EWW: The Dress

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They "glide" down the stairs, both getting hurt
Gumball: Awesome.
Both stand up and go to the door with Anais
The two of them slide down a flight of stairs and somehow stand up completely fine +1

Gumball: Ready!
Anais: You can't go to school like that! You're naked!
Gumball: Shrugs But I can't find my clothes.
So...because he can't find his clothes he decided that he would just waltz into school naked? And he expected Principal Brown to be completely okay with it? +1

Gumball: Great! Can I have my clothes?
Richard: Of course. Grabs Gumball's pants and sweater off the line. They've shrunk enough to fit in the palms of his hands Here you go!
How come only Gumball's clothes shrunk? I mean, Anais and Richard are wearing their clothes ,which means theirs didn't shrink, yet Gumball's for some reason did? +1

Gumball comes out from behind a fire hydrant he has been hiding behind to be unnoticed
Nicole's dress somehow fits a child perfectly +1

Several students approach the bus stop
Tina: Who are you?
They shall somehow believe Gumball is an entirely different person simply because he's wearing a dress +1

Gumball: Gulps, observes his surroundings trying to come up with a fake name Uh... my name is... Quick. Think of a name. Think of a name.
A truck passes by and it says "Gum"
Gumball: Gum...
A dog spits out a soccer ball
Gumball: ...ball —oops! Uh...
An egg takes out of the shell on his head
Gumball: Egg...
Eggman: Morning.
Pantsbully is seen riding on a motorcycle
Gumball: Wobble...
Underpants walks by
Gumball: ...Underpants!
Underpants: Yo.
Anais facepalms
Penny: Is that a foreign name?
They believe this +1

Gumball: Yes! Yes! I'm, uh, from, buh-duh-duh... Europe!
Tina: Where in Europe?
Gumball: Observing his surroundings again trying to construct the name of the place in the same manner Uh... Gum... bald— No! Uh... wig... battle-ax... ninja!
And this. +1

The school bus arrives and everyone gets into it. Anais for unknown reason stays at the bus stop
The wiki's transcript would be good at CinemaSins +1

Anais: Can you believe that, Darwin?
Darwin notices a big pink button on the ground and stares at it in amazement
Anais: Darwin?
Darwin: She dropped her button. Picks up the button and skips down the road
Gonna sin all the creepy things Darwin does whilst being in love with his brother now to get it out of the way. +6

They take out their homework, except Gumball and Darwin, who is drawing Gumball in the dress like a french girl
He draws a really good picture here despite being show to be a terrible artist in later episodes. +1

Lucy Simian: But you're wearing a beautiful dress, so it must be true. Why don't you sit there and look pretty, while the rest of us get on with class.
Ms Simian, the notoriously mean teacher, lets a student relax simply because she's a pretty girl in a dress +1

Also, that's sexist +1

Gumball: Confused What was all that about?
Anais: It's the dress.
Gumball: What?!
Anais: They think you're a beautiful girl. People will do anything for a beautiful girl. Anything!
So for some reason this dress is so beautiful they see Gumball as some beautiful girl instead? How does that makes any sense? +1

Gumball: Confused That was weird. Shrugs Oh, well. Today is gonna be awesome!
Gumball ignores his brother creepily taking a photo of him and licking it. +1

Gumball: Sighs Ahh. I love being beautiful. You should give it a try.
Ahhahahahahaha! -1

Darwin: WhisperingI love you.
The car goes down quickly, Gumball shouts being terrified of Darwin's words
Gumball only now realizes how in love Darwin is with him in the dress +1

Gumball: Holding a pillow Oh, he really thinks I'm a girl, and he thinks he loves me. Cover his head with the pillow
Anais: You'll just have to tell him the truth, won't you, beautiful?
Hahahahahahaha, Anais subtly digging Gumball for his earlier teases toward her is great! Gotta love the adorable sibling bickering moments like these! -5

Richard: Is sitting on the couch Hmm? Who's your pretty friend, Anais?
Gumball: It's me, Dad.
Richard: Hello, It's Me Dad. Is she foreign?
Richard just made a dad joke +1

Gumball: Holding his arm Uh, hi, everyone. Um, this is quite difficult for me to say. But what I'm trying to say is- is... Anais holds a goodbye banner I'm leaving.
Everyone is shocked
Penny: But, why?
Gumball: Because the king of Europe has been kidnapped? Anais looks at him And they need my help 'cause I'm so beautiful.
Everyone buys it
They believe this +1

The bus door opens and the balloon with Nicole's dress comes out
Gumball: Hello, Darwin.
Darwin: Kneels then gasps You get more beautiful every time I see you. But why are you leaving?
Darwin believes that this balloon is the girl +1

 Total Si-BONUS ROUND: Sinning everyone who believed Gumball in a dress was a different person (except Richard as it makes sense for him) :

Tina +1

Alan +1

Penny +1

Molly +1

Masami +1

Tobias +1

Leslie +1

Darwin +1

Bobert +1

Ms Simian +1

Banana Joe +1

Anton +1

Teri +1

Carrie +1

Clayton +1

Rocky +1

Juke +1

Mr. Small +1

Idaho +1

Total Sins: 37

Most Sinned episode So far: The Third (59)
Least sinned episode So far: The Responsible (29)

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