EWW: The Authority

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Richard uses a chainsaw and cuts a hole to the backyard then looks at the satellite dish
Wait, why did Richard have a chainsaw just lying around inside the house? Or did he go out to the shed, get a chainsaw, go back inside, and then cut his way outside again? +1

Bandage Doctor: You are very lucky Mr. Watterson, it appears your skull is so thick you were able to survive a half a ton of tiles and a satellite dish falling on your head.
Firstly, it doesn't matter how thick his skull is, there's no way he would have survived this. +1

Secondly, tiles? They were shingles, not tiles. +1

Granny Jojo: [Off-screen] I don't think so!
Camera zooms in Granny Jojo's face
How did she know what happened? Knowing how much Nicole dislikes her I doubt she would have called up to tell her what happened, and it's unlikely any of the kids would either. +1

Granny Jojo: I wish I could say the same but it seems I have no other choice but to move in and sort out your family which you are clearly incapable of taking care of.
She says this as if she can just waltz on it and live with them out of nowhere. Nicole would very easily be able to force her to leave or call the police for trespassing if she refuses. +1

Nicole: I think they're perfectly safe with me, now look left then right before you cross that road Gumball.
Granny Jojo: No, you look right then left, that way you see the nearest car first.
She says this, but they're in America and, in America, cars drive on the right side of the road, so Nicole is right in that he should look left first to see the nearest car. +1

Scene changes to the Wattersons' front yard where Gumball is attempting a skateboard trick while Darwin watches him; Anais takes a photo of Gumball as he jumps; Nicole and Granny Jojo looks out from a window
Darwin: Dude, I think the board is supposed to jump as well.
Kinda neat how this ended up teasing The Ollie way later on in Season 5, even if it was again unintentional. -1

Nicole: Oh come on, he's wearing all the protective gear, what the worst that could happen?
Gumball tries to do the trick again but the board hits his crotch
Gumball: Argh, you stupid board-
Gumball throws the board but it hits his face then he steps and trips on the board and it hits Darwin's face then the board bounces and hits Anais's face
Nicole: Talks very fast Oh my gosh, you're right, I'm a terrible mother.
How was this in any way her fault? As she said, Gumball was wearing all the necessary protective gear, and no one was seriously hurt. It was an accident, an accidents happen all the time. No one is at fault here. +1

Nicole: Shocked I always thought I was a good mother...
Granny Jojo: But you're not, are you?
Nicole: Maybe it's because of stress or something-
Granny Jojo: Pats Nicole's hand Don't worry about it.
Nicole: But they're my family, they need me!
Granny Jojo: They need me more.
Nicole sighs and dejectedly walks down the stairs

 +250 sins for Granny Jojo daring to claim Nicole is a bad mother. 

Granny Jojo: Excuse me sweetie, I forgot to ask your mom to buy some milk before she left for work, do you mind running to the store to pick some up?
Gumball: Gets off couch and takes money Sure.
Since when would Gumball just immediately agree to do an errand like this? Back in The DVD he was very stubborn with his Mom about returning the DVD, and later on he was too lazy to even take out the trash, so him agreeing to this without any persuasion or arguing, especially with someone like Granny Jojo who, unlike Nicole, he isn't scared of,  seems very unlike him. +1

Scene changes to a street; Gumball is walking home with the milk; a car comes and tries to hit Gumball
Gumball: Jumps out of the way Ahhhhh!
The car reverses and tries to hit Gumball again; Gumball screams and runs back to his house; he gets tired and collapses at the steps of the backdoor; the car smashes through the fence and stops a few inches away from Gumball; the door of the car window opens, and Granny Jojo pops her head out
Gumball: Panting and scared What the what?
Granny Jojo: This lesson shows that nobody is safe the moment they leave their house.So Granny Jojo decided it was a good idea to attempt to run over her own grandson just to scare him into staying inside? Not only would she have gone to prison for attempted murder if she had actually hit him, but the moment Nicole finds out she'll be the one running for her life. +1

Granny Jojo: Takes knife from Darwin] Well let me show you how to do it safely. Cuts her bread; her fake arm falls off
Granny Jojo screams, then Darwin screams as well; the camera shows the two screaming at each other repeatedly; then Granny Jojo reveals her real arm, but Darwin continues screaming
Granny Jojo: That lesson shows that nobody is safe when there's a knife around, so get out of here!
Darwin falls for her very obviously fake arm being cut off. +1

Scene changes to the bedroom where Anais is trying to close the window and then Granny Jojo comes in
Granny Jojo: Ah hold on sweetie, let me get that for you.
Anais gets down annoyed; Granny Jojo goes up and slams the window which explodes; camera zooms to Anais who is in shock then camera changes back to Granny Jojo
How on earth is a random old woman able to slam a window shut so hard it explodes? +1

Granny Jojo: If you think I'm letting you send them out into danger, you got another thing coming!
She says this as if she has any say over this. If Nicole says something is happening, it's happening. +1

Scene changes back to Richard and the trio who are still squeezing out of the door, then Anais pops out and hits the car
She's somehow still conscious after this. +1

Nicole: Echo Remember...Scene changes to Anais as she has her flashback; Anais holds on a cabinet door in the Wattersons' kitchen as she reaches for a jar of cookies but the door breaks off, causing her to faceplant onto the floor; Scene repeats but now it's Gumball trying to get the jar, he grabs it but the cabinet door breaks off again, causing him to faceplant onto the floor
Anais: As she grabs the jar from Gumball Ha ha ha!
Hahahahahahaha -1

Nicole: Don't give them the answers, they have to figure it out by themselves. Camera changes to Richard's car Just use your common sense, honey, it's okay to make mistakes!
Granny Jojo: Nicole, I have to put a end to this right now.
Granny Jojo jumps out of the car in slow-motion
Nicole: In slow-motion Nooooooo!
Nicole rams Richard's car and stops Granny Jojo from jumping into it and starts wrapping the seat belt around her
Granny Jojo: Your family is in danger and you-
Nicole grabs Granny Jojo's mouth and puts it into the glove compartment
Nicole: My family is fine, they just need the right incentive.
Gumball, Darwin, Anais, and Richard: See Nicole ahead and scream Get off the road!
Nicole: No, you can do it, honey!
Granny Jojo grabs her mouth and winds down the car's window, then she holds her mouth outside the window
Granny Jojo: Are you crazy?!
Nicole: Come on guys, I believe in you, remember everything you've learned!
Richard presses on the brake and everyone screams while Nicole and Granny Jojo brace themselves; the car stops a few inches from Nicole; everyone laughs and then faints
and this ladies and gentlemen, proves exactly why Nicole is an amazing mother.  Stuff it Granny Jojo. -100

Total Sins: 160

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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