EWW: The Puppy

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The Watterson living room. Gumall, Darwin, and Anais, clad in business wear, are behind the couch with a presentation stand]
Anais: Alright, team, let's rehearse this one more time.
Gumball inhales deeply and straightens his tie
Gumball: I'd like to start today's presentation by asking you one important question. Is your family happy? Chuckles I know what you're gonna say. "Sure, we're pretty happy", but ask yourself this, could this family be more happy?
Awwww, they fact they all worked together on this and came up with this whole presentation just to get a puppy is SO adorable. Reminds me of The Plan which was a phenomenal episode. -10

Gumball: Love your shoes by the way, I have the same pair myself.
Anais: Dad doesn't wear shoes.
Gumball: Love your feet by the way, I have the same pair myself
Hahahahahahaha -1

Anais: Good, you blind the buyer with science, then we hit them with the big sell. Here's the graph showing our current happiness levels. Hm, not bad,
Why is Gumball slightly less happy than Darwin and Anais? You'd think him and Anais would be the same then Darwin is significantly higher. +1

Anais: Alright. Let's pester this man until he begs for mercy, then pester some more.
They thought they needed this entire presentation to convince their Dad of this. Nicole, yeah, but Richard? It was established in The Castle that he physically can't bring himself to say no to anyone. And even he could he wouldn't say no to this anyway. They could literally just walk up to him, ask if he can buy them a Puppy and he'd get excited and agree no questions asked. Don't know why they wasted their time on that whole presentation. +5

Gumball: Wha? What's in the box, then?
Richard: A puppy. That's what you guys wanted, wasn't it?
How...did he know this? He wasn't there when they were going through the presentation. +1

It's revealed that it's a Nile softshell turtle inside the box, hissing at the kids
Okay, I get that Richard is stupid, but he's not so stupid that he can't tell the difference between a turtle and a puppy. Like c'mon, this is an exaggeration even for him. +10

Also, props to the animators here, they correctly animated her with a short, thin tail and darker shell, just actual female softshell turtles in real life. A very subtle detail, but one that hinted in plain sight at the twist revealed way later on in The Nest right from the very beginning -10

Nicole: If you kids wanted a turtle-
Anais: We didn't want a turtle.
Nicole: Well, you should of thought of that before making your father buy one.
What is Nicole's logic here? Why would they have asked their father to buy them a turtle if they didn't want one? How does that make any sense? +1

Nicole: And you better take good care of it, because that little guy is your responsibility... for as long as he lives!
And why would she make them keep the turtle they just explicitly said they didn't want nor asked for? Couldn't Richard just...take her back? I see no reason to force the kids to keep and look after her if no one in the household likes or wants her. +5

The children's bedroom. The kids are gathered around the turtle, who is still in the box. Anais is reading a book titled "My Pet Turtle"
Did Anais just happen to have a book about looking after pet turtles for no reason? Seems pretty convenient +1

Anais: Well, the best way to make a bond with a new pet is physical contact.
Gumball: Reaches over to the turtle Ehhhh, come here, little guy.
The turtle extends its neck, and so Gumball retracts his arms
Gumball: Eeeehhhhhh, maybe not.
Darwin: Dude, don't let your fear prevent you from having a beautiful relationship.
Gumball: I'm not scared, I just don't think he likes me.
Darwin rolls eyes and slowly shakes his head
Gumball: Really, the "I feel sorry that you can't feel love" face? Fine, I'll touch him. Touches the turtle's slimy shell and wipes the goo on Anais' cheek
Anais: Oh come on, that's not petting. He can't feel anything on his shell.
Gumball: Alright, fine. [Reaches for the turtle while it hisses back at him. The turtle's long neck rises out the shell What the-OHOHOHOH! Okay! Jiggles the turtle's neck There, there. Good boy. Happy now?
Darwin and Anais force Gumball into something that he is clearly uncomfortable and scared of, but is also clearly dangerous due to the turtle clearly acting very aggressively toward them. She's clearly warning them to stay the fuck away from her, but they just completely ignore the turtle's behaviour and make Gumball do it anyway. +15

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