EWW: The Void

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At the Elmore Stadium, Gumball and Darwin are watching the cheerleaders practice
Cheerleaders: Go, Elmore, Go! Go, Elmore, Go!
Gumball: Woo! Ready! Yeah! Fires air horn Woo! Mexican wave! Performs a Mexican wave by himself Listen to the crowd, they love you! Imitates spectator cheer, then angrily looks at Darwin
Awwwww, this is second time now we've seen Gumball (and Darwin) attend one of Penny's cheerleader practices. it's so adorable how insistent he is on attending all of these and cheering her on. He truly cares about her and her happiness, going above and beyond for her. Even if he may be a little bit of a jerk or idiot sometimes, Penny couldn't be luckier to have someone like him there for her. -10

Darwin: It's not that I'm not supportive but... they're kind of a train wreck... that like, a truck crashed into... and then the whole thing sunk into a lake... and managed to catch fire... and exploded.
That...only gives you more reason to try and encourage them. If they're failing, they're gonna need the motivation to continue. 

In other words, admit you just don't wanna be here dude. it's fine. +5

The cheerleaders fall and injure themselves
Penny's family can pop out their arms and legs when in their shells? Why? How would that ever benefit them in any way? Seems like a completely pointless ability. +1

Darwin: Alright, I guess they didn't explode, but you have to admit that was- Explosion
What? What could have possibly caused them to explode like that? +1

Gumball: Yeah, I know what you mean. They were clearly missing something.
Mister Small​​​​​: Pops up You notice too? Stuff goes missing all the time in this town. Everyone pretends it doesn't happen, but I say it's a conspiracy. That's why I've got my hat on! TO STOP THEM ERASING MY MEMORY AND FORGETTING WHAT WAS TAKEN FROM ME!
...why am I not surprised Mr Small is a conspiracy theorist? -1

Mister Small​​​​: No. The love of my life, Janice.
Darwin: Mr. Small. With all due respect, how do you know that Janice didn't just leave you?
Gumball: Yeah, because of... you know... the hat, the ponytail, and the whole... Does the coo-coo sign
Mister Small​​​​: Laughs insanely Janice could never leave without me. Chuckles
He walks away
Mr Small doesn't clarify that Janice is a van here for no other reason than so the reveal can be a twist at the end +1

Mister Small​​​​: Comes back suddenly again And make a hat!!
AWWWW, i love that Gumball instinctively jumped onto Darwin cause he was scared! A subtle but cute little detail! -1

Darwin: No, think about it. Something that used to be here at school, but now it's gone. Sigh Never mind. Closes locker and gasps Look at this!
He gestures to the locker numbers. There is 115 and 117, but-
Darwin: There's no 116! There's a locker missing.
He traces his fin along the line where the locker seems to have folded on itself. Both Gumball and Darwin see that the school's section aligned with the locker also folded on itself, with a door being reduced to half its size on the opposite side. The door opens, and the cheerleaders come out. They don't seem aware of this, even when Sarah's head gets lodged in the doorway
Somehow nobody noticed the entire school, and the doorway to the girl's bathroom, being noticeably shorter until now. +5

Also, why does The Void have to completely erase that entire row of existence? Could it not have just...removed Molly's things from her locker? Completely erasing the entire row of the universe just seems excessive +1

Gumball: I mean- STOP! Look.
This time, he points to a photo of the cheerleaders in a pyramid formation. But one of the cheerleaders holding up the pyramid is missing
Seriously? The Void was able to completely erase ROW OF UNIVERSE Molly's locker was on, but was only able to effectively badly photoshop Molly out of this photo? How does that make sense? +5

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