EWW: The Third

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The alarm clock rings
Gumball: Cheerfully We still have twenty-four hours 'til we go back to school!
Darwin: Pops out from his fishbowl Twenty-four whole hours of fun!
Darwin went to bed wearing his shoes? Who does that? +1

Also, Gumball is in the bottom bunk here, despite Anais saying last episode that the top bunk was his. +1

Darwin: Suddenly realizes My cookie...
It took him that long to realize the cookie was gone, despite literally watching the ants walk away with it +1

Banana Joe: Hey guys! Seen this? Makes farting noises with his armpit nine times Ha! Laughs loudly
This show stooped to a fart joke in only its third episode. That's worth this many sins. +10

Banana Joe: Hey, one more thing! Before you go! Ready? Prepares to make farting noises with his armpit, takes a deep breath; out comes an actual fart noise

Bobert: Your turn has terminated. Commencing my turn. Retracts his arm and punches Gumball
Gumball: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!
Gumball smashes through a wall and slams into the lockers, falling flat on the floor
He should have a few broken bones now, as well as a concussion. +1

Also, how did he not dent the locker? +1

Darwin: We're having pizza...
That is very clearly not pizza on their trays. +1

Tobias​​​​​​​​​​​: You know what, guys? I'll be your friend.
Darwin: Really?
Tobias​​​​​​​​​​​: Assenting Uh-huh. For twenty bucks.
Gumball: Indignant What?!
Tobias​​​​​​​​​​​: I'll give you a moment to think about it. Goes down the stall wall
Gumball: I dunno about this, Darwin.
Darwin: But this is what we've been looking for. With a big smile He is perfect!
Gumball: Doubts I suppose it's only ten bucks each.
Darwin: Yeah... About that... Can I borrow ten bucks?
Gumball: Sighs Fine...
This should have been an immediate red flag, and an immediate no, but they decide to go ahead and pay him anyway. +1

Also, this is the beginning of an ongoing trend of Gumball getting unfairly abbused/punished/taken advantage of episodes, especially in Season 1. which is why I am introducing...

Gumball gets unfairly abused/punished/taken advantage of for an entire episode cliché +1

The Wattersons are having lunch, Darwin is laughing
Darwin: And then, Tobias said, "I know you are, but, what am I?" And everyone laughed!
The whole family laughs except Gumball
Gumball: And then I said, "You"—
Darwin: Oh, yeah! And then Tobias showed me this really cool thing He does it while explaining where you shake your hands behind your back and say: "Nice to meet me." And everyone laughed!The whole family laughs except Gumball
Darwin: He's a really cool guy!
Gumball: Well, he's OK, but... Gets interrupted by Darwin
Darwin: What do you mean he's OK? He's the best guy EVER!
Gumball: Upset It's not like you've played with him your whole life.
Darwin: I might as well have. I feel like I've known him forever.
Gumball throws his mashed potato to Darwin's face
Nicole: Gumball!
Gumball: I'm sorry, that must have just flown off my fork. Anyway, the funniest thing happened to me today: I was going into class when...
Richard: Laughs That's great. Turns to Darwin Now, tell me more about this Tobias guy.
Gumball moansIn the gym, Miss Simian blows the whistle
Lucy Simian: Everyone, pair up! And make sure it's with your best friend, because we're playing Trustball.
Gumball: Great! Now I finally get to spend some time with... Ahhhh!
Darwin and Tobias are doing a secret handshake
Darwin is acting like such an uncharacteristic jerk right now. I mean he's pushing away his best friend and essentially replacing him with someone else he's only just met. Does he have any idea how hurt and left out Gumball must feel right now? He's making Gumball feel so easily replaceable and disposable, the exact thing he's paranoid about Gumball doing to him in later episodes. But I guess him doing it to Gumball is totally fine though. +20

Gumball: Ten bucks. I'm not coming.
Darwin: You're not?
Gumball: No! I'm having a sleepover with my new best friend [Pulls Alan down with his string] Alex
Gumball is fine with Alan here despite having an inexplicable dislike and jealousy of him the entire rest of the series. +1

Gumball: Throws a football at Alan Catch!
The ball hits Alan and drives him away
Alan​​​​​​​​​​: Ahhhh!
Gumball: What are you doing?
Alan​​​​​​​​​​: Off-screen No hands!!
How many times does Alan need to say this before Gumball gets it? +1

Also, we see Alan hold things with his string in multiple later episodes, so Alan was straight up lying about not being able to do anything to avoid hanging out with Gumball +1

Alan​​​​​​​​​​: Your best buddy is about to play computer games with someone who's rich, athletic, multi-colored and a good listener! He'll never play Dodge or Dare with you again!
They've been best friends for eight years, I highly doubt Darwin would forget about him just like that. +1

Also, Alan telling someone they're about to lose their best friend to someone better than them seems very unoptimistic and uncharacteristic of him. +1

Alan​​​​​​​​​​: Dude, it's never too late for friendship!
Gumball: Yes!
Gumball runs off
Gumball: Off-screen I'll never forget you, Adam!
Alan looks at him nonchalantly
Gumball: Off-screen Andrew...? Alice?
How is he struggling so hard to remember a four-letter name? +1

Gumball flies over the brick wall pulling a stunt, only to fall down a staircase
Gumball: Ah! Oh! Ah! Ahhhhhhh!
Gumball lands into a pile of trash.
Yeah, no way should he have gotten out of that fine. +1

Pantsbully: Hey, kid, you can't go that way!
Gumball: No time! Goes through wet cement I wish... I'd listened... to that guy. Cement turns into concrete, incapacitating him
Cement does not dry this fast +1

Gumball imagines Darwin and Tobias having fun
Darwin: Feel like I'm missing something...
Tobias​​​​​​: Missing something? What?
Darwin: Ah, never mind. I already forgot.
End of vision

Gumball believes for even a second that this could ever happen +1Gumball: Ahhhh!
The trike's right wheel comes off and breaks into pieces as Gumball falls down a slope, he then catches on fire like a meteor because of the huge velocity he's got. He whizzes past Doughnut Sheriff's police car making it overturn
He should be dead +1

Also, how did his clothes not get burnt off? +1

Darwin: Gumball!
Gumball: Dude, I'm outside.
Darwin: Oh...
The two of them run out into the garden and hug each other
Gumball: I can't believe you were gonna play computer games with Tobias.
Darwin: But you played Dodge or Dare with someone else.
Gumball: Oh, it didn't mean anything. I don't even like Adam.
Darwin: Alan.
Gumball: Nyah, whatever.
Darwin: Best friends?
Gumball: Forever!
Gumball and Darwin: Yay!
They do the secret handshake and hug. Darwin chuckles
Awwwww -5

Tobias​​​​​​​​​​​: Hey guys, shall I plug in a third controller, or what?
He asks as they play a two player game +1

Total Sins: 59

Most Sinned episode so far: The Third (59)
Least sinned episode so far: The Responsible (29)

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