EWW: The Party

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Students: Yay! A high school party, and we are all invited!
and thus begins Rachel's one and only major appearance in the entire series. +1

The students look at the camera, all in horror, apart from Darwin who is confused. Then, everyone but Darwin runs off screaming. Darwin eyes the rest, then looks back bewildered
Darwin: What's a date? Walks in the direction of where the rest ran off, and calls them Hey! What's a date?
He says this despite basically inviting Gumball on one when he was creepily infatuated with him in the dress +1

Also, writers make Gumball and/or Darwin uncharacteristically stupid cliché +1

Bobert: Rises Date, D-A-T-E, social activity undertaken by two people to assess their suitability for a relationship. Lowers, then rises again and tells another meaning of "date" It is also a fruit that makes you poop. Lowers back again
This show made a poop joke. I mean know it's factually true, but still...

This show made a butt/fart/poop joke cliché +20

Darwin: Hey! What about Penny?
Gumball: Aw, Penny?
Gumball looks at Penny while she's holding her tray laughing. He sees her through a crush filter
Gumball: Off-screen Oh, no, no, no. I just like her as a friend.
He expects Darwin to believe this. +1

Gumball's pupils are shaped like hearts and his tongue is hanging out
Darwin: Why are your eyes shaped like hearts?
Gumball: Allergies!
Hahahahaha -5

Carrie is shown eating a sandwich
Gumball: Off-screen Carrie... She's got spirit...
A piece of sandwich falls off Carrie's body onto the floor, Carrie is shocked
Why was she surprised by this? She KNOWS she can't eat food. There was an entire episode dedicated to that fact. This should not have come as even remotely surprising to her. +1

Teri is shown laughing
Gumball: Off-screen Teri. Nicely drawn features...
Teri turns her face to the right, making herself nearly invisible
Gumball: Off-screen But a little flat.
Wow, I didn't think Gumball would care about something like a girl's bre-oh, wait, he meant the fact that she's 2D!  -1

A paper plane suddenly appears and lands on the green food
Darwin: What's that?
Gumball: Opens the paper plane and reads the question written on it "Would you be the jelly in my peanut butter sandwich?" Mmm...
Gumball imagines two slices of bread with peanut butter but without jelly
Imaginary Bread: What do you say, Gumball?
Gumball: Nah. No, thanks. I already ate. Crumples and throws away the paper plane]
I get that she was trying to be cute, but surely Penny must know that Gumball isn't the brightest, and is very innocent, so would almost definitely have not understood this. +1

Plus, how exactly is he supposed to respond to this? She didn't sign it, so even if he had said yes he wouldn't have known who to send it back to. +1

Gumball​: Hey Masami, wanna be my date? You're not really my type 'cuz I usually like attractive girls, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

Masami strikes Gumball with lightning and flies away. Gumball screams and coughs
He is somehow fine after this +1

Banana Joe and Carmen pass by while holding hands
Banana Joe: Haha! Date fail! Come on, Prickles, let's roll! Runs off with Carmen
Considering what we later see you would have thought that Carmen for sure would have gone with Alan. I mean, she and Banana Joe basically never interact. This was a pretty weird pair to go with. +1

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