EWW: The Name

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Gumball: Argh, I can't beat the final boss, man! I'm weak.
Darwin: You're not weak. You just lack upper-body strength, lower-body strength, and mental strength!
So...the exact definition of weak +1

Gumball: Dude, what's the point in learning all these combos if all you need is button mashing?
Eh, you say that now but just wait til you get to the competitive scene. You're gonna NEED to know your combos then +1

Gumball: Aw, man. it's only three letters in the top score. Mm, what do I go with—"GUM" or "BAL"?
Darwin: Maybe go with the least dumb-sounding.
Gumball: You're right. Let's go with "BAL."
Or...you could just do a shortened version of your nickname like 'GBL' or 'GMB'. Still gets across who you are without sounding as dumb +1

Darwin: No. Wait. Why don't you use your real name instead of your nickname?}
Gumball: Great idea! Wait. What is it?
Darwin: What do you mean, "what is it"? What kind of guy doesn't know his own name?
Gumball: You don't know it either, do you?
Darwin: Nah.
Goddamn, how long has he had the nickname Gumball? I mean, he's been using it for so long he doesn't remember what his actual name is. Plus Darwin says here he doesn't know his real name, which we later see is because he already had the nickname when they adopted him,. And waaaay later on we find out that he had a best friend as a toddler who also knew him as Gumball. Like, he must have been a few months old at most when he got it. We seriously need to see the origins of his nickname at some point, specifically who came up with it and how. +10

Place your bets in the comments now though before it's potentially revealed in the future, how do you think he got it, and from who? Nicole, Richard, Granny Jojo, Fuzzy, himself? 

Personally, I'm going with baby Zach sucking on a gumball and either Nicole or Richard saying something along the lines of 'Awwww. look at my little Gumball!' and then having a lightbulb moment and really liking it.

Gumball: I'll kick a crab in the face! And I'll steal a watch from a ghost! I'll eat a beard! I'll marinate a plumber! And when they write about me in history books, they will say, "He did what had to be done to find out his real name."
Nicole: Your real name? It's Zach
One season of hype and theories later and there you go! They dropped his real name just as nonchalantly as they did the reveal of Gumball not actually being his name. 

And I wouldn't have wanted it done any other way -5

Gumball: Whispering Zach.
Darwin: Zach.
Gumball: Yawning Zach.
Darwin: Growling Zach.
Gumball and Darwin: Zaach.
Gumball: Za-a-a-a-ch.
Darwin: Za-a-a-a-ch.
The two of them keep saying "Zach" quickly, back and forth and then contemporarily
Gumball: Zaaaach.
And this is exactly how i would've imagined Gumball reacting to his name! -5

In the school hallway, Zach is jumping around on a skateboard
Zach: Hey, coach, great game last night!
And now suddenly without any transition or build up or explanation what so ever Gumball is now Zach. Like not even some small hint or tease of some switch or change in Gumball on the bus or anything, I mean, the cut is fine but it just feels extremely abrupt and out of nowhere.

I feel like it would have flowed a lot better if the bus scene had go on a tiny bit longer and showed him finding and putting on the shades and/or saying an uncharacteristically jerky remark to someone, and insisting he be called Zach when Darwin calls him out on it, before Darwin makes some remark about the situation looking bad or him having a bad feeling, then cutting to this. The way they did it here just feels...rushed I guess. +25

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