EWW: The Mothers

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[Gumball is making a Mother's Day card in class]
Gumball: To the superest mom in the world.
Darwin: I think we need more glitter?
Gumball: Dude, this is already so shiny, she'll need sunglasses to read it.
Darwin: I don't want her to be disappointed like last year.
Gumball: What are you talking about? She loved her Mother's Day present!
[Turns to flashback, Nicole has her eyes closed]
Gumball: You can open your eyes now.
Nicole: [Opens eyes] Oh. Wow. An air freshener.
Gumball: [Scoffs] No, silly! It's perfume. Try some.
Nicole: 'Course. Uh, I'll put some on right away. [Sprays the air freshener in her face. Her eyes tear up and turn red and she starts wheezing] It's...distinctive.
[Flashback ends]
Awww, the fact Darwin genuinely believes Nicole was disappointed by their gift last year is heartbreaking! Poor guy... +1

I'm sure that, even if their present wasn't the best, she still really appreciated the thought, and that you even went to the effort to get her a present! And she'll love this card too! 

Gumball: Well, she won't be disappointed this year! We made the best card.
Their card is shown. On it is "Happy Mother's Day" with a muscular Nicole wearing a cape]
Awww, seeing them so determined to make their Mom happy on Mother's Day is so adorable! -5

Tobias​: Guys, I'm sorry. But I think there's a mistake on your card. It says, "Superest mom," but I'm afraid mine is. So— [Blows raspberry]
Gumball: Dude, there can only be one superest. And the only thing your mom is super at is being super average. So— [Taunts Tobias with weird gestures, then a whistle]
Tobias​: What was that?
Gumball: I'm not sure.
Banana Joe: Your mom's aren't the superest, mine is! It's written right here.
Gumball: Dude. Just because you wrote something, doesn't mean it's true.
Darwin: What is it anyway?
Banana Joe: What do you mean, "What is it?" It's a banana!
[He shows his card. On it is "Superest mom" with a sad clown's face. No one says anything, and he puts his arm down]
Gumball: Look. I don't wanna break anyone's heart here. But at the max, your moms could be the superest in your neighborhood.
Darwin: Well, sometimes, Mrs. Mom drives down their street.
Gumball: Oh, yeah, right. Superest mom in your house then, tops.
The fact all of them genuinely believe their Mom is best and are arguing over it is just heart-meltingly adorable! If only Nicole, Barbara and Jackie were here to see this! -10

Nicole: It's so nice that we're doing something together on Mother's Day. I can't wait to see what my surprise will be. Is it a back rub? A [Opens her eyes] haircut? [Gasps] I'd love to have it done by a professional this time. The last time you guys did it, I had to wear a back brace, and a wig for a month.
Gumball: Why don't you um... look around for a couple of hours? There's a little something we need to do.
Nicole: Oh, I see-a surprise! [Giggles]
Awww, and it's also really nice seeing Nicole this happy and excited! Ahh this episode is so wholesome so far! -5

Okay, okay, I'd better stop gushing about how adorable this episode and its concepts are and start actually criticizing stuff again otherwise ClokRoo will nag me in the comments about removing too many sins and suggest again for thousandth time that I do a Everything Great With/CInemaWins instead

Okay, where were we? Ah, right. They did a episode mostly set on Mother's Day...and released it in September. Great missed opportunity guys +1

Props to the UK though, we at least released it on the same week as Mother's Day, which although not spot on is more than close enough.

Gumball: Well, did you bring your 'f'? 'Cause you're gonna 'ail'!
C'mon, that's really the best you could come up with? You're usually the undisputed king of roasts and insults like these! +1

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