EWW: The Apology

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Gumball: Shouting angrily Oh, I can't take this anymore!
Miss Simian somehow didn't hear this. +1

Darwin: You can't talk to a teacher about her tushy! It's too touchy!
Her tu-no, no, no, no, no, don't you dare go where I think you're-
Miss Simian walks away to close the window. The screen zooms in on her butt, her dress lifted up to reveal it uncovered
Oh for- frustrated sigh This show made a butt joke for the second time this season. Like, seriously, what is with all the butt, fart and poop jokes this season? There's been at least one nearly every episode! Did they get five-year-olds to write this season or something?! +50

Also, how did Principal Brown not see her predicament when she walked in? I mean, that's pretty hard to miss. +1

Miss Simian goes "ape" and throws furniture around while making monkey sounds.
She somehow isn't fired after this. +1

Miss Simian swipes the card, glances at the signature and chuckles to herself.
Gumball is shown to be failing music class, even though he can play the ukelele really well. +1

Also what the hell is "drawing class"? Pretty sure that's not a real thing. I mean wouldn't that fall under art class? +1

Richard signs the card; Principal Brown looks at the signature to see that it is the exact same one on the report card
Wait the date is, or is at least close to, 11th May? So it's been seven months since last episode? That's an even bigger time jump than between The Job and Halloween! They're really saying nothing happened whatsoever for almost an entire year?! +1

Also, characters remain the same age despite a large amount of time clearly being shown to have canonically passed in-universe cliché +1

Gumball: We're- wait a minute. We need to change our phone numbers and leave town!
They...don't...have phones though...well, not until randomly in Season 3 anyway. +1

Gumball: Okay, hold on, I got it. People of Elmore! You came to see a fight, and until a few seconds ago, I was just like you! But now that I know I'm the one who's supposed to get hit, I discovered something! Fighting is wrong! This is no way to settle a dispute. Because after all, what's more powerful? This... Raises his fist or this?! Gives Darwin a handshake and a hug
The crowd starts clapping
Wow that was...actually an incredibly smart and inspirational message from Gumball at the end there. Proves he really is smarter than he lets on. -5

Nigel Brown: Miss Simian! Wrongly accusing the boys is one thing, but openly framing them is another! One more offense and you are fired! And you still owe these boys an apology!
Ahhh, super satisfying to have someone finally call Miss Simian out on her behavior. About time. -1

Gumball: Look, it's not a crime if you intend to get caught. Unless we actually do something bad, Simian's gonna blow a fuse and lose her hairy boyfriend. Do you really that on your conscience?
Awww, Gumball being willing to do something like this for someone he hates just goes to show that, even if we rarely ever see it, he really is a kind and caring person behind all the sarcasm and snarkiness. -1

Gumball: Hehe. This is gonna be easier than I thought. Miss Simian sees them and then they see her, and she infuriatingly charges at them Oh, why do I have to run every eight minutes of my life?!
Gumball says this eight minutes into the episode. Now that's a clever fourth wall break. -1

Gumball: You get Brown's attention, I'll deface his car. He begins spraying the car while Darwin starts throwing rocks at the school
Where did his bandana come from? He wasn't wearing it inside. +1

Gumball and Darwin begin walking away. Miss Simian whispers to them
Lucy Simian: Boys, I'm sorry.
Gumball: What?
Lucy Simian: A little louder I'm sorry.
Gumball: Say again.
Lucy Simian: Louder I'm sorry.
Gumball: Heh, heard it the first time, miss. Just wanted to milk it.
Lucy Simian: Chuckling Those little...
Awwwwww -5

Total Sins: 46

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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