EWW: The Microwave

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Gumball: Behold, Darwin. The grossest thing ever! I shall name it the gross jar! It will be my legacy to the world! It's the coolest thing ever.
So...why did he go to the effort of making this? What did he expect to do with it once it was done? Just look at it? +1

Richard drinking out-of-date milk and Gumball holding up the gross jar, winking
Why did he wink at the camera like that? He has no idea that this is a show, so who exactly was he winking at there? +1

Both look directly at the gross jar which mysteriously creates an eyeball. Gumball and Darwin scream
Um...what? How does a microwave mutate a blob of random disgusting stuff into a living breathing thing? All it did was heat it up +1

Gumball: Don't you worry about a thing. Me and your father will take care of everything.
Darwin sneaks away and Gumball sees him
Gumball: Angrily Darwin! Where do you think you're going?!
Darwin: Nervous Uh... to buy some stuff? At the shop?
Hahahahaha -1

Gumball: What are you doing?! He's your son.
How does Gumball know it's male? Did he just assume it's gender? Twitter would have some pretty harsh words about that... +1

Anais: What was all that noise? What are you two up— Aah! What is that thing?!
Gumball: It's our baby.
Anais: What are you talking about? Where did you find it?
Darwin: It came out of the microwave.
Anais: Are you sure it didn't come out of the toilet? It's disgusting.
Gumball: They always look a bit funny when they're just born.
Darwin: He's actually very advanced for his age.
Gumball: You should have seen him catch that seagull.
Anais: What?! You let that monster out?
You'd think that Anais, being the smart scientific one, would be a hell of a lot more interested and intrigued as to how her brothers somehow literally created life. Like, this is a massive scientific discovery and she's just disgusted by it and wants nothing to do with it. +1

He jumps at Anais and she screams in fear. Later...
Gumball: Kenneth, we're home!
Gumball drops his pigeon traps and he sees the messy room. Kenneth has gained weight. Anais is nowhere to be seen
Even if he grew after eating Anais, there's no way she could be fitting inside of him at the moment. He should be WAAAAAAY bigger. +1

Gumball: Ah! What a mess.
Darwin: Where's Anais?
Gumball: Eh, I knew she'd bail.
Instead of being worried that Anais has disappeared he just assumes she bailed on him. Not only would she not do that, but Kenneth now suspiciously being bigger should be a huge red flag +1

Gumball: So, um, we're doing this school project.
Richard: Uh-huh.
Gumball: And, uh, we've got to look after this, uh, gross dog thing.
Richard: I'm with you.
Gumball: And we need your help disciplining it.
Gumball chose to go to his father, who has not once in his life ever disciplined any of them, for advice on discipline +1

Gumball: We've got to save them!
Kenneth finishes eating Richard, and roars at the two
Gumball: We'll save them later!
Gumball and Darwin run away, screaming
Even if they were scared they would never just leave Anais and their father in danger like this +1

They continue walking again. A flapping sound is heard
Darwin: What was that?
Gumball: That's my butt cheek quivering with fear.
Darwin: Really?
Gumball: Yeah. Look.
Gumball's butt is seen quivering.
The show made a butt/fart/poop joke cliché +20

Darwin: Doesn't this poor creature deserve a second chance?
Everyone observes him "innocently" looking around
Anais, Nicole and Richard: Aww! Okay.
Even after being eaten by him they give Kenneth another chance simply because he's cute? They should know better than that. +1

Total Sins: 29

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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