EWW: The Goons

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Nicole: C'mon sweetie, one puzzle; one thousand pieces of fun.
Anais: Mom, can we do something, you know...not boring?
Nicole: You mean like the two thousand piece puzzle?
Anais: No something more like that.Camera turns back to Richard, Darwin and Gumball
Gumball: I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
Everyone Laughs
Richard: Hahahaha, bottom!
Nicole: Opens puzzle Anais, I think you are a bit too intelligent for that kind of behavior.
Yeah, she's intelligent, but she's also only four. Considering that, and how much studying and reading she does, I think she deserves to be cut a little slack. Doing a little dumb stuff every once in a while doesn't cause any harm. +10

Also, she says this yet also allows her to watch a basic kid's show like Daisy the Donkey, go to Daisyland, a young kid's theme park, and play with a stuffed doll whom she considers her best friend. Basically, she picks and chooses which things she considers too dumb for Anais to do, instead of letting Anais choose herself where her limit on that kind of stuff is. +15

Anais: Well if being intelligent means no fun then I don't want to be intelligent anymore
I'm surprised the show never explored this more. Anais being this smart as a four-year-old must actually be a pretty big burden on her. I mean she's four, a toddler, yet she's already being forced into the eighth grade with a bunch of kids all older than her, and forced to do a bunch of exams and work, whilst having all kinds of insane expectations placed on her. And she already has to worry about planning and securing her future career and studies. All at only four years old. Also whilst getting to watch her brothers, who are much older than her, have a much easier, more enjoyable and stress free time. With all of that piled onto her I'm surprised she's not a lot more miserable and stressed. I suppose it helps that she actually seems to enjoy all of it, at least to some degree.

Still though, gonna take some sins off for poor Anais. -10

Anais: Yeah, puzzles are okay, but i'd like to join you and be dumb for a change, just for a day.
Gumball: Scratches butt For a day, huh...
Richard and Darwin: Hmm...
Darwin: I think we should give her a chance.
Gumball: Okay then.
Aww, I love how willing they are to let her join them -1

Darwin: Mr. President sir, I found one of Mr. Dad's socks.
What? Richard doesn't wear socks though. +1

Anais: This is so dumb.
Darwin: That's the point!
Literally though. She specifically asked them to let her be dumb with them for a day, but then when they do just that she complains about it being dumb? +1

Nicole: Anais, look, honey! Porcupine parade, three thousand pieces!
Anais: Whispering Please, teach me.
Hahahahaha -1

Gumball: Wakes up in bed yawning What shall we do today guys? Notices nobody is in his room Guys?
Why was he asleep in the top bunk? That's Anais' bed. +1

Gumball: Hey, what are you doing?
Anais: We're toe wrestling with dad. Anais' big toe has the drawing of a bearded wrestler and Darwin's big toe has the drawing and is decorated as a blond wrestler This little Pinky's going down.
Darwin: In a deep voice I'm gonna toe nail you to the floor.
Gumball: Cool. Can I join in?
Darwin: Mr. Dad's only got two feet and they're kinda taken.
Gumball: That's okay. I can be the referee.
Anais: We already have one. Anais and Darwin's foot are pushing each other
Richard: Richard's big toe has a drawing drawing of a refereeNow, I want a good clean fight.
Gumball: I'll be the spectator then.
Anais: Yeah we kinda have those as well.
Darwin: Darwin's toes have drawings of spectators with a foam finger at the pinky toe then Darwin's big toe throws a mini chair at Richard's big toe BOOOO.
Darwin, Anais and Richard: Laughing Ha Ha Ha Ha
Gumball: Oh fine. I'll just go and have some breakfast. Walks away
Firstly, could they not have just taken turns? Or even just let him watch? I know Anais already said they have spectators but surely one more wouldn't hurt? +5

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