EWW: The Skull

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Clayton: bouncing of the walls OW OW OW OW OW!Lockers fall to the ground, Clayton spits out water and nervously chuckles then the lockers spontaneously catch on fire, and the fire alarm goes off
Wha-where did that fire come from? +1

Nigel Brown
: Could one of you boys please explain how $20,000 of damage was caused in the space of 30 SECONDS?Gumball, Darwin and Clayton are seated in chairs, all wet; Gumball and Darwin are still in their towels
They some reason went to Principal Brown's office dripping wet and in their towels +1

: Ah well I you see what happened was um... we... um-
Why didn't he just immediately throw Clayton under the bus? I mean, it was his fault, and Gumball usually wouldn't hesitate to pin the blame on someone else, especially if it actually was there fault. And before you say anything he could easily come up with an explanation to avoid admitting they were trying to avoid getting a shower. Inn fact, Ms Simian already knows they were so there's no point in trying to hide it anyway. +1

Clayton: Interrupts Gumball I think what my friend was about to say is... voice becomes deeper We got a guy trying to steal from the lockers and we had a fight. Voice returns to normal I was like DROP THE WALLET PUNK and he was like BANG BANG! And I was like POUND POUND! So I threw him across the room and locker went SMASH! And he was just about to pound me when my boys Gumball and Darwin came out of the shower and the three of us trashed him so... he jumped out of the window and ran off.
Lucy Simian: Goes up in Gumball's face And what did this guy look like?
They believe this. I mean, not only is it an obviously fake story, but Ms Simian was there, right outside the door. She could hear everything that was happening, so would know that no such guy was there. +1

Clayton: What? Because I lied? I did that for us, because I thought we were friends now. We are friends, right? Looks at Gumball and Darwin with big eyes
Gumball: Fine! Only if you promise not to lie.
Clayton: Raises hand Scout's honor!
Gumball: You've never been a scout, have you?
Clayton: Nnnnoooo...
Gumball: Yells Okay! Last chance starting now!
Clayton: Hugs Gumball Oh you won't regret this! Bounces away Come on, let's go!
Since when is Gumball so against lying? +1

Cuts to the school exterior, then into the cafeteria. Gumball, Darwin and Clayton are laughing while eating lunch. Gumball tosses a chicken leg into his mouth but chokes. Darwin and Clayton look around frantically for help, but Clayton instead issues the Heimlich maneuver. The chicken leg flies out of Gumball's mouth and into Miss Simian's mug, right when she is about to drink it. Gumball, Darwin and Clayton laugh. Clayton is awarded a medal by the nurse as the other students clap. Gumball, Darwin and Clayton execute a high-five
Scene cuts to the hallway, where the trio are walking. They see Tina roaring at Anton, who then holds out a dollar bill. Clayton jumps in front of Anton and glares at Tina, who roars in response. Clayton jumps on Tina and squeezes her shoulder, and she stiffens up before falling unconscious. Principal Brown awards Clayton another medal, and they all laugh
Cuts to a classroom. In the front with Gumball and Darwin, Clayton is mixing chemicals in a beaker. The chemicals form a crystal
Gumball and Darwin: Oooooooh.
Clayton places the crystal on his forehead. The scene cuts outside, high in the air where Clayton is seen flying towards the camera while carrying Gumball and Darwin. The camera freezes as they are right in front of it
Clayton: And then, they gave me another medal! The scene cuts to the school bus, Clayton is sitting next to Penny
It was all a dream cliché. Extra sins here since the show mocks other shows for doing this exact cliché in a later episode. +5

The scene cuts to the exterior of the Wattersons' house, then to Gumball's shock collar
Gumball: Electric shock collars?
How on earth would kids their age be able to obtain shock collars? +1

Darwin: Your turn. Is it true that when you were coming back from having your appendix removed...
Gumball: Whispers Please don't do this.
Darwin: And, you said you were still woozy from the medicine...
Gumball: Come on man! Clenching teeth You said you'd never bring this up!
Darwin: You.... kissed... SUSSIE! Holds out a photo of Sussie
Gumball: Sighs Just do it. Gets shocked
It's implied here that Gumball has kissed Sussie before, but later on this same season in The Storm when Carmen asks him to kiss her he says that he always thought his first kiss would be with Penny, implying he hasn't kissed anyone before. So which is it? +1

Clayton (Disguised as Darwin): Gumball... I've been thinking-
Gumball: I thought you were at the dentist.
Clayton (Disguised as Darwin)gets surprised and holds up his right cheek I, uh... I was.
Gumball somehow isn't suspicious of this. +1

Darwin transforms; it was Clayton in disguise. Clayton sees the real Darwin and transforms into Gumball then Darwin walks up, holding his right cheek, to Clayton in Gumballs form.
Darwin somehow didn't see Clayton transform, despite only being slightly off-screen when he did. +1

Clayton: Hey who's this? transforms into Banana Joe, jumping around with 2 milk cartons Haha! I'm a banana milkshake!
Gumball and Darwin: laughing
Gumball: snickering This is so much funnier than when Banana Joe does it.
How? This basically is Banana Joe doing it. +1

Banana Joe turns to the camera with a sad face, a tear falling from his eye, and the song Vesti La Giubba plays in the background
Hahahahahahaha -1

Clayton (as Principal Brown): I see no need for punishment. You've told the truth and that's what's important. We should never speak of this again. Now run back to class and don't forget to make up with Clayton!
They somehow aren't at all suspicious of this, even though Clayton made it extremely obvious it was him at the end. +1

Lucy Simian: You know, the kid we suspended for smashing up the locker room. [looking at Clayton in disguise seductively]
Clayton: in disguise with his own voice shocked HE'S REAL!? clearing up his throat and into Principal browns voice ...uhhh I mean, what?
Ms Simian somehow didn't hear Clayton speaking in his normal voice, nor is she suspicious at how 'Principal Brown' is acting. +1

Gumball: sarcastically Yeah, sure. The skull guy that I made up actually exists.
Gumball would be good at CinemaSins. I mean seriously, the chances of this are ridiculously low. +1

Clayton: Okay, time to put the skeleton back in the closet.[Gumball pulls the trigger, firing Clayton towards Razor, who flinches, then the whole screen stops like a clip
Clayton: and then Razor exploded into million pieces cuts into the principal's office where Gumball, Darwin and Clayton are sitting in their chairs while Clayton tells the whole story and then the army showed up and they gave me a medal and-
It was all a dream cliché. Again. +5

Total Sins:

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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