EWW: The Pressure

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Molly, Carmen, Carrie, Teri, Penny, Masami and Leslie are inside Molly's new treehouse
Molly: So what do you think of my treehouse, girls?
Molly specifically addressed everyone as "girls" even though Leslie is also there. +1

Leslie​​​​: I love what you've done with the bathroom.
The "bathroom" is a hole in the floor with a roll of toilet paper next to it
Wait so...she just does her business into the hole and onto the lawn? How are her or her parents even remotely okay with that? +1

Masami: Laaame! You don't watch boys, you kiss them.
Everyone but Masami: Surprised What?!
They're somehow surprised by this. They're all 12, with the exception of Carrie who's 327, this should not at all be a surprise to them, especially not to Carrie. +1

Masami: Hold on! Don't tell me you don't have boyfriends. You do, Molly, right?
Molly: Uh, sure I do! You don't know him, though. He's way older and... he's in high school! Smiles
They believe this +1

Teri: Well, my boyfriend is so old that he doesn't have a babysitter!
Everyone but Teri and Masami: Wow!
They're impressed by this, despite the fact all of them are old enough to not need a babysitter, thus they would be as old as she is. +1

Carmen: Well, mine's so old, he stopped wearing braces!
It...doesn't work like that. You don't just stop wearing braces when you reach a certain age, you stop when you don't need them anymore +1

Carrie: Well, mine is so old that he doesn't even have teeth. Flips her hair
Everyone looks awkwardly at Carrie
Why are they disgusted about that? She's 327, for her that wouldn't be that weird. +1

Camera changes to the boys. Gumball gets up and cracks his arms, back and neck
Gumball: Did Penny see my stunt?
Banana Joe: Don't tell me you wanna impress those... those... those... perfumed sissies!
He says this despite knowing full well that Gumball has a very obvious crush on Penny. I think the answer is pretty obvious. +1

Banana Joe: Let's make a pact, right here, right now. Pals before gals! Extends his arm
Darwin and Tobias​​​​: They put their hands above Joe's Pals before gals!
Tobias would never agree to something like this. His entire character is trying to get with any girls he sees and failing. +5

Molly: So, your turn to tell us, Masami. Do you have a boyfriend?
Masami: Nervous Yeah, he is... it's... it's... Looks through the window Darwin!
Everyone but Masami: Darwin?!
Masami: Yeah, he's great because... he's got legs and, you know... a head. Fakes a smile
She expects them to believe this. +1

Tobias​​​​: Wait, wait, wait! Let's make a blood pact! Tries to use a stick to make a wound in his hand, but he cannot
Gumball, Darwin, Banana Joe and Tobias are together; Tobias is still trying to make a wound in his hand
How is he still going at this? It must been at least a few hours, if not the next day depending on if the previous scene was in the evening or early morning. +1

Masami: Hello, sweet cheeks.
The boys: Surprised WHAT?!?
Carrie: Oh, c'mon. He is not your boyfriend, Masami.
Masami: Ha! He so is. Look. Hold my book, boyfriend. Gives a book to Darwin
She's still trying to get them to believe this, even though she and they both know it's very clearly not true. +1

Masami: I'll show you how he likes me at the treehouse.
The girls leave while laughing
Banana Joe: I can't believe it. You, you, you... girl-lover!
Gumball: It's always the quiet ones.
They accuse him of being with Masami even though he screamed 'WHAT!?" in confusion with them, and was clearly confused when she handed him her books. +1 

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