EWW: The Phone

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The episode starts with Gumball hitting various electronics out of his house with a golf club
Gumball: CAMERA!
A camera flies from the house, landing on the sidewalk across the street
Gunball: ALARM CLOCK! 
Scene cuts to Gumball and Darwin in their living room. Gumball hits an alarm clock with the club, and it also flies outside via an open window
Gumball: LAPTOP!
DarwinPlaces a laptop in front of Gumball Are you sure we won't need it anymore?
GumballDispatches the laptop with another swing Of course not.
GaryStanding on the sidewalk amidst the debris What is all this-- The laptop hits his head, knocking him unconscious
GumballOpening a box on the coffee table We have everything we need in one state-of-the-art Grunts little...package. Takes out a large brick-like phone
Surely they would have known the phone they were buying wouldn't have any of those features. I mean, they had to specifically pick it out. Unless they blindly chose one at random they must have known it was an older model. Even if Nicole got it for them, they would have seen the phone on the box before opening it. +1

Darwin: Hey Ocho, here's our number: Zero, triple one, zero zero triple zero, one one zero one, triple one zero double one, zero double one, double one zero, triple one zero, triple zero!
What kind of phone number is that? Not only is it way longer than any real phone number but it also only uses 0 and 1's? +1

Bobert: That spells "poop" in binary code.
Aaaaaaand this show just made a poop joke. That's worth this many sins. +25

Buuuuut they did actually go to the effort of correctly translating it into binary rather than just making it up (yes I checked) so I guess they at least deserve a sin off for effort  -1

GumballWhispering to Darwin Dude, be more careful. We can't just go around giving our number to anyone. Gets on the bus and displays his phone Hey everybody, we got a cell phone! Who wants our number?!
Gumball is a hypocrite +1

Gumball hears the phone's "ringtone"
GumballGasps Shh! Hello, Gumball speaking. Please be quick I'm a ver--Notices that the phone is not ringing, Darwin points off-screen. Gumball walks over to Teri, who is playing the xylophone. Gumball grabs her mallets, snaps them in half, and exits the room; Darwin opens his mouth, about to say something
Him believing the xylophone is the phone ringing makes no sense. Surely he would know what the ringtone of the phone is as he would have chosen one when setting up the phone. And the chances of Teri happening to play the exact same song as his ringtone is astronomically low +1

Darwin continues to reach, as Gumball mashes the controller with his face. Darwin finally releases the controller and picks up the phone; Gumball loses the game, is in a state of shock and his hair is messed up from his face hitting the controller
DarwinTexting How do you spell "LOL"?
Why is he texting someone when they were calling him? +1

Also, if it was just a text then why was the phone continuously ringing like that? +1

Also also, Darwin is not this stupid. +1

Gumball feels around for the phone in a box of confiscated items on Mr. Small's desk
Darwin: Over there, up a bit, up a bit!Gumball mocks Darwin's voice while making a weird face
Gumball: I know where your phone is, you text maniac! Just chill out for a second.
Gumball again reaches for Darwin's phone, but he tips the box over and spills all of its contents, including a firecracker; he also tips a jar of thumbtacks and a candle, which ignites the firecracker's fuse.
Darwin: Gumball, look out, look out!
Gumball: Will you be quiet?Gumball continues groping for the phone until he grabs the firecracker, squeals, and throws it at the window; it bounces off and lands at his feet. Gumball tries to put it out by waving his hand, but it does not work so he simply covers his ears.
Darwin: Gumball, behind you! Behind you- Faints
Gumball sits on the firecracker; it detonates and smoke comes out of his mouth. The phone buzzes, Darwin looks through the window, and Mr. Small hums again. Gumball reaches for the phone, but Mr. Small falls asleep and slams his head into the desk, causing several candles to fall. One of the candles causes the curtain to catch on fire. Gumball tries to fan it out with a folder, but it catches fire as well. Gumball throws the folder away and it spreads the fire to a cabinet.
Gumball: Oh man, what am I gonna do?Gumball sees the fire extinguisher on the wall next to the door, and notices the phone vibrating on the ground nearby, surrounded by thumbtacks. Gumball steps around the tacks and grabs the phone, then makes his way to the extinguisher, but Darwin opens the door in Gumball's face and swipes the phone.
Darwin: Thanks.Darwin closes the door again, shutting Gumball inside. Gumball, dazed from the hit, loses his balance and sits on the thumbtacks. He holds back a squeal, then hears Mr. Small starting to stir. Outside, an oblivious Darwin is texting by the door, which opens as a singed and coughing Gumball comes out with the fire extinguisher. Gumball uses the extinguisher and fills Mr. Small's office with foam. He drops the extinguisher, exhausted, then livid, as he growls at Darwin.
Even if he was meditating, there is no possible way Mr Small didn't notice or hear any of this. +1

The doorbell rings, Gumball shushes Darwin and looks through the mail slot; he sees Ocho
Gumball: WAH! Closes the mail slot; the phone buzzes again and Gumball picks it up
GumballInhales sharply, and speaks in a strange high-pitched voice Hollooo!
Ocho: I know you're behind the door!
GumballStill in a different voice No. No door here, bye. Hangs up
Hahahahaha -1

Darwin: Ocho, stop stop, please! Please! Truce! This is me. Your friend. Darw- Gets hit and blows up
GumballHorrified Darwin? Falls to his knees Nooooooooooooooooooo!
Show does a fake-out death for Darwin and expects us to believe it. +1

Darwin lowers his trash lid, and accidentally reflects a projectile at Gumball, who then disintegrates. Gumball comes back to life, and has 2 lives left.
Why do they suddenly not turn into blocks upon being destroyed anymore? +1

Up on the roof, Gumball and Darwin are replacing the bricks.
Wait, they have to rebuild the entire roof themselves? It wasn't them who destroyed it in the first place! Nor what was what happened even really their fault. Plus, even if it was  their fault it's pretty damn cruel to force them to do all the repairs completely on their own. +10

Darwin: You know, I'm glad I had the strength of character to give up that cell phone. It takes a lot of willpower to overcome your own weaknesses. I hope you find that strength too one day.
Gumball makes a buzzing noise similar to a phone. Darwin reacts by unwittingly hitting himself in the head with a nearby brick and falling backward. Gumball smiles.
Hahahahaha -1

Total Sins: 42

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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