EWW: Early Reel

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So, not how you thought I'd bring back the EWW series right? Well, I thought that, since I finished my Season 1 remasters, it'd be fun to go back and do this short pilot episode both to get back into the swing of things and simply for completion's sake. 

A quick note before we start: Yes I know this was made years before the actual series, but I'm gonna sin it as if it were a proper episode anyway as it's just more fun that way. Though since it isn't an actual episode It won't count towards the Most/Least sinned scoreboard that's usually at the end. Essentially youi can consider this a fun bonus episode separate from the main series.

So, with that out of the way...let's begin!

Gumball: Okay, buddy, today's the day we break outta school. Their plan is written on the ground As you can see, I've simplified the plan. It is now foolproof!
This is the simplified plan!? If this is the simple version then what on earth did their full plan entail? +1

Also, the show from the very beginning portrays Gumball as being smart enough to come up with this entire plan...only to then change their minds and portray him as really stupid in the series proper. Or the first season of it anyway. Bro's be nerfing Gumball before he even properly got out of the gate! +5

Gumball: And you know what to do, right?
Darwin: Right!
Gumball: Ready?
Darwin: Ready! Err... Ready for what?
And here we have the exact opposite. In this we have Darwin being portrayed as really stupid, to the point he can't even remember a plan that was just told to him, only for his intelligence to be increased to be on par with Gumball's in the actual series. Though in this case is probably for the better actually. I mean, could you imagine the series if Gumball had to baby along Darwin the entire time? -5

Gumball: Sighs Never mind. Whistles Hey, T-Rex! Throws a steak Tina goes for it
'Hey T-rex'? Why would he not just call her actual name? I mean, I get they probably hadn't named her at this point IRL, but in universe, it doesn't really make sense to just call her by her species when he knows her name. +1

Also, why would she just blindly run for a random piece of meat? Surely she's not so animalistic that she'd just ravenously eat a random slab of meat off the ground? If that were the case surely she'd just attack and eat Gumball as well right? +1

Tina pulls on a rope tied to a merry-go-round that Carmen is on, causing it to go so fast that Carmen flies off
How did they manage to tie a rope to Tina's tail and then tie that to the merry-go-round without her realizing it? +1

Also if Tina had moved forward slightly at any point she would have felt the tug on her tail and the entire plan would have been ruined. But somehow she conveniently didn't move at all until right now. +5

She flies into and pops Alan,, who Masami was about to kiss, making her cry on Leslie
So they had Alan and Masami as a couple here, dropped it in the main series despite having an episode about Masami trying to find a boy to kiss, and then brought it back offscreen and replaced her with Carmen instead in Season 2, leaving Masami single for the entire rest of the series so far. God damn Masami got done dirty. +5

This makes him suddenly sprout up and hit Rocky, knocking a bunch of pollen loose from him and making Rocky sneeze
Water-making Leslie grow rapidly was a really creative idea, one I'm surprised they haven't used again at any point. Would have made for a funny gag where he grows so someone can climb up him to get somewhere. +1

All of Leslie's petals are blown off and he covers himself in embarrassment whilst Teri is also blown away into the girl's bathroom,
Why did he cover the bottom of his stem if his head is the part that's now exposed? +1

All of Leslie's petals are blown off and he covers himself in embarrassment whilst Teri is also blown away into the girl's bathroom,
So Teri is male in the early reel, then for some reason, they inexplicably changed him to be female in the series proper. I guess that could lay the groundwork for the the idea of Teri being trans...which is awesome! -5

Though, the show has so many characters that could potentially be LGBTQ (Gumball, Leslie, Teri, Rotten Cupcake) that I'm surprised that haven't just gone ahead and confirmed some of them yet. +1

The girls inside scream and throw him into a wastebasket outside, the weight causing the basket to be weighted down
There's no way a ball of paper alone would be heavy enough to weigh down the basket like this +1

Banana Joe: After falling on the floor I'm okay, I'm okay! Hector steps on him, causing him to slip backwards
Gumball: Get ready to taste freedom!
Okay, so Gumball's plan hinged on everything happening exactly as he expected it to. If even one of the aspects had been slightly off, like Banana Joe landing somewhere else, Ocho flying in a slightly different angle, Teri blowing in a different direction, etc then the entire thing would have been ruined. And the chances of everything going exactly as he planned it up to his point are so astronomically low that you have a higher chance of looking out of the window and seeing a pig fly by than it going as successfully as it did. +20

Gumball and Darwin: Woo-hoo!
They are catapulted, but they crash onto Hector's butt. Banana Joe laughs at them
Gumball: Eh, could've been worse.
Hector tightens his butt, making Gumball and Darwin kiss each other. Gumball and Darwin scream

Are you serious? They couldn't even get through the first fully animated piece of Gumball media without a butt joke? Seriously!? God damn you, writers! +100

Total Sins: 133

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