EWW: The Picnic

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Lucy Simian: Everyone, look at your maps. This is the route we'll be taking to the picnic area. We go along the path, avoiding the Forest of Doom, down the ravine, avoiding the Forest of Doom, along the lake, still avoiding the Forest of Doom, and arrive at the picnic area. Understand
Students: Yes, Miss Simian.
Darwin: Did she say avoid or go through the Forest of Doom?
Gumball: Sighs What would you do without me, Darwin? She said go through the Forest of Doom.
So, me saying the Wattersons were deaf last time was obviously true then. +1

Gumball: Am I right, or am I right, Miss Simian?
Gumball and Darwin: Looking toward the front of the bus, which is now empty Huh? They're gone!
Ms Simian just leaves two children unattended. I know she doesn't care all that much, but surely she at least cares enough to not make a mistake that could make her lose her job. +1 

Darwin: I'm glad I'm on your team! Hey, little squirrels! Walks off
Squirrel: Speaking through hisses They'll never get out of here alive.
Squirrel 2: We'll feed on their carcasses!
God damn, little dark for a show like this don't you think? +1

Wind: You're going the wrong way.
Darwin: What did it tell you?
Gumball: It said we're going the right way! A can knocks him in the head
Wind: I said wrong way!
Gumball: Yep! Definitely! This is the way! Gumball and Darwin trot off
Okay, is he just purposefully taking Darwin the wrong way at this point? There's no way he can actually be this oblivious. +1

Wind: Losers.
Hahahahaha -1

Gumball: Sighs That's fine. We shall find our way using the stars!
Darwin: But the sun is out.
Gumball: Sighs The sun is a star, Darwin. Let's look directly at it! They look up, then look away, their eyes aflame
They thought this was a good idea +1

Lucy Simian: To the students Come on, this way. Gumball and Darwin run by, screaming
Somehow no one hears this +1

Darwin: Cheerfully So where do we go now?
Gumball: Sighs I don't know, dude. I'm no survivor...I'm just useless.
Darwin: But we're still alive. Hungry, cold, and lost, but alive! Gumball smiles And we're still a team! I know you can get us out of here. Let's have lunch; you'll feel better.
Aww, I love small interactions like these, they're so cute. -1

Darwin: Can I have the diet fish flakes?
Gumball: You don't wanna eat that! Grabs lunchbox and throws it over his shoulder where it crashes into something] Not when you're in the middle of nature's supermarket.
Despite having perfectly fine actual food, Gumball throws it away so they can eat random stuff from nature instead. +1

Darwin: Oh...is that made of circles too?
He points at a deer drinking at a lake
Gumball: Even better than circles! It's made of meat!
But earlier you said everything is made of circles, so surely according to your logic meat would be just the same as anything else around you +1

Gumball: Hm...hang on, Darwin, I don't need weapons, I got claws. I am a predator, hear me roar! Meows
Awwww -1

Darwin: Okay. Slaps the animal's behind Can we eat it now?
The creature turns around and shows its deformed face~
Okay that is just disturbing as hell +1

Gumball: Stomach growls Ugh, I'm so hungry! I think I've started to digest myself
They've only been here a few minutes, how are they this hungry? +1

Gumball: What is wrong with you?! You ate all my clothes!
Darwin: Well, maybe you shouldn't have thrown away my lunchbox.
Gumball: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
Darwin: You wouldn't be naked if I had my lunchbox.
Gumball: Yeah, yeah, I get it.
Darwin: I sure wish I had my lunchbox.
Gumball: In a high-pitched voice Ah, lunchbox, lunchbox, lunchbox! Normal voice Ah, you just don't get it, do you?! You're holding me back! You're on your own! See you later, buddy! You can find your own way to the picnic!
Gumball has no real reason to suddenly be mad at Darwin like this. He just suddenly is so we can have some drama near the end of the episode. +1

Gumball: I don't need anyone on my team! I am a born survivor! Slips and falls down a cliff getting hit multiple times on the way down See? I survived
Yeah, he should be dead. +1

Darwin drops down from the cliff
How are his bones not completely shattered from a fall like that? +1

Gumball: Alright! I said I was sorry! So, still friends?
Darwin: Of course!
They hug, sighing
and not even two minutes later they're cool again, Pointless drama is pointless +1

Darwin carries Gumball to the picnic area and the students see them
and now they just easily find the picnic area despite having no idea where to go. Lazy ending is lazy. +1

Total Sins: 11

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Laziest (71)

Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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