EWW: The Hero

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Sigh...Do I really have to rewatch this episode? I mean, c-can't I just skip it? Pleeaaease?!

 No...? You want to see me suffer...? Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhh this is gonna be painful...

Alright, let's get this shit over with...

Gumball and Darwin get unfairly abused/punished/humiliated for an entire episode cliché +2 

Darwin: Sees Masami colored brown What happened to you? You look like a Florida grandma.
Darwin somehow only just noticed this. +1

Richard pulls up in his car and comes out with a paper bag. He listens closely to the conversation
Richard conveniently pulls up just as they have this exact conversation, so he can overhear it and the rest of the episode can happen. +1

They laugh. Richard appears very hurt. Two cupcakes fall out of the paper bag, crashing into the asphalt with a thud. He retreats into his car, crying
...are they trying to guilt trip me into feeling bad for Richard and removing a sin...?

...sigh. -1

The Wattersons' house, dining room. Gumball and Darwin take their seats. Anais is on the opposite side of the table with a plate of cupcake
Gumball: Hey, Mom. What's for dinner?
Nicole furiously slams an unopened package of raw chicken legs onto the table in front of him
Nicole: Chicken and fries! storms off
Gumball: Hm... does this look a little underdone to you?
Darwin: Picks up an unwashed potato with his fork]I think there's something wrong with my fries, too.
Gumball: Can we just skip to dessert?
A cupcake is tossed at Gumball and Darwin. Gumball and Darwin scream as they dodge. A plate is smashed by the cupcake
Gumball: What is wrong with you?!
Nicole and Anais don't even ask Gumball and Darwin for their story or to explain what happened, and with only Richard's side of the story, it makes it seem like Gumball and Darwin were just walking around the playground mallicously slagging off their father to everyone, which, if Nicole and Anais had bothered to actually, y'know,. talk to them, they would know isn't at all what happened. +10

Then, instead of confronting them about the situation and hashing it out they serve them raw chicken and potatoes and throw cement cupcakes at them, because that's totally going to solve the problem, and not cause unnecessary confusion and a possible hospital visit. +25

Anais: Yelling You know very well what's wrong!
She tosses another cupcake at them, and they dodge again
Gumball: What's going on?! Why is dinner raw?!
Nicole: Yelling You know very well why dinner is raw!
Despite making it extremely obvious that they have no idea what they're mad about, Nicole and Anais continue to insist they know what they did wrong. +50

Gumball: Ohhh! That!
Nicole: And he's been hiding in the shed ever since!
Gumball: Quietly Well, at least he can't embarrass us in there.
Gumball suddenly becomes uncharacteristically malicious and hostile toward his father for absolutely no reason, and proceeds to constantly insult and berate him with genuine malice the entire rest of the episode. Not only does this sudden change in behavior make literally no sense, but said behavior is so bafflingly out of character for Gumball that he might as well be a different character entirely. +75

Nicole: Right, that's it! You clearly don't appreciate your parents, so until you apologize to your father, we won't be doing anything else for you! Let's see how long you last!
Gumball: Challenge accepted!
He grabs the the raw potato and eats half of it. Nicole and Anais are surprised
Nicole: Puts her hand out I paid for that potato.
Gumball: Spits out bits of potato onto Nicole's hand I wasn't hungry anyway
....okay. What. In. The. Actual. Living. Fuck. 

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