EWW: The Treasure

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The three siblings, lead by Anais, working together to solve a case is such a cool idea for an episode. It even somewhat feels like a prototype or test for what eventually ended up as The Detective, which is another great episode. -1

: Dude, I think there's something wrong with this cereal.
Darwin: Why?
Anais holds up a bagel
Anais: This bagel is like three times the size of our burger buns. Anais puts the bagel and the burger bites together Wait a minute...
Darwin grabs a carton of orange juice
Darwin: And this orange juice has oranges in it, instead of letters and numbers!
Nicole: Ugh... I picked up someone else's groceries by mistake.
Anais: How come we can't get this good stuff all the time?
Nicole: Look, we'd be able to afford the good stuff if it wasn't fo- Catches herself rrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
I know the Wattersons are poor, but I didn't think they were this poor. I mean, they can afford to go to Joyful Burger semi-regularly, pay the bills, have a relatively nice house which they manage to keep, the kids all have an allowance, etc, so surely they can't be that bad off. +1

Good CGI Mouse: Get ready, panda, use your secret weapon.
Chuck the Panda: Okay, you asked for it. Does a massive fart in the other mice's face
This show just made a fart joke. In its second season. That's worth this many sins. +20

Anais: Uh, how about that box?
Gumball: NO! NO!
Anais picks up the box and keeps Gumball away, then Darwin opens the box, pulling out Gumball's baby pictures
Darwin: Gasps Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, you were an ugly baby
They show that Gumball was an ugly baby here but we see in The Choices that this wasn't the case. +1

Scene switches to living room; the poker banging in the attic and Richard's footsteps are in sync; Richard walks across the room while holding a large sandwich; Nicole takes it away
Nicole: Sounds to me like you really don't need that sandwich. Richard makes a sad face as he walks away
The banging of the poker is somehow conveniently in sync with Richard's footsteps so neither Nicole nor Richard will here what they're doing. +1

Anais removes the brick and the entire chimney collapses
Neither Nicole nor Richard hears this. +1

Camera changes to Gumball's flashback
Gumball: Voice-over I'm with Mom. She's locking a suitcase.
Nicole: Shows Gumball the key found in the attic You must never tell anyone you saw this.
Gumball: Gasp It's the key!
There's no way Gumball would be able to remember this. Not only is it an incredibly small and forgettable memory, but kids, around the age of three, undergo "childhood amnesia" where they lose the memories of the first few years of their life (thanks Film Theory!) so it's scientifically impossible for Gumball to still have this memory. +1

Scene changes to Nicole and Richard's bedroom; they are both sleeping, then the door opens and a light shines onto Nicole
Nicole: Yawns What's going on?
Gumball: Standing near the door I had a nightmare.
Nicole: Gumball, honey, you're too old to sleep in our bed.
Gumball looks frustrated and starts flicking the lights on and off repeatedly
Nicole: Alright, just get in.
Why couldn't Anais have done this instead? Not only would it have been way less embarrassing for Gumball, but it also would have been a lot less suspicious. +1

Gumball: AND THIS... Raising up the receipt, where lightning strikes to show the doodle behind the receipt. Anais then gasps IS FOR GIVING US POINTLESS CLUES, LIKE THESE STUPID BUNCH OF DOODLES! Tries to tear the receipt apart
Anais: NO, WAIT! Stops Gumball and looks at the doodles That's no doodle, it's a map! 
This whole episode basically relies on Gumball and Darwin repeatedly accidentally finding clues. +1

Anais: Take my hand!
Gumball: Tries to reach for Anais  I can't see.
Anais then grabs Gumball's face and pulls Gumball and Darwin up from the cliff
There is no way a four-year-old girl would be able to pull her 12 year old brother up from the side of a cliff, let alone him and her 10-year-old brother at the same time. +1

Gumball: Yeah, well, well, that was a very interesting story, Dad. Well done. BUT WHAT DID YOU BUY?!
Anais I'll tell you exactly what it was. He bought a s- 
Nicole: interrupting off-screen A star.
Anais gets a look of shock on her face
Anais: Kneels on the ground NOOOO! Glares angrily at Nicole while she looks on her smugl You stole my thunder!
Hahahahahahaha -1

Gumball: You know what? It's kind of cool that we have our own star.
Nicole: Which one is it?
Richard: Points to a star in the sky There.
How could he possibly know which of the millions of stars was there one? How could you even tell which is which? +1

: You know, that star might not even be there anymore, but its light travels through time and space for millions of years. It's immaterial, and yet it still exists.
Darwin: Kind of like love.
Richard: So in a way, the star is a symbol of our family's love.
Gumball: And it will always be there. Forever.
Awwww -1

Total Sins: 27

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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