EWW: The Watch

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Darwin: Wait, did you get that from Dad?
Gumball: How'd you know?
Darwin: He offered it to me first. He told me this really long boring story full of people I didn't care about, and I said "No! I don't want no busted up cowboy junk."
It...seems extremely unlike Darwin to actually say this to someone, especially to someone like his Dad. +1

GumballHands the watch to Darwin Do you mind holding this for a second? I need to tie my shoelace.
Darwin: Sure. Realizes something Wait, you don't have any shoes!
Gumball appears on top of the seat behind Darwin
Gumball: He who holds it, owns it.
Gumball slowly goes down
Darwin: Aw!
So this entire episode is no one wanting the watch, and Gumball and Darwin trying to fob it off to each other. But...why didn't they just simply put it in the attic or chuck it in a drawer or put it away in a box or something? That way they still 'have it' but they don't need to care or worry about it anymore. All of this nonsense back and forth they did instead was so unnecessary, and created an entire episode that easily could have been avoided. +15

Gumball: What? This one, Reveals his hand is empty or this one? His other hand is also empty Now check yours. Darwin is suddenly holding the watch in his fin
Darwin: WHAT?!
Gumball has disappeared
How on earth did Gumball do this? Is he secretly a magician or something? +1

Gumball appears in the left corner while moving his arms around his face, like a magician, then leaves
Hahahahaha -1

DarwinGasps Is he gonna cry? 'Cause if he's gonna cry, I'll cry.
Gumball: Oh, don't cry, bubble cheeks, it's my fault as well.
Gumball and Darwin hug and then talk quietly
Gumball calls Darwin 'Bubble Cheeks'?! Oh my god, that's adorable! -5

But...why is this the one and only time we ever hear him do so? Would have been nice if it were used as a recurring affectionate name for him, like Nicole calling Gumball 'Gummypuss' +1

Richardwhispering What are you guys talking about? We see Richard hugging Gumball and Darwin
Gumball: Uh, how much we like the watch?
RichardStill whispering I love you guys.
Awwwww -1

Darwin: But I feel so guilty...
Gumball: Then we shall deal with our emotions like grown-ups: push them down deep inside ourselves and ignore them for the rest of our lives.
Relatable. As. Fuck.  -1

Marvin: For the last time, there's nothing in this world that I'd want to trade for this watch!
Gumball: Hmmm. Walks to foreground What about the one thing that man has desired since the dawn of time? What about the one thing a man at the dusk of his life craves for more than anything else? What about the secret that has eluded every scientist, alchemist and adventurer of this world? What about-Gumball moves very close to Marvin
Gumball: Eternal youth?
Darwin: Echoes Youth..youth..youth..youth.
Marvin: I'm listening.
Gumball: Don't have it.
What...what was the point in him hyping up and offering this in the first place then? +1

Gumball grabs Marvin's cane and hefts it in his hands
Gumball: I wish it didn't have to come to this, Marvin.
MarvinWhimpers What you are doing?
GumballHolds up the cane I'm gonna beat myself senseless, call the cops and accuse you of doing it!
MarvinCalms down, and scoffs Huh, I think you're a bit too lily-livered for that, son.
Gumball: I don't know what that means, but I'm gonna prove it wrong. Knocks himself in the head with the cane once, then his eyes fail to focus. He becomes delusional and starts talking with difficulty; it is evident that the blow dealt him brain damage
GumballSlurring Ok, I can't remember why I'm angry at you, so I'm gonna go.
Betty​​​​: Is he talking to me now?
GumballGives back the cane No, dude, I'm talking to you. Points at Marvin
Darwin: Ok, I'm gonna walk you home now.
Home? Yeah, no, he needs to go to the hospital. Like, now. +1

Gumball: I can walk home by myself, I'm perfectly capable of putting one foot in front of the other foot... Goes right and leaves the scene while babbling
DarwinSighs I don't have the heart to tell him that he's going the wrong way
Darwin decides to let a brain-damaged and delusional Gumball dangerously walk around on his own rather than going and getting him to bring him home. +1

Marvin: No, I want you to have it. Gives Gumball the watch
GumballReveals an empty hand Check your hands, you keep it.
MarvinReveals an empty hand as well Hmmmm, check behind your ear, you keep it.
GumballChecks behind his ears and reveals an empty hand yet again Now check inside your pants.
Marvin: But I don't wear any- Marvin is suddenly wearing pants
Wha-okay, seriously, how the actual hell did Gumball do this? +1

Dealer: Now this pocket watch is a very special piece. Only two were ever made and I'd say it's worth approximately seven-hundred dollars.
There's only two of those watches in existence and they're only worth $700? Surely something that rare should be worth waaaaaaay more than that. +1

Both the Wattersons and Marvin get out of their houses, then Marvin gets on his electric scooter and tries to escape. The Wattersons run after him but stop as Richard kneels to the ground
Richard: Noooo, we're never gonna get him!
Darwin: I don't know, we could probably catch up with him if we jog.
Richard: Noooo, we're never gonna get him!
Hahahahaha -1

Richard jumps onto Patrick's back
Patrick: What the- Hey! What do you think you're doing-
How did Patrick not immediately fall to the ground under Richard's weight? +1

Marvin: For seven-hundred dollars! Kicks Gumball and Darwin's scooter away
Gumball and Darwin: Ahhhhhhhh! 
They slowly hit the glass carried by Construction Men
Gumball: What are you doing carrying glass through a park?!
Gumball would be good at CinemaSins. +1

Darwin: Hey, that's great, now we can sell the watch and split the money.
The episode ends with a freeze frame of both scooters exploding, presumably destroying the watch
There is no way the scooters were going fast enough to cause an explosion like this. +1

Also, they should all be dead. +1

Total Sins: 18

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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