EWW: The Pony

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Gumball: Don't worry, as long as nothing gets in our way, we'll be fine.
Gumball makes the rookie mistake of saying "as long as x doesn't happen we'll be fine." Everyone knows that when you say that you're jinxing yourselves and making said thing inevitable. +1

Teal Tow Truck Driver: ...What?!
Darwin: Uhhh, don't you think you should help that guy? You clearly took the cover off.
Teal Tow Truck Driver: So? You guys are way closer, that means it's your problem.
How does this guy  expect Gumball and Darwin to lift this overweight guy out of a manhole? There's no way that's ever happening. +1

Gumball: Still, what kind of bozo runs around not looking where he's going, blindly texting on his phone?
Tony: I wasn't texting, I was updating my status so everyone knows I'm jogging.
Gumball: Why?
Tony: Looks down in disappointment To get those little thumbs-ups on ElmorePlus.
This is too relatable. -1

Gumball: Sighs Alright, let's get you out of here, you attention hog.
Gumball decides to waste time on getting this guy out, despite him and Darwin being in a hurry and this not in anyway being their problem. +1

Rob​​​​​: Appears in front of the boys Gumball! Darwin! What's up, guys?!
Gumball: Nervously Heeeeeey... Rich?
Rob​​​​​: His smile fades Did you just call me "Rich" like it was a question?
Gumball: Facepalms Ha! Did I say "Rich"? I'm-I'm sorry, dude. I meant, uh... your name.
Rob​​​​​: Which is?
Gumball and Darwin laugh nervously
Rob​​​​​: Which is?!
Both sigh. Darwin opens his mouth as if he remembers, but does not
Rob​​​​​: ROB! My name is Rob!
Gumball: Rob! Of course, man, I'm sorry. Hey listen, we're in a massive hurry, but we should totally hang out soon. I'll-I'll call you, bro.
Gumball and Darwin start to leave, but Rob blocks their path again
Rob​​​​​​​​​​​​: You don't have my number. You don't remember me at all, do you? And this! This is just some hollow promise!
And thus begins the biggest arc of the entire show. Did the writers really have it all planned this far in advance, or did they make it up as they went along? Because if it was the latter they did an extremely good job with it. I mean, rewatching this scene, even knowing that Rob had definitely appeared before, I genuinely couldn't remember seeing him before. They somehow made him just as forgettable to the viewers as he was to Gumball and Darwin, and that takes some skill. -10

Darwin: Dude, it's not that! We've just been distracted because uh... ha ha, the funniest thing just happened. See that hole?
Rob leans over the manhole to look. Darwin kicks him down the hole
Gumball: Darwin! I can't believe you just did that!
Me neither! Darwin doing that to Rob seems so unlike him. Usually Gumball would be the one to do something like that. +1

Anais: Why are you late?!
Darwin: Heh heh, well, funny story, uh, we were helping a guy out of a manhole--Gumball can be seen tying Martin with rope to a truck in the background
Anais: No need to lie. It's obvious you guys don't wanna watch the movie with me.
Anais: Dad, am I boring?
Richard: Of course not, sweetie pie.
Anais: Then why don't Gumball and Darwin want to hang out with me?
Richard: Uh... uh... Thinking to himself Think, Richard, think! Your little girl is feeling insecure. This is a real parenting situation. What you say now can affect her for the rest of her life, so say the right thing. Say the right thing! To Anais The right thing!
Anais: What?
Richard: Speak to your mother! Runs away
Awwww, it's actually really sad to see that Anais genuinely believes her brothers don't want to spend time with her, and that they would go as far as lying to her and pretending to be caught up in something just to avoid doing so. How little do they hang out with or spend time with her for her to believe such a thing? +10

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