EWW: The Words

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The episode starts with Sussie and Darwin sitting next to each other in the school bus
Sussie: Look, sun! Look, house! Look, roof! Look, ball! Look, door! Look, clown! Look, bird! You're not looking! Points to a dog BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! BIRD!
Why is Sussie being so annoying here? Yeah. she's a little weird and does a lot of things that don't make sense most of the time but she doesn't usually act like this. +1

Gumball: If you want me to teach you how to be direct, I can. But you have to promise to do exactly what I say. No questions asked!
Darwin: Kneels, starry-eyed; Light and sparkles come from the top right corner I promise.
Gumball: I want you to walk like a dog with an itchy butt.
Darwin: Still starry-eyed I shouldn't have promised.
Hahahahahahaha -1

Darwin: I think I actually understand the purpose of this exercise. You're ridding me of my inhibitions by destroying the little dignity I had.
He for some reason believes that Gumball had an actual logical reason behind making him do something like this. It should have been pretty obvious, especially to the person who knows Gumball better than anyone else in the world, that he was just screwing with him +1

Leslie​​​: Talking on the phone Calm down, honey, you're being over grammatic this guy is too shellfish and he's being a total control Greek.
Gumball pushes the switch to end the phone call
Leslie​​​: Do you mind? I was in the middle of a condensation!
Leslie messes up a bunch of words here because he's "trying to sound intelligent" but not once do we see ever him do so at any other point in the series. +1

Darwin: You don't understand. For my whole walking life I had to keep my mouth shut, having to deal with everyone's annoying little habits, but now I can say what I like...
But...he didn't. He just chose to not speak up because he was too polite too. He always had to option to do so though. Or he could have just told Gumball and got him to tell them instead. +1

Darwin sings 'What He Thinks About Us!'
Okay, this song is actually really good, even if it is about Darwin insulting everyone. -5

Carrie leans against Darwin's back
Darwin: Carrie thinks her style's unique, but she's just one more emo freak.
Carrie is able to lean against Darwin here despite him needing to be a ghost to interact with her a few episodes ago in Halloween. Aka, writers can't decide on the rules of ghosts cliché +1

Darwin: OH MY GOSH! Your hand, it's covered in germs!
Teri: WHAT?! WHERE?!
Darwin licks her hand
Darwin: There.
...Ewww. +1

Mister Small​​​​​​​​​​: Thinks Darwin is referring to him, and takes a big breath I think I have the right treatment for your problem.
Gumball and Darwin walk out of his office; Darwin has tape on his mouth
D-Did Mr Small just straight up gag Darwin!? Between this and traumatizing and terrifying Gumball and Darwin into silence back in Season 1, how does this guy still have a job? +1

Darwin sings 'No More Mr Nice Guy!'
Wow, two songs in one episode? I think this is a first. And it's another pretty good one too. -1

Darwin: Your head is so big that you have to put your shirt on feet first!
He says this but we see in later episodes this isn't true. Insults...don't really work if they're easily proven false. +1

Gumball: You're so short that your head smells like feet!
He says this insult to someone who is just as tall as him, thus also insulting himself in the process. +1

Gumball: Okay, I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice. You are not my brother.
Gumball starts to use a combo move
GOD. DAMN. That wasn't just a low blow, that was straight-up murder! -1

Darwin: Flies into the air Ahh!
Announcer: Ultimate combo!
Scene changes to a cutscene with Darwin laying in a destroyed wall, while a "Continue" counter goes down in the corner
Wait, how did the combo cause him to go flying into the wall like that? We just saw that this fight wasn't real and that they were just acting it out. +1

Darwin starts sobbing. Gumball realizes what he has done and rushes over as the scene returns to reality
Darwin: Did you really mean that?
Gumball: Crying as well No! Hugs him I just wanted you back to normal, it just came out!
Darwin: It really hurt!
Gumball: It really hurt me too! I never thought it before, you're totally my brother!
Darwin: Regains composure Well, I think you've made your point, and if that's how I made other people feel, I don't want to do it anymore.
Gumball: Happily sighs It's good to have you back, buddy.
The brothers hug
Darwin: You still have a big head, though.
Gumball: Well, at least mine's got hair on it.
Awwwwwww -5

Total Sins: -3

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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