EWW: Halloween

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So, Allison said last episode that it was June, and now it's Halloween, which means it's been four months since the last episode took place. I'm sorry, but you mean to tell me that in Elmore, one of the craziest towns in the world, absolutely nothing happened for an entire four months? Yeah right! +1

Banana Joe and Idaho are dressed up for Halloween and ring the doorbell of the Wattersons
Richard: Ding dong!
Banana Joe and Idaho: Trick or treat!
The doorbell is actually part of Richard's disguise, as he is camouflaged to blend in with the front of the house
Richard: He opens his eyes, startling the two Trick!
Banana Joe and Idaho run away in fear as Richard bursts into laughter, leaving their treats behind
Alright, that was actually a really smart disguise, especially for Richard -1

Gumball, Darwin, and Anais leave the house
Nicole: Worried And be careful, and be back at seven, okay? Gumball, you're in charge, right?
Gumball: Yeah yeah.
Nicole: Assuring herself They'll be fine. They'll be fine.
Why is she so worried? I mean, surely Gumball and Darwin have done this whole thing many times before, and even if Anais hasn't she's more than capable of handling herself. +1

Also, why would Nicole put Gumball in charge after what happened in The Responsible? Surely putting Darwin or heck even better Anais in charge would be a way better and safer idea. +1

Gumball: Smugly We're not here for trick or treating.
Darwin: Terrified Then why are we here?
Carrie appears in the foreground with a flash, her eyes closed
Carrie: Because on Halloween night, the dark veil that separates the world of the living and the underworld is lifted, and all the spirits come to this desolate house for one–
Gumball: Carrie, we're over here.
Carrie sighs and reappears in front of them
Carrie: 'Cause on Halloween night, blah-blah-blah, all the spirits come to this desolate house for one...reason...only–
Gumball: Loudly To party!
Why would Gumball not have told Darwin about what they were really doing? I mean, he tells Darwin everything. Doesn't seem very like him to keep a secret like that for no reason. +1

Also, Carrie struggles with teleporting to the right place in this episode despite being able to do so absolutely fine in every other episode she teleports. +1

Carrie: I'm sorry, but this party isn't for babies disguised as cheesecakes.
Carrie insulting Anais like this seems a little out of character for her. Sure she likes to joke around and playfully insult her friends from time to time, but outright insulting her best friend's little sister? That just doesn't seem very like her. +1

Gumball: Yeah, she's right. You'd be cramping our style. He picks up Anais and snags the back of her dress on a tree branch You're just gonna have to hang out here.
Anais: Sighs Well, at least it can't get any worse.
A bolt of lightning is followed by rain and thunder. Anais crosses her arms in frustration
Okay, I know Gumball can be a jerk sometimes, but insulting his sister and then abandoning her in the middle of the night, hanging on a tree during a storm?  Gumball would never do something like that, especially not to his little sister. +25

Darwin: What are you doing? You're too young to be drinking mysterious potions.
He says this as if there's any age at which you should go around drinking mysterious potions. +1

Gumball: Well, how come we can see you every day, but we have to take a potion to see them?
Carrie: Duh! Because I was born a ghost. Come on, let's go meet some people. She floats away
Gumball: "What's that stuff? points at bowl of punch
Carrie: Duh! It's ectoplasm. It's what ghosts are made of.
She acts as if all of this should be obvious to them, even though she's never once explained anything about ghosts to them, other than the fact they can't eat, nor that she was born as one. +1

Also, why do they even have drink here? Ghosts can't eat or drink. +1

Also also, even if they can drink this, why would they want to drink the thing they're made of?  Wouldn't that be cannibalism? +1

Gumball and Darwin begin laughing, but stop when they turn into ghosts; their bodies collapse on the ground
Why would Ghost Gumball be wearing his regular clothes? He wasn't wearing them when he drank the potion, and there's no reason for it to randomly change his clothes. Even if there was there's no way it could possibly know what he normally wears. +1

Carrie: Look what you've done! You've completely turned into ghosts!
Darwin: Which means I can finally do this!
Darwin kisses Carrie, who blushes
This goes absolutely nowhere for another three seasons. Not only that, but it doesn't even get mentioned again for another two until in The Scam, but all they did in that was remind us Darwin has a crush on Carrie, tease us about it for the whole episode, then forget about it again until half a season later in The Matchmaker. +1

Also, Darwin needed to be a ghost here to kiss Carrie, despite her interacting physically with Gumball by punching his arm a few episodes back, which means I can finally do this...
...Writers can't decide on the rules of ghosts cliché +1

Gumball: Gasps You know what'd be fun? Being a T-Rex.
Darwin: You take left, I'll take right.
They possess Tina, but have difficulty moving
How comes when Carrie possesses someone they morph and become all zombie ghoul-like but when Gumball and Darwin do it to Tina she doesn't change? +1

Gumball and Darwin run back to the house
Why are they running? Did they just forget that they can fly? +1

Gumball: Anais!
Gumball rushes to Anais, who is now a ghost and being pulled down into a hole in the floor
Wait why is she a ghost now? She only drank a drop of the potion. And there's no way there was enough left for her to drink more and become a ghost either. +1

Gumball: I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I'm your big brother and I should have looked after you and I love you so much!
Awwwwww -5

Carrie: Distressed Come on guys, you can do it! Come on! Come on!
The hole gets smaller and closes up entirely
Carrie: No! No-no-no! No! Noo! She covers her eyes in grief
Show does a fakeout death for Gumball, Darwin, and Anais and expects us to believe it +1

The hole closes, then reopens for a split second, spitting Gumball's pants back out
Why are Gumball's pants real now? They only existed in his ghost form. +1

Squealing tires are heard, and Nicole appears in Cartax. It crashes into a tombstone before stopping. Nicole gets out of the car, slamming the door hard enough to shatter its window
Nicole: Words cannot describe how furious I am! It's gone midnight! What have you got to say for yourselves?!
How on earth did Nicole know where they were? They could have been literally anywhere in town, there's no possible way she could have found them this quickly. +1

Total Sins: 38

Most SInned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So far: The Banana (-13)

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