EWW: The Flakers

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Scene changes to the TV where a game is being played, then the camera shows Darwin and Anais playing said video game in the Watterson living room
Since when has Anais ever played video games? +1

Richard: Acts like he's showering and sings, then the phone rings Sorry, I can't talk right now, I'm in the shower.
Unknown Caller: What?
The caller hangs up and Richard continues 'showering'
Nicole walks down the stairs and prepares to go out
Nicole: Don't worry, the dentist said the anesthetics will wear off by the end of the day
What kind of anesthetics causes someone to be this out of it? I mean, what the hell was in them, drugs!? +1

Darwin: Nimble fingers!
Gumball: No it's a- UGH! Rips off his neck brace It's because you flaked out on me yesterday with Tina!
The oven dings, Darwin goes to the kitchen wearing oven mitts, and Gumball follows him
Darwin: I didn't flake, I just didn't help you, because you were wrong to crush Tina's piano dreams.
Gumball: Agh, it doesn't matter whether I was right or wrong, we're practically brothers, what would you say if I let you down like that?
I'm absolutely on Gumball's side here. Even if what Gumball did was wrong, bailing on him and letting him get beaten up like that was a huge jerk move. Because of Darwin, Gumball didn't just get hurt physically but also emotionally too. He was betrayed and abandoned by someone who he trusted with his life, someone who had not once failed to be there for him, someone who stabbed him in the back and destroyed that trust by running away and leaving him to get severely beaten up. Gumball feeling so hurt by Darwin's actions here is completely justified, and Darwin owes Gumball a huge apology. +30

Darwin: Takes out a pan of lasagna from the oven I would say thank you for teaching me a valuable lesson.
What valuable lesson? That he should never have trusted or relied on you? +1

Darwin notices how hot the pan is and starts screaming as it begins to burn his fins
Darwin: WHHAAAAA!!!!!! Hot hot hot hot, come on man, help me out!
Gumball: I would but, I'm too busy teaching you a valuable lesson.
Hahahahaha, I guess Darwin just learned a valuable lesson about karma. What goes around comes around. -5

Darwin tosses the pan in the fridge, but it starts going down, melting every platform. It soon melts through the floor, and continues down into the earth
How the hell is the lasagna hot enough to burn through to the other side of the planet!? And how were Darwin's fins not immediately burnt off!? +1

Anais: Sarcastically No Darwin, I have absolutely no grasp of the incredibly simple concept you've explained eight times already!
Darwin: Okay, let me start from the beginning.
Anais covers her face with a cake and screams

Anais: HOW GOOD IT SOUNDS WHEN YOU'RE NOT WHINING?! Takes a deep breath Now, I'm gonna say it once, if you have a problem with Gumball, you sort it out with Gumball, because this is how much I care. Makes a baby "spitting" face and crosses her arms
Darwin: You're right, I'm gonna speak to him right now!
Darwin drops the sausage and runs home, leaving Anais behind
Anais: No, I meant after the shopping! Ugh! Tries to push the cart, but it barely moves Eh! Eh! Eh! This is gonna take a while...
Darwin leaves his four-year sister completely on her own in the middle of the supermarket. +1

Darwin: Smiles for a moment, then frowns Don't you think you should apologize as well?
Um, no!? Why the fuck should he have to apologize to you for? He hasn't done anything wrong to you. At all. You were entirely in the wrong here, and Gumball owes you shit all. +50

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