EWW: The End

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Darwin: Can you think of any better way to spend our lives?
Gumball: Dude, I can't even think... Is my heart still beating?
Darwin checks if Gumball's heart is beating and they get worried, because it doesn't seem to be. Luckily, in a couple of seconds it starts beating
Gumball and Darwin: Sigh
Dude, if your heart is taking that long to beat, you need to go to the hospital. Like, NOW. +1

The following words are heard as they switch channels
TV message: Listen! Darwin switches TV channel Gum! Again Ball! Again The world... again will end in twenty-four hours, so... Last switch look for the signs! Gumball and Darwin look surprised
Darwin somehow perfectly timed changing TV channels to conveniently get this exact message which leads the entire rest of this episode to happen. TL;DR, The entire plot of the episode relies on a 1-in-a-million coincidence. +20

Gary: The end is near! The end is near! The end is near! The end is near!
Gumball and Darwin look at each other worriedly as the bus leaves
Yet another very conveniently timed event to lead Gumball and Darwin along the plot of this episode +5

Anton: Sings happily, but slowly stops and looks at the birds around hi] What? Fearful You want my sandwich? Here. You can have it. Throws the sandwich to the birds; one of the birds eats it Please let me go!
All the birds fly to Anton and he screams
Gumball: Okay, there's something going on here
They see a weird message on TV and someone screaming about the world ending and think nothing of it, but when they see birds consume their toast friend, which for birds is a pretty normal thing, that's when something weird is going on? +1

Gumball and Darwin: Twenty-four hours?
Gumball: What exactly happens in a solar eclipse?
Bobert: The sun will be engulfed by the moon and the world will be thrust into complete and unnatural darkness.
This is the most terrifying and unnatural way he could have explained this to them, again for plot convenience. I mean, I get he's a robot,  but surely he could have worded his explanation in a less terrifying way. Like, I dunno, 'The moon is going to cover up the sun briefly, and everything will become dark for a few seconds'. +1

Gumball and Darwin: We're doomed! Doomed! Both run away scared
Bobert: Looks how they leave I'll take that as a yes.
...Why? +1

Darwin: Dreamily Well, I guess what makes me happy is helping other people who are less fortunate than ourselves due to circumstances beyond their control.
Awwwwwww, this is so wholesome! -1

Gumball: Darwin! There is no future! We need to make the most of it right now! Not listening to some baboon drone on about algebra!
Penny: Whispers to Gumball Uh, Gumball, this is biology.
Gumball: Oh, who cares?! It won't matter in twenty-four hours! Kiss me, Penny.
So, this is the first of many, many instances in Season 1 and 2 where Gumball or Penny make their crush for the other obvious in front of each other, yet absolutely nothing comes of it for seemingly no reason. Which is why I'm introducing...

Gumball/Penny make their love for the other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere cliché +1

22:10:12. School's Hallway. Both Gumball and Darwin have finished their detention
Gumball: Okay, on second thought, spending three hours on detention wasn't the best use of our time.~
He says this, but the timer says it's only been 20 minutes since the last scene +1

Checks his watch I'm gonna be late for my wedding now.
Darwin: Wedding?
Gumball: Yes, Darwin. My wedding.
Gumball and Penny are getting "married," Banana Joe is the parson, Darwin and Masami are their godparents and Molly and Carmen are the witnesses
Again...Gumball/Penny make their love for the other obvious but it somehow goes nowhere cliché +2

Penny: And finally, this is not a wedding ring. It's a bagel. You know what? That shouldn't stop you from asking me again in twenty years. Kisses Gumball on his cheek and leaves
Twenty years? They'd both be thirty-two by then. Seems way later than it needs to be. I mean, just ten or so seems like a more realistic time frame. +1

Gumball: It's just something I've always wanted to do. So, Mom, under normal circumstances, how long do you reckon I'm going to live for?
Nicole: Well, your grandfather lived to be a hundred and two. So I wouldn't worry, sweetie.
She says this but we later see that both of his grandfathers are still alive. And sure, she could just be lying for some reason,  perhaps because her and Richard don't want the kids to know or ask about either Frankie or Daniel, but if that's the case it's never explained in the show, which means this is just a continuity error now. +1

Gumball: Hmm, that's at least ninety more birthday presents. Mom, I'd like to make you an offer you can't refuse. I wanna combine all of my birthday presents in one manageable lump present... Cheerfully so can I have a pony after dinner?!
Since when has Gumball ever been interested in ponies? +1

Gumball: All right. I was going to spare you guys, but okay. This morning, the TV spoke to me. And here's what it said. "Dark times are upon us."
This is not at all what the TV said. +1

He relates it to the family, everyone looks at him puzzled but Darwin who nods in agreement It burns everything it touches to ash." So, basically, there's gonna be the solar eclipse, and... it's gonna be the end of the world.
After a moment of silence, Anais and Nicole laugh and leave
Instead of comforting her obviously distressed sons and reassuring them that this isn't true and that they have absolutely nothing to worry about, Nicole instead just straight up laughs in their faces and walks away. TL;DR Nicole is a terrible mother sometimes. +10

05:03:55. Richard, Gumball and Darwin are in the family car
It took just under 8 hours between dinner and going to the store? How? +1

Security Guard: Hey, no running in the supermarket.
Richard: Okay, let's race walk!
Richard, Gumball and Darwin are race walking along one of the supermarket corridors
Darwin: This is pretty effective.
Richard: Well, it's an Olympic event, you know
I'm...surprised Richard knows something like this. He can seriously be surprisingly smart sometimes. -1

Gumball: Look, Dad, the self-service aisle.
03:57:21. Richard tries to scan a can of corn~
Machine: Unexpected items in the bagging area.
Tries again
Machine: Please try scanning it more slowly.
Tries again
Machine: Insufficient scanning speed. Please try scanning faster. Richard tries again A little bit faster. Does it again A little bit faster. And again A little bit faster. And again Scan successful.
Richard: Yes!
Machine: Item unrecognized.
Richard angrily throws the can at the machine, but it bounces back and hits his head
Richard: Ow!
Machine: Unexpected item in cranium area. Please rescan.
He does it
Machine: Insufficient scanning speed.
Richard: Screaming AAAAHHH!!
I don't know who wrote this scene, but self service machines are not at all this annoying or frustrating. Plus, how could it possibly have know that the can hit Richard in the head? +2

Gumball and Darwin: Gasp Noooo!
The boys get out the toilet and quickly lock the door
How did he lock it from the outside? The lock is on the inside. +1

A huge shadow starts to cover the city, everyone who sees it is impressed
The Moon: Passing in front of the Sun Duuude, you just got mooned!
The show just made the first of many, many, MANY  butt jokes. +5

Also, they watched this without any safety glasses and were still somehow fine +1

Total Sins: 55

Most Sinned episode so far: The Third (59)
Least sinned episode so far: The Responsible (29)

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