EWW: The Banana

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Gumball: Chews on his pen My brain is amazing. When I find something boring it actually prevents me from hearing it. Mr. Small keeps talking, but falls asleep
Them showing Gumball chewing on his pen at the very start of the episode is such a subtle but genius way of foreshadowing the twist at the end. It's so obvious if you've seen the episode before, but at the same time, it's so easy to miss if you haven't. Props to the writers/animators. -5

Gumball: Inhales sharply Can I borrow your glue, please?
Banana Joe: Yes, of course. Gives glue to Gumball But don't go chewing on it! Laughs
Gumball: Laughs
In the classroom, Gumball is puncturing the glue tube with a pencil
Why does he care so much about Darwin's pen? It's just a pen. Yeah, Banana Joe supposedly chewing it is totally not cool, but this is definitely an overreaction. +1

Banana Joe gets stuck to a bunch of objects
Okay, glue is not this sticky. +1

After a few seconds of silence, Darwin jumps off his chair, flips the hourglass, splashes the water at Mr. Small, shows the mirror to Banana Joe, smashes it, and clenches his fins
Banana Joe: Screams
Darwin: Come on, you googly-eyed punk!
It seems super out of character for Darwin to ever get this mad, especially to want to physically fight Joe. Like, he would never want to outright attack someone, no matter what they did. +1

Mister Small​​​​: GEEZ LOUISE!
Hahahahaha, my reaction exactly! -5

Banana Joe: I didn't chew your pen, honestly! But, I bought you a new one, Pulls out pen because I myself have a pen of great sentimental value.
When did he have time to buy a new pen? +1

Mister Small​​​​​​​​​​​: You seem a little stressed up guys, you wanna try my herbal infusion? [Drinks some] It's very good for the nervaallll... Trails off; his pupils dilate
Gumball: Mr. Small? The tea pours out
Darwin: Yo!
Gumball: Right, come on. They run out of the room
Mister Small​​​​​​​​​​​: Woooohooo!
Is...is he high?! On a kids show?!  +1

Banana Joe walks to his locker whistling to admire his pen. Gumball and Darwin are chasing him very quickly, plowing down several classmates and school staff as they go. Despite this, Joe gets to his locker first and finds his pen. Gumball and Darwin try to turn around and walk away while Joe is "mourning" his pen, but he catches them before they get far
Okay, this whole sequence was super cool. Really made this feel more intense than it actually was. -3

Banana Joe: Coughs What happened?
Gumball: Groans You kicked our butts like a beast, that's what happened.
Banana Joe: Awesome. Oh, hehe, I mean, I'm sorry, how did it ever come to this?
Darwin: It's our fault, Joe. We didn't know it was your family pen.
Banana Joe: Well, Obadiah Banana always said that nothing was lost until you lose a friend, and I don't want that to happen to us.
Gumball: Cries That's really lame.
Darwin: Group hug?
Awwwwww -5

Total Sins: -13

Most Sinned Episode So Far: The Fridge (687)
Least Sinned Episode So Far: The Banana (-13)

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