EWW: The Fight

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Gumball sits on the sofa with lasagna all over his head
Firstly, why is he just sitting there with lasagna on his face rather than getting a shower? +1

Secondly, how did Anais only just notice it? He must have been going around since lunch and gotten the bus or driven home in the car covered in it, and she somehow didn't notice at all until now? +1

Thirdly, how are Gumball, Darwin, Richard, and Anais all sitting on the sofa together? They made a huge point in The Goons that it was only big enough for three people. +1

Montage of Tina 'bullying' Gumball
Gumball: It was great!
Anais stares disapprovingly at Gumball
Gumball: What?
Anais: I think you're being bullied.
Gumball: Nah, we're just having fun.
He somehow believes this was just fun. I mean it was, to him and Tina at least, but to anyone else, it very clearly isn't.  I get Season 1 Gumball was more naive and stupid than later on, but he's smart enough to realize something is bullying. +1

Anais: Hmmm... Nope, you're definitely getting bullied.
Gumball: Ah! What am I gonna do?
Anais: Don't worry, bro, I'll take care of this for you!
Awww gotta love Anais being a supportive little sister. Especially in Season 1, where she seemed to dislike him and Darwin more than any later seasons. -5

Pulls out a large cell phone, and calls Tina
Do...do I want to know where that phone came from? +1

Darwin: Okay, time to put it to the test! Ready?
Gumball: Okay!
Darwin repeatedly hits Gumball with a hockey stick as Gumball screams in pain
Darwin: Can you feel anything yet? Hits Gumball Again
Gumball screams in pain
Darwin: Okay, I'll keep going!
Darwin hears Gumball screaming in pain and for some reason thinks that means he should keep going +1

The armor falls off and Gumball is fully clothed
Why is he fully clothed? We saw when Darwin opened the flap to show the bubble wrap pants that he was naked underneath. +1

Everyone encourages the fight outside
Why is Penny encouraging the fight? She loves Gumball, surely she'd be trying to stop him from fighting or at least not attending to watch him getting beaten up. +1

Speaking of not attending, why didn't Gumball just...not go to the fight? +1

Mr Small closes the door on Gumball
Dude chooses to let Gumball potentially get seriously hurt when he could easily have let Gumball in before quickly closing the door. +1

Nicole: Would you mind removing your glasses when you're at the table?
Gumball: Err... yes? Swallows food
Nicole sighs and removes Gumball's sunglasses, revealing that he has got a black eye
Nicole: Gasps What happened to you?
Gumball: I... ran into a door? Smiles sheepishly
Why does he say this in a way that makes it sound so unbelievable? It's the truth, he has no reason to be reluctant or hesitant to tell her. +1

Gumball: Err, Tina, is it true that you're bullying me?
Tina: What? No! I thought we were just having fun.
Gumball: So, why were you chasing me?
Tina: I only wanted to speak to you, but you ran away.
Tina: Everyone thinks I'm a brute... just like my dad. BUT I'M NOT! Kicks scrap car away
Gumball: I don't think you are a brute!
Tina: Really?
Gumball: Of course! You're just a dangerous friend with a terrifying amount of strength.
Tina: Thanks!
Gumball: Come on, gimme five! Sees Tina's small arms Oh. Err, how about a friend hug?
Tina hugs and crushes Gumball
Gumball: Oww! Too... friendly!
Awwww, some really wholesome and welcome character development for Tina here...shame it gets completely disregarded and ignored and she becomes a regular bully again for the entire rest of the series. Kinda makes the entire point of this episode completely redundant. In which case. +25

Total Sins: 41

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

Woo, that's Season 1 officially complete! Onwards to Season 2, where... that episode awaits us. You know which one I'm talking about...

...let's just say, if you thought 50 sins was high, you ain't seen nothing yet...

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