EWW: The Plan

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Gumball: Where are they?! Where are they?! Where are they?!
Anais: Is it really that important?
Gumball: Of course it is! This is Krupoch the Barbarian! An action figure is shown in Anais' hand Without his weapons he's... Krupoch, the weird dude who hangs out in furry underpants and looks like he's angrily trying to shake hands with people.
Anais: Like I said, is it really that important?
Hahahahahahaha, the sass! -1

Nicole: What are you doing spreading trash all over the grass?
Gumball: Uhh... recycling?
Nicole: Raises an "eyebrow" Really?
Gumball, Darwin and Anais: Nod Mmhmm, mmhmm.
Nicole: Oh, then I guess it's alright. Enters the house
Nicole believes this very obvious excuse. +1

Anais: Tsk. Sigh We should've seen this coming. She's a great mom, who wouldn't want her? We have to do something before that guy steals her away!
Awwwwwwwwww! -1

Gumball: Sits up I've got a plan! Faints yet again
So, here we have the main premise of this episode. The kids coming up with and going through a plan to save their Mom from Daniel Lennard. Not only is this so god damn adorable, but it also leads to a whole episode full of great moments of bickering and bonding between the three the entire episode! My heart can't take the adorableness! -100

Gumball: First, Darwin uses his man voice to call Mom, pretending to be her boss and tell her that she has to go in to work...
Darwin: Hello, this is your boss from the place you work--Nicole runs out of the house
Gumball: When she leaves the house, we hack into her email, and send a message to Daniel Lennard posing as her to get him to agree to a secret meeting in the park tonight. Then we steal some of Mom's clothes, THEN, we break for lunch, I'm thinking burrito... THEN, we sneak out of the house with the clothes and cross town to the park. Once there, you will tell Daniel Lennard that he's in danger...
Anais: You are in danger, Daniel Lennard.
Gumball: And that Mom is a horrible carnivorous monster, and you are the survivors of her previous family. Then I'll attack in disguise of Mom, A shot of Gumball in Nicole's clothes, screeching as he pops out of a bush scaring him away forever. Boom!
The fact Gumball came up with this whole entire plan in a matter of seconds just shows how smart he really is. Love the writers finally giving him some recognition! -10

Darwin: Hello, this is your boss from the place you work. We needed you to come here right away or you're fired!
Nicole: Why? What's going on? Is it the Kobayashi account or is it the infrastructure problem with the throughput outflow?
Darwin: Unsure of what to say again Uhh...
Anais appears behind Darwin and puts him back together just as he explodes
Anais: Whispers Turn the page!
Darwin: Flips the page It's so serious I can't discuss it over the phone, bye!
Nicole gasps and runs out of the house
They expect Nicole to actually fall for this. +10

Gumball: Pops out from behind a nearby bush Then I get to the computer
Nicole's bedroom door swings open and Gumball enters cartwheeling into the room, back-flips onto the bed, spins in mid-air landing on a handstand, somersaults forward, and leaps over the chair into the seat and begins typing
Gumball: Haha!
Back in his bedroom, Gumball is pantomiming typing while making clicking sounds. Anais and Darwin are watching him unconvinced
Anais: Come on, let's be real for a minute.
Nicole's bedroom door swings open and Gumball enters attempting a few cartwheels, jumps onto the bed face-first, rolls off the side, tiptoes over to the computer, tries to climb over the back of the chair, and then resorts to ballet twirling around it and hops on it!
Ahhahahahahahahaha! -10

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