EWW: The Procrastinators

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Darwin: Wait, what?
Nicole: You are procrastinators.
They're kids, what do you expect? +1

Gumball: [Closes a large dictionary while Richard is sleeping on the couch in order to scare him]
Richard: Aaaaah! [He screams his heart out, literally. Gumball hides behind the couch, mortified]
He survives this somehow +1

Gumball: Fine! We'll show you that we're not prosthetic actors.
Anais: You mean that you're not movie stars with bionic body parts?
Gumball: Pawn investigators!
Anais: It's procrastinators.

Writers make Gumball and/or Darwin uncharacteristically stupid cliché +1

Gumball: Don't worry, Mom, we'll get right on it!
[Gumball and Darwin are at the computer, eating chips]
I know the entire episode is them doing everything they possibly can except take out the trash but...why? Why are they so determined not to do so? Even for Gumball and Darwin it makes no sense for them to be so adamantly against such a simple chore. Just a few seconds to walk outside and place down the trash and boom, their mother is proven wrong and they have the entire rest of the day to do whatever they want. +5

[Gumball types on the computer]|
Gumball: [While typing] OMG GOT 2 SL@V3 AWAY TKING OUT DA TRASH . . . SMH
Darwin: Dude, you spelt "trash" right.
Gumball: Oh yeah.
[Gumball changes the "s" in trash to "$"]
Oh come on, teens do not type this poorly. SMH  +1

Darwin: Add some little face things.
[Gumball adds a ton of emojis to his post]
The 'little face things'? Gumball and Darwin are chronically online, no way in hell do they not know what a fucking emoji is called +1

[It is now 11:30 and the trash is still not taken out]
Wait, it's only 11:30 and Nicole isn't going to be back from shopping until 5? And this is after the huge time skip the two just did, meaning she probably left at around 8. Who on earth takes an entire day to go shopping? What is she doing, buying the entire mall!? +5

Gumball: Hey, watch this.[Gumball throws a piece of candy in the air, which lands in his mouth]
Darwin: Eh, not bad.
[Darwin throws a piece of candy in the air. It stays in the air a lot longer than Gumball's. Eventually, it lands in his mouth]
Darwin's throws can apparently defy the laws of gravity +1

[Gumball walks like an astronaut on the moon]
Darwin: Dude, you're breaking the rules of the game, and the laws of physics!
Gumball: What? I can't hear you! In space, no one can hear you whine.
Darwin: Well, in space, no one can breathe without a helmet.
[Gumball pretends to suffocate, plays dead and floats.]
And apparently, Gumball can too +1

Also, love the re-use of the Void's theme here! -1

Gumball: [Sorrowfully] That was nowhere near as fun as I thought it would be.
Darwin: [Sorrowfully] I think I've lost my appetite.
[Gumball and Darwin hug]
Awwwww, the two being upset over the deaths of their made up food soldier's deaths is just adorable -5

[Darwin is stacking up plates, bowls and other platters on the kitchen table. Gumball watches him, worried.]
Gumball: Dude, I'm not sure this is a good idea.
Darwin: I bet you a dollar that nothing breaks.
Gumball: You're on!
[Darwin reaches for a cloth under the stack of plates, bowls, and mugs and pulls it from under the stack. Nothing breaks.]~
Darwin: Heh, heh! Cough up.
[Gumball takes a dollar and gives it to Darwin. The whole house collapses around them. Gumball takes back his dollar, as well as Darwin's bill, which was sitting on the table the whole time.]
How in the actual fuck!? +1

[Gumball is on the couch reading Captain Punch, when a red dot appears. This makes Gumball act like a cat and chase the red dot, and in the process destroy or scratch up lots of items in the living room, as well as himself. Meanwhile, Darwin is outside with a laser pointer, trying to find out how it works. It is pointed towards a window of the house.]

Gumball: Okay, who would be the best looking girl? One, two, three!
[Gumball and Darwin turn around and face the camera. They have lots of makeup on their faces]
Gumball is wearing makeup here despite being revealed to be allergic to it in literally the very first episode of the show +1

[The microwave clock shows 3:350
Hahahahaha, the clock changing because Gumball destroyed the original is great! -1

Gumball: Okay, finished! Go on, show yours.
Darwin: No, you first.
Gumball: Okay. Both at the same time.
Gumball and Darwin: Three, two, one!
[They both reveal their drawings. Gumball's drawing is a detailed sketch of Darwin. Darwin's drawing resembles a child
Since when was Gumball the one good at drawing? +1

[Gumball and Darwin are finally getting around to taking out the trash, and are heading for the trash bin with it]
Gumball: Well, I guess we had to do it at some point.~
[Suddenly, the computer receives a notification from Elmore Plus, which draws Gumball and Darwin back into their room through the window. The trash is brought along with them]
Why did he not just...let go of the trash before he was pulled back inside? +1

Gumball: THIS IS HOW YOU DELETE AN ELMORE PLUS ACCOUNT! [Throws computer monitor out the window, a few wires snapping off as he does.] Yah!
Or you could just...turn the computer off +1

Gumball: Oh man. I'm out of "procrastellation" ideas.
Darwin: Looks like we'll have to take the trash out after all.
Why is this a problem though? You were literally already doing it before Elmore+ pulled you back inside again. Now that's sorted you just have to take it back out again real quick +1

[Gumball and Darwin start to sigh. Slowly but surely, their sighs begin to gain a rhythm, and they start banging on objects around the house and making music. After a short musical sequence, the microwave clock turns to five o'clock as an armpit fart sound punctuates the end of the "song."]
Okay this was actually really good! They should have recorded it and uploaded on Elmore+! -1

[Gumball and Darwin rush outside to take out the trash. But when they open the door, they run into Nicole/ The Ter-mom-inator. A red light appears on her sunglasses as she analyzes and identifies them, T-800 style.]
Nicole: [Robotic voice] Did you take out the trash?
Gumball and Darwin: Mhm. [Both smile sweetly]
Nicole: [Robotic voice] Good! Now take the groceries, and put them away!
She somehow doesn't see the trash bag very obviously behind them +1

The scene then cuts to the family sitting at the dinner table, eating the trash for about ten seconds.]
Richard: Uh, can I have some more of the sports section, please?
Nicole: [Sighs] Can someone please explain to me how this happened?
Gumball: [Smiles sheepishly] Uh... wrong bag.
Okay, even if they accidentally threw out the wrong bag making them and the rest of the family eat literally trash is pretty harsh. I mean, surely they had some food left in the fridge and freezer, right? No way that small bag of groceries was meant to have the entire week's shopping in. +20

Total Sins: 26

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Hero (1,490,894)
Least Sinned Episode: The Kids (-230)

and with that, I hope you're excited cause the next episode is the episode you've all been waiting for! And I have a feeling we're in for some record lows...

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