EWW: The Virus

288 4 23

Gumball: To Darwin Man, for a paper girl she's surprisingly strong.
Darwin: I think it's more like you're surprisingly weak.
He says this but Gumball was able to carry a computer monitor, a computer case and a printer all at the same time only two episode ago. +1

Teri: Shocked Don't tell me you haven't showered in ninety days.
Gumball: Of course I've showered, I'm not an art student.
Hahahahahahaha -1

Gumball: You don't wash swimming trunks, they clean themselves when you swim. Puts his hands on his chin Right?
I mean, to be honest, he has a point. Like, seriously, who washes their swimming trunks, ever? +1

Gumball: OH MY GOSH, what is that?
Teri: That's my mom. This is her website. She's a doctor.
God damn, how ugly does Teri's Mom have to look to get a reaction like that? +1

Darwin grabs Teri's bottle of sanitizer and rubs it all over himself, growing multiple arms in the process
Darwin: To Teri Can you do my back? Turns and shows his butt to her


...This show made a butt/fart/poop joke for the one thousandth time cliché +20

Teri: Oh really? You do know that the keyboard you just used has more germs on it than a toilet seat?
Gumball sighs and licks the keyboard
..ew. +1

Gumball: Nearly there... just focusing... and... yep. You're right. There's definitely no hair on your butt. Places microscope back
STOP. +20

Gumball: I don't think you'll ever grow a beard, man.
Darwin whimpers
Firstly, what does having hair on his butt have to do with growing a beard? +1

Secondly, they already know that he can grow a beard. He's done it before, in The Mustache. +1

Gumball: Off-screen Dude, she's right! There's a virus. And he's making rude gestures at me with those little tentacles!
How would Gumball know that it's a virus? He's never seen one before. He's basically just taking Teri's word for it and assuming that's what it actually is. +1

Scene changes to the Watterson living room. The kids are on the couch. Each are wearing protective gear: Darwin is in his fishbowl; Gumball has a plastic inflatable ball over his head; Teri is folded inside a clear plastic paper sleeve. Gumball is browsing on his laptop
Hahahahaha, Teri using a plastic folder as her protective gear is genius! -5

Gumball: Gasps An email from free online medication without prescription!
He clicks on it
Laptop: Virus detected. Initiating virus protection protocol-
How on earth is a living virus able to become an electronic virus too? +1

The laptop growls at Darwin, and starts barreling towards him. Darwin screams as the laptop nears, but then Teri charges in and douses the laptop using a mug of water. The laptop's screen turns blue, then shuts down.
Teri coming in with that clutch save! That was some really quick thinking! -1

Gumball: Turns flat and makes a bad impression of Teri You may want to clean up the alien slime on your laser gun. You could get sick from that!
Darwin: Turns flat and imitates Teri as wel] I always carry my intergalactic antibacterial gel in case I need to interfere with people's lives.
Both of them snicker
Teri: Turns around, revealing she was facing sideways, making her basically invisible I'm right here, you know!
Gumball and Darwin scream
Gumball and Darwin: Sorry...
Teri: Could you at least look at it?
The boys do not respond. Teri sniffs, and draws a tear on her cheek
Gumball: Sighs Alright, whatever.
Gumball: Shh, what's that sound?
Scene changes to the shed. A rotary saw blade flies out the door. Gumball and Darwin duck. They look down, and Gumball gasps. Teri appears to be decapitated.
Gumball: Teri... are... you okay?
Teri does not respond
Gumball: She's not answering.
Darwin: I think it's for the best. 'Cause if she tried to talk, she'd sound like-- Makes gurgling sounds
Gumball: kneels and begins to sob I'm so sorry, Teri. I shouldn't have made fun of you...
Awwwww, all these moments throughout the episode again prove that deep down, even if it doesn't seem like it,  Gumball
genuinely does care about all of his friends, and hates seeing them upset.  Wish we had seen more of his caring side sometimes, even if just a little bit. -15

Also, the show does a fake-out death and excepts us to believe it cliché  +1

Gumball: Panting That was close. We should be safe out here, there's no electrical stuff.
The lawnmower bumps into a parked car. A wave of electricity washes over the car and it starts. The virus' face appears on the car's sat-nav
Sattnav: System online.
The Virus laughs evilly
Gumball: Oh man, he's mutated again!
How can a virus even infect a car? There's no electronics or "system" to infect, other than the sat nav inside, but that wouldn't allow it to actually control the car. This makes absolutely no sense. +1

Virus: I hope your body is ready, because I'm gonna turn it into a cesspit of pain. Not just regular pain, it will be a seven-course banquet of pain. There will be a starter of suffering, a fish course of torment, and excruciating dessert! And just when you think you're full, you'll be served... a coffee and biscotti of misery!
Gumball simply steps on the Virus, producing a "squish" sound and subsequently ending the episode
Gumball just straight-up murdered someone. +1

Total Sins: 29

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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