EWW: The Internet

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Gumball: Huh? looks closer at the screen, from the computer's POV There's no ghost in this video. looks even closer It's just a car driving down the r-
A scream is heard, and Gumball freaks out for a prolonged time, making a series of funny faces. Eventually he stops, silent for a moment
They referenced an actual real advert/video here, which is such an awesome idea! -1

Gumball: What the what?! begins desperately typing on the keyboard How did that happen?! What's going on here?! Stop it!The video becomes viral as it pops up in a bunch of windows on screen
Darwin: laughs It's your fat fingers, dude. You started the webcam and uploaded yourself by mistake.
Firstly if you watch the clip back he very clearly didn't touch the keyboard at all during that entire video, so this is impossible. +1

Secondly, their computer doesn't even have a webcam! +1

Thirdly, even if it did, and even if he had accidentally started a recording, and assuming it was for some reason set to auto upload once the recording ended...he didn't hit the button again to stop the recording. It should still be going. +1

Gumball: I'm doomed! sobs I broke the number-one rule of the Internet -- don't put yourself on the Internet!
But he's already been on the internet. Twice. Granted he somehow inexplicably doesn't know about the video Anais and Darwin uploaded,. but he does know about the Tae-Kwon Dorks video from The Gi, and by the next episode no one was talking about it anymore. All he has to do is wait a little while for this video to blow over and become forgotten about just like that, and the one Anais and Darwin uploaded, did. +10

Darwin: Come on, man. Do you know how many videos there are on the Internet? You're just a drop of embarrassment in an ocean of shame. I'm sure no one's seen it yet.Darwin clicks, and the boys are astonished to see the number of views on Gumball's video rapidly multiplying so much that the digits are piling up on the side of the screen and then bursting out the side of the monitor~
Gumball: No! Man, how is that even possible?! That's more views than there are people on Earth! sobs
People can...watch a video more than once, you know. +1

Darwin: Well, on the plus side, it can't get any worse.
Darwin says the one thing nobody in a movie or tv show should never ever say under any circumstances. I mean, did he not learn from The Pony about jinxing things!? +1

Gumball: Delete it! Do something!
Darwin: I can't. You can't delete anything on the web.
What? Yes you can. Unless Elmore Stream-It from some reason doesn't allow videos to be deleted once they're uploaded, which would probably be illegal for privacy reasons or something. +1

Gumball: I'm really enjoying this time off from the internet. I can finally develop my brain, and study the big classics of literature!
Since when has Gumball ever read, especially willingly? +1

Darwin: Sees what Gumball is reading "The Little Platypus Who Took the Wrong Bus"?
Gumball: Oh man, it's intense! It's this platypus baby on his quest for family and identity. Is he a duck? Is he a beaver? An otter? And more to the point, where's his mother? Slams table A platypus child needs his mother, dude! Sobs
Awwwww. Gumball getting so invested in this child's book is so adorable. -10

Tobias​​​​​​: You've gone kind of viral, dude. You're famous!
Gumball: What kind of fame is that!? This is stupid. I mean, what's next? The stupid face wearing a sombrero, shooting lasers at kittens, or something?!
He says this, but if the memes were of anyone else he would be laughing at them just as much. +1

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