EWW: The Helmet

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Gumball: You know what? I don't think I'm gonna wear this anymore.
Darwin: Why? I thought it brought you good luck.
Gumball: Yeah, it does, but nothing's fun anymore. See? Watch this.
He causes a chain of lucky events to cause Richard's food to launch into his mouth.
So, Gumball just suddenly has a supernaturally lucky helmet now with no explanation for how he got it or why it makes whoever wears it so lucky? The writers seriously couldn't have at least given some explanation like, I dunno,  it was made from foil bought from the Awesome Store or something. +1

Gumball: Yeah, a week ago, maybe, but now it's just lame. Takes off the helmet and puts it on the table I think I'm gonna throw it out.
So he's had this helmet an entire week and not a single one of them has noticed it or how lucky he's been? How? +1

Nicole: Okay, guys, as impressive as all this is, let's not get carried away. There's no way a tinfoil hat is responsible for --
Despite seeing Gumball's incredibly lucky food catch and Richard getting on the show the literal second he put on the helmet Nicole still somehow doesn't believe the hat is lucky. +1

Anais uses a saucepan and a spoon and makes a dong sound
Darwin: What was that?
Anais: That was the sound of doom for the Wattersons.
Despite being the smart scientific one Anais not only has absolutely no interest in how a supernaturally lucky helmet works but also has no interest in using it to achieve all sorts of major scientific breakthroughs like finding the cure for cancer or a way to stop aging. +1

Richard swaps the bags around and gives Nicole the fake helmet
Richard is a jerk to his whole family +1

Paperball: There's... just one thing. Iaughs You are aware that if you get the job, you won't be able to wear that papier-mâché helmet, right?
The job? I thought this was an interview for a promotion, not a new job. +1

Nicole: I lost my job for it!
Not really. If anything it was her fault she didn't get the job. The interviewers already said the interview had gone astonishingly. If she had literally just kept her cool for a little longer she would have gotten the job/promotion. +1

Darwin and Anais walk up to the dump 
and thus commences one of the only scenes in the entire series with just Darwin and Anais together without Gumball +1

Also, Nicole let the two of them go to the dump by themselves late at night? Not only is this irresponsible of her but it's very uncharacteristic. Only half a season back she was horrified at Gumball and Darwin going down to the gas station by themselves at night, yet she allows this? +1

Darwin: That noise. Sounds like a cat trying to say "snake."
Hahahahaha -1

Darwin: No! It's a man's job. You're — you're just a little girl. The helmet is my burden to carry. You can carry me, though!
Darwin is a misogynist. We don't like misogynists. Misogynists are bad. +5

Anais carries Darwin up the mountain of trash
No way would a four-year-old girl be strong enough to carry her ten-year-old brother up an entire steep mountain like this. +1

Gumball jumps on Darwin to try to get the helmet
Dude why did he hesitate to throw the helmet away? He even had another chance to do so when Gumball was clearing his throat but he just laid there. +1

Anais: Give it up, Gumball! There's two of us! You'll never win!
She says this to him when he is literally holding the lucky helmet. And she's supposed to be one of the smartest characters in the show. +1

Gumball: Laughing evilly You'll never hit me! I'm the luckiest man alive! Laughs evilly
Anais: It's not luck! It's just we can't throw very well!
How is she still denying the helmet is lucky after everything that has happened? +1

Gumball: Laughs evilly Nice try, but now it's my turn. Oh, look -- Points at tennis ball machine a tennis-ball machine.
Anais: Scoffs Good luck finding a power supply for that.
Gumball: Points at generator Oh, look -- Looks at Darwin and Anais a generator.
Anais: Okay, maybe the hat is magic after all. RUN!!
She somehow only now realizes this. +1

Darwin: Pass me that stale baguette.
Anais: Passes baguette to Darwin Why?
Darwin: Don't you worry about it. Just tell Mom and Dad I love them.
Anais: What? But, Darwin, No!
Darwin then hits a tennis ball back to Gumball in slow motion, but at the same time gets hit too, dramatically falling to the floor
Anais: In slow motion No!
Why are they acting so dramatic? He only got hit by a tennis ball. Sure, it'll hurt pretty bad at that speed but it's not as if it'll kill him. +1

The tennis ball knocks off Gumball's helmet
How did this one hit the helmet? Did the luck just randomly stop working for some reason? +1

Gumball: Chasing after the helmet No! No! No, no! NO!! Falls to the garbage crusher along with the helmet
Anais: GUMBALL!!!
Darwin and Anais then gasp while looking at each other, then weep
The show does a fake-out death for Gumball expecting us to believe it. +1

Anais: Listen, Gumball, Panting the helmet is powerful, but it's also evil.
Darwin: Look at what it's done to you and Mom and Dad!
Gumball: But -- but without it, I'm nothing!
Anais: Gumball, we're nothing without you
Awwwwwww -10

Richard drives his speedboat down the road
Why did Nicole let him do this? Seems very unlike her to just let him do something this stupid +1

Also, this speedboat is never seen or mentioned again. +1

Also also, why was this not the season finale instead of The Fight? it would have been so much better, especially stakes-wise with the dramatic final showdown with Gumball VS Darwin & Anais. +1

Total SIns: 14

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Poltergeist (128)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Gi (-12)

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