EWW: Christmas

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So, it's Christmas Eve now? Which means another seven months have passed since The Apology. Elmore sure seems to be a lot quieter and calmer than it's made out to be if only five episodes have happened in just over a year. +1

Also,  characters remain the same age despite a large amount of time clearly being shown to have canonically passed in-universe cliché +1

Nicole: Okay, I'm gonna run a bath for our guest. Quietly, to Gumball, Darwin, and Anais If he touches anything, clean it...with fire!
Nicole tells her four, ten and twelve-year-olds kids to mess with fire. +1

Anais: Oh, you can have your cookie...WHEN THE FATE OF CHRISTMAS IS NO LONGER AT STAKE!
Anais: Okay, we need some familiar surroundings to get your Santa instincts to kick back in.
Okay, I get Richard believing in Santa, but Anais? Sure she's four, but she's incredibly smart. Even though later on it turns out he is real, she's smart enough to logically assume he isn't. +1

Anais: I want four ponies! One for the bedroom, one downstairs, one for the bathroom, and a spare one no one else is allowed to use. And I want a princess tiara and a prince to marry me when I'm old enough so I never have to work like Mom.
What...what would she do with a pony in the bathroom? +1

Homeless man: Well, I don't think it's right to give kids whatever they want or they end up spoiled brats, like this one.
Outside the cabin, Anais kicks down a snowman prop while screaming
Homeless man: See? This is the problem with kids these days.
Darwin: I know. All I want for Christmas is world peace.
Homeless man: Well, that's nothing practical.
Outside the cabin, Darwin uses a candy cane prop to hit another candy cane prop while Anais attempts to knock down the "Santa's Grotto" sign
Gumball: Can I go on your lap now?
Homeless man: Nope.
Outside the cabin, Gumball is on the roof, ripping up the fake snow. The homeless man exits the cabin
Hahahahaha -1

The homeless man, Gumball, Darwin, and Anais are in the backseat of the Wattersons' car, all angrily looking down
Wait, Nicole was paranoid about letting Santa touch or sit anywhere in the house, but she's completely fine with him sitting in the car now? +1

The car swerves to avoid crashing into Richard and hits a parked car. The tree from the top of the car flies off and into a reindeer decoration, causing it to catch on fire. Rosie, who was watching the display, begins to cry
Darwin: Come on, Santa. You need to go up as well as down. To Gumball and Anais I don't think he's gonna make it.
Gumball: He just needs some encouragement. Anais, get me the matches.
The homeless man hears Gumball and begins to panic.
Hahahahaha, the jokes in the episode are great! -5

Nicole: I hoped and hoped and hoped again. But he never came. And that's how I learned the terrible truth.
Letter falls onto the ground addressed to the South Pole
How would someone like Nicole make a basic mistake like this? It's incredibly common knowledge that Santa lives at the North Pole. I'm pretty sure even Richard would know that. +1

Singer: Turn off all the lights
Gumball unplugs the Fitzgerald's lights
Patrick just allows Gumball to do this for some reason. +1

Nicole: Come on, kids, come home! There's plenty of stuff that doesn't exist! The tooth fairy, Bigfoot, Switzerland...
Nicole believes Switzerland doesn't exist? Why...? Has she never looked at a map or globe in her entire life? +1

Santa Claus: First you need to fasten your seat-belt!
Gumball fastens his seat-belt, but Richard has trouble with his
Richard: What the? How can I be fatter than Santa?
Hahahahahahaha -1

Gumball: To the bag I want some walkie-talkies!
A present comes out
Gumball: Aw, man! It's really well-wrapped!
Richard: Ask it for scissors!
Gumball: I want some scissors!
Wrapped scissors come out of the bag
Gumball: Are you kidding me?!
He...he's a cat. He has claws. Why doesn't he just use them? +1

Gumball: I love you, Dad.
Richard: I love you, son.
Awwwwww -1

Santa Claus: That's okay, Richard! After that landing, you're on the nice list forever!
Richard: Awesome! 'Cause you owe me eight-hundred dollars for the hospital bill.
The bill is only $800? The Wattersons are shown be to really poor, so it's unlikely they have good health insurance, if any, so a bill this cheap seems very unlikely. +1

Total Sins: 3

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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