me off my game
Wow, way to be a party pooper Leslie. +1

Juke: Beatbox sounds
Darwin: A wicked chicken wrote a check for a wall?
Juke: Facepalms and makes beatbox sounds
Gumball: You, uh, licked the bricks you didn't fix?
Juke: Beatbox sounds
So, at the end of the episode we find out Juke wanted them to flick a switch on the back of his head so he can talk. So...why doesn't he just simply turn around and point to the switch on the back of his head. That would have made it abundantly clear what he wanted and would have saved us the entire rest of the episode. +25

Also, why is he only now so desperate to get the switch flipped? Surely he would have been trying ever since it first got flipped in the first place. +1

Juke swipes the keyboard from Gumball and begins to type
Gumball: Of course, why didn't we think of that? You can just write what you want to say.
The computer chimes. On the screen is "bk bk bpp bkbkbk khhhh"
Gumball: What the? Tries to read the beatbox sounds with spitting, clicking his tongue, and blowing a raspberry in the end Dude, you need to type words, not cockroach noises
Wait so he can't even type in English in beatbox mode? Surely it would just disable his speech, right? +1

The living room. Richard is watching TV. We can see the host on a game show with a contestant
Game Show Host: And you've won this amazing, new car!
Gumball and Darwin drive the car uncontrollably, crash it, then run away, still screaming. Richard gets frightened, then changes the channel to an airline commercial with a plane
Announcer: Elmore Wings. We may not have the legroom, but there's plenty of seats.
Gumball and Darwin now appear on one of the plane's wings, still screaming
Gumball and Darwin: MISS SIMIAN'S RETIRED!!!
Gumball and Darwin then get blown off the wing with the accumulated air entering their heads. Richard changes the channel to a nature documentary with a cheetah running along the grasslands
Narrator: The majestic cheetah; fastest land mammal on Earth. Capable of reaching speeds of up to...oh.
Gumball and Darwin flawlessly run past the cheetah, still screaming. Richard turns off the TV
Richard: I think I've finally watched too much TV! Maybe I should read a book. Richard opens a book and begins to read out loud "Chapter 1. Gumball and Darwin ran through the living room... screaming"?
Okay, ignoring the fact they shouldn't have even been able to get up to the plane, how did they get into pre-recorded programmes/ads and a pre-written book? +1

Lucy Simian: What are you doing out here?
Mister Small is shown with a party hat and blower, which he slowly stops blowing
Hahahahahahaha -1

Gumball and Darwin are seen walking out of a room, and Gumball slams the door
Gumball suddenly has his sweater back despite ripping it off moments ago. +1

Alan appears, and flies to them
Alan​​​​: You know, I speak a little beatbox.
How...how does one 'speak' jukebox? +1

Alan​​​​: No, no, I'm- Laughs That's what happens when you mess with static! Laughs again Sees Principal Brown walking into boy's toilet Uh oh no, no, no, no NOOOOOO!!!! Goes into bathroom with principal

Juke: Beatbox sounds
Gumball: I'm sorry dude, but I don't understand what you want. Bye!
Juke: Runs to Gumball and Darwin
Why is he so intent on having Gumball and Darwin help him? There's so many other students he could ask for help instead. +1

Gumball: While reading book If its so big, how come I haven't heard of it?
Darwin: Uh, Mount Everest?
Gumball: Huh?
Darwin: Frowning The Atlantic Ocean?
Gumball: What?
Darwin: Thursday?
Gumball: You can make up as many words you like, but its not gonna prove whatever point you're trying to make.
The writers insinuate that Gumball doesn't know the word 'Thursday'. Aka, writers make Gumball uncharacteristically stupid cliché! +1

Gumball: Sigh
Clicks on a video that shows a man crying a lot of water. Darwin sees Gumball crying like the man on the video
Gumball: You're right. I'VE BEEN A THUNDERJERK! But don't worry, I'm gonna overcompensate for my guilt in the most extreme way possible! Darwin, bring out those coming-of-age rituals. I'm gonna throw Juke the most hardcore Grobblefest there's ever been!
AWWWWWWW, I always love it when Gumball shows that he cares about his friends. It's so nice to see. -5

Gumball: What? This is what I've read on the internet. Besides, we got the stick. We can pull him out, anytime.
Darwin: It's not that. It's because you're just doing this out of guilt!
What's wrong with him helping Juke out of guilt? It shows that he genuinely cares about him and feels so bad about mistreating him that he wants to do something nice for him to make up for it. That seems like a perfectly reasonable and kind thing to do to me. +1

Darwin: Look. You help someone because you have to show the right example to people.
Gumball: So, that's what it's all about, huh? Mockingly Feeling superior.
Darwin: It's not about feeling superior! It's about doing the right thing!
So he's saying that...apologizing to his friend for mistreating him, and helping him out with something (they think) he wants isn't the right thing to do? What exactly is his point here? +1

Gumball: Oh, I get it alright. You're a finger-pointer, and now I'm doing the right thing. You can't point your pointy little flipper at me anymore, and that's why you're so butthurt. But the truth is, I'm actually doing something, and you're not helping at all!
Exactly!  Darwin literally has no reason to be mad with Gumball here, and the only reason he is so they can have an excuse to fight and accidentally hit Juke's switch. This whole argument makes absolutely no sense, and is just making the two argue for the sake of plot. TL;DR. Lazy writing is lazy. +25

Juke: OW! Right in the... Gasps The switch. You finally flipped the switch! Laughs I've been trying to explain this for two years: my arms are too short to reach it!
So he has been trying to get people to press his switch? Then why have we not once ever seen him trying to get someone to do so before now? +1

Gumball: Well, at least we made someone happy today. Happy Grobblefest, Juke!They move to embrace him
Gumball's embrace causes him to unintentionally switch Juke's voice from "voice" to "beatbox" again
Seriously? The writers had an opportunity to finally allow Juke to be able to talk for the rest of the series, abut they throw that away and just put him back into beatbox mode again? Why? Now he's just going to back to being a pretty much useless background character for the rest of the series. +20

Total Sins: 50

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1, 490, 894)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The banana (-13)

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