EWW: The Lesson

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The episode begins with Gumball and Darwin reading math books, attempting to study for an upcoming math test. 
Honestly, I'm surprised Gumball is studying in the first place. I mean I could see Darwin doing so but Gumball?  Studying seems like such an un-Gumball thing for him to do. +1

Gumball: Noooooo! Activates "bomb"
Gumball and Darwin: It's gonna explooooooode! Explosion sound Snaps out of it
Gumball: Oh, come on. Concentrate a little, man. We'll never be ready for the math test.
Darwin sighs, and they go back to reading
Gumball: Strange voice while reading] If zhe square of zhe hypotenuse equals zhe sum of zhe square of the other two sides, vhat is the length of side A
Darwin: Strange voice while acting like Igor I know not, master.
Gumball: Throws down book You failed me for the last time. "Zaps" Darwin, who starts yelling. Then snaps out of it once again  Oh, come on, we're supposed to be studying.
Both start reading again, but then Gumball starts playing music with his ruler, and Darwin starts slamming his book in harmony until Gumball interferes again
Gumball: Dude, stop distracting me! Reads book again Alright, let's get some work done.
After the first time Gumball called Darwin out for distracting them, despite it being Gumball doing so, I'm surprised Darwin didn't just get up and move somewhere else to study or ignore Gumball's antics, rather than continuing to go along with them and then get continuously blamed for distracting them over and over. +1

Darwin: Unless....
Gumball: What?
Darwin: We could Whistles
Gumball: What?
Darwin: You know, we could Makes a noise with his tongue
Gumball: Shrugs
Darwin: You know, we could Darwin makes more noises
Gumball: Gasps What?! You mean—
Firstly, how did Gumball realize Darwin meant cheating by all those random various sounds? +1

Secondly, it's surprising to see Darwin be the one to suggest something like this for once. Usually he's the morally high one and would be completely against doing something like this. +1

Nigel Brown: Cheating?! Did you really think you could get away with this?!
Turns to Gumball and Darwin, with writings including math solutions all over Darwin's body
Gumball: To be honest, yeah. I thought we could. I have no idea what went wrong.
They expected this to not be noticed by anyone. +1

Nigel Brown: Well, maybe you'll figure it out during spring break which you're spending in detention!
An entire weeks worth of detention for cheating on a test? That seems a liiitle harsh. Especially when those detentions are lasting the entire day. +1

Darwin: Ha ha! Especially the cupcake. She looks like she was made out of rotten eggs, and foot fungus.
Rotten Cupcake: I'm a boy, dork bag.
He says this but in The Potion she's shown to be female and going out with Scythe. Does...this mean Gumball canonically has a trans character? 

...Scythe and the Gumball writers say trans rights! Hell yeah! -5

Gumball: Ugh! Even her voice is gross. Wait, hang on. How can she hear our secret thoughts?
Gumball continues calling him 'her' despite him stating that he's a boy. +1

Gumball: It's not what it looks like. W-we accidentally slipped, and-and fell. T-t-the door went whoosh, and this went whoosh and we-let me start again. There was an eagle, and it came through the window and tried to steal-uh-I mean...it was totally like this when we got here.
He expected them to believe this. +1

Mister Small​​​​: Brings out super thick book The first is an epic life story written from the perspective of a shoe. Clears throat Part one of eighty-seven: Birth... dark... factory... noise. The smell of polish... souls fitting soles soullessly, dolefully.
Gumball and Darwin cringe in boredom. They bang on the office door's window
Gumball: Let us out!!! This is cruel, and unusual!!
Oh god, and I thought the week's detention was harsh. This is straight-up evil in comparison! +1

In yet another line, Darwin comes through a metal detector
Darwin: I've done a lot of bad things, as freedom went away. I've seen a lot of sad things, and it gets worse everyday
Principal Brown somehow doesn't see Darwin's unusually large and bulky foot. +1

Scythe's rakes are taken. He suspects Gumball who has the rake hidden in his head, but Gumball points to the rotten cupcake. Scythe attacks the cupcake instead
And Scythe believes Gumball blaming Rotten Cupcake despite it being obvious he has the rake. +1

Gumball: I think we've been here so long we've lost our taste for freedom.
But...they've only been here a few hours, which is no more than they would have been there on a normal school day. +1

Rotten Cupcake: No, no, NO!
Mowdown brutally attacks him, and pops his cherry. The cherry juice splats on the classroom door's window in front of the boys]
Gumball: Looking terrified Did you see what that bear just did to that guy's cherry?PFFFFFFFFFT, okay, i completely forgot about this joke. These subtle adult jokes are great! -1

Gumball considers this. Then it skips to him climbing the noisy ventilation shaft. He talks, but the shaft drowns his voice out.
I'm surprised he has the strength to do this considering how weak he's been shown, and is later shown, to be. +1

While Julius makes up insults, Gumball takes Darwin and takes cover out of the compartment while Julius's fuse shortens. Julius notices, but it is too late
Julius: You double-crossing ner— Explodes
He somehow survives his head literally being blown up. +1

Gumball: Uh, no. Sees approaching van Grabs Darwin's fin Never get caught!
They jump off the roof. Principal Brown barges in
Nigel Brown: SURRENDER NOW and you'll only— Gasps Nooooo!
In slow-motion, Gumball and Darwin fall down. They slowly come nearer the roof of the van. Then no longer in slow-motion, the van speeds off and the boys instead hit the ground. 
and they somehow survive this. +1

Gumball: See you never!
Darwin: See you never, Principal Brown!
They celebrate as they walk off. The principal watches them from the rooftop
Nigel Brown: I don't know why they're so happy. They still have to come back here tomorrow.
Why did they even break out in the first place? Not only do they have to go back the next day like Principal Brown just said, but things are gonna be 100x worse at home than at school when Nicole finds out they not only cheated on their maths tests and got detention for it, but also broke out of said detention and jumped off a roof. +1

Total Sins: 12

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490,894)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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